Du Yuesheng has a few madams all one's life, what kind of final result do they have again?

Du Yuesheng, once the legend character of Shanghai beach, one of 3 magnate of Shanghai, lifetime is complex and bizarre, much appearance is colorful. The lifetime of his this legend, altogether married 5 madams, it is big madam Shen Yueying respectively, 2 madams Chen Guoying, 3 madams Sun Peihao, 4 madams Yao Yulan, 5 madams Meng Xiaodong.

We will see the life final result of these 5 madams of Du Yuesheng together.

Big madam Shen Yueying

Big madam Shen Yueying, it is Suzhou the daughter of a businessman, get married in sheng of 1915 Yu Du month, the Du Yuesheng at that time still is the person of one under one's name of Du Gong house only, the madam Lin Guisheng that this marriage is gold flourish is chaired hold those who do, the opium of Shen Yueying suck after marriage becomes addiction, crouch on the bed to smoke opium everyday, du Yuesheng is right this also have no alternative, can stay at a respectful distance from sb. After that, shen Yueying can'ts bear loneliness be being mixed cousin Fu Fanglin is extramarital, be met by chance by 4 madams Yao Yulan of Du Yuesheng, told Du Yuesheng.

When Shen Yueying dates again with Fu Fanglin, a car that do not have a card bumps to them 2 people, fu Fanglin lower limbs breaks down, shen Yueying by captivity commit suicide after 10 years.

Shen Yueying was not borne all one's life, final adopt a child, it is cornstalk Du Weifan.

2 madams Chen Guoying

Right 3 Chen Guoying, right 4 Sun Peihao

2 madams Chen Guoying, suzhou farmhouse female, family circumstances poor, at that time year only Chen Guoying of 15 years old works in the nightclub by Du Yuesheng settle on, marry to it subsequently, gave birth to 3 sons, it is Du Weihuan, Du Weihan, Du Weining respectively. Follow later Du Yuesheng went to Hong Kong, because be in what Hong Kong and Du Yuesheng produce quarrel to contend for, one anger taking Du Weihan and Du Weining two children returned Shanghai, final life is very embarrassed.

3 madams Sun Peihao

3 madams Sun Peihao, call the sister's daughter of Su Tan's Xiao Guisun, 16 years old are married Du Yuesheng, gave birth to two sons for Du Yuesheng, du Weibing and Du Wei are close. Followed to go to Hong Kong along with Du Yuesheng after that, after Du Yuesheng is dead 1951, sun Peihao is far walk along England, on century 90 time die.

4 madams Yao Yulan

4 madams Yao Yulan, she is well-known Beijing opera actress, be born in Beijing act art old and well-known family, married 1928 at that time already Du Yuesheng of 42 years old, was born for Du Yuesheng two child two female, du Weishan, Du Weisong and Dumeiru, Du Meixia. He is the dry daughter of aperture madam Song Ailing, the boudoir that also is Mrs. Jiang Song Meiling is sweet, 1951 Du Yuesheng dies of illness after Hong Kong, yao Yulan helps coffin change one's dwelling house of the husband up to live to Taiwan, during this, song Meiling and Miss Kong Er take care of mother of their orphan few time and again, die of illness in the 80 time of last centuries at Taiwan.

5 madams Meng Xiaodong

Meng Xiaodong, one's previous experience the old and well-known family of the operatic circle at Beijing, once was old love of Mei Lanfang, the boudoir of 4 madams Yao Yulan is sweet. Can say Meng Xiaodong and Du Yuesheng can go together finally, with Yao Yulan matching is not divided, du Yuesheng can say to Meng Xiaodong is adore long already, got married 1950 eventually, the Meng Xiaodong that prouds all one's life, also be had true a home to return to.

Ever saying before Du Yuesheng is mortal is must not let her act in a Chinese opera again, meng Xiaodong because this one word, lifelong acting in a Chinese opera. After Du Yuesheng is dead, madam of the first month is on Hong Kong, because of its relatives and friends is in after Taiwan, turned by Hong Kong 1967 change settles to Taipei, because emphysema and heart disease disease are sent,died 1977.

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