You Wen exposing to the sun is about to sign " new C collect " ! Or else pays to rise in price: 12

Spain " A Si signs up for " , Italian media " football market " latest news, youwentusi is in at present " new C collect " precede in Felix's contention, him Felix has been willing to join in You Wen, latest news is: Zhou Er, chief inspector of You Wen sports Fabiao - Paladiji will be overcome with phenanthrene benefit this meeting of agent Men Desi, turn with respect to the player can come to an agreement.

You Wen exposing to the sun is about to sign " new C collect " ! Or else pays to rise in price: 120 million Europe rises 200 million Europe

Men Desi is trying to help Felix implementation joins in Youwentusi's dream, although emperor horse also wants to sign this " new C collect " , but had said before Felix, he hopes with his God C collect fights side-by-side. But the penalty due to breach of contract that the biggest now question depends on Felix, the contract that at present Felix blocks with Ben Fei exists the penalty due to breach of contract of a 120 million euro, benfeika hopes to promote 200 million euro penalty due to breach of contract even! "Black inn " as expected not general!

You Wen exposing to the sun is about to sign " new C collect " ! Or else pays to rise in price: 120 million Europe rises 200 million Europe

To You Wen for such club, believe they can be a young player to be bungled very hard piece 120 million - 200 million Europe such turning membership due. Before Portuguese " the contest signs up for " message, benfeika rejected Youwentusi to drive the quoted price of rejection 75 million euro last week, probably, this is You Wen most begun psychological price.

You Wen exposing to the sun is about to sign " new C collect " ! Or else pays to rise in price: 120 million Europe rises 200 million Europe

Of course, benfeika ask a price of such all over the sky, because,be Felix now too fire. Year only 19 years old, cap magic is finished in the competition that phenanthrene benefit restrains Ben Fei of final of 1/4 of cup of Si Zaiou couplet to block 4-2 Frankfurt, become the cap magic player with the youngest field of Europe league matches. Horizontal sky of Felix is born let a person remember in those days C collect, base of this Portuguese nation exceeded league matches to come on the stage 20 times in Pu nowadays, hit into 10 balls, and secondary attack 5, in addition he parts in Ou Lian cup and domestic cup contest are hit into 3 balls to mix 2 balls, can say omnipotent.

You Wen exposing to the sun is about to sign " new C collect " ! Or else pays to rise in price: 120 million Europe rises 200 million Europe

The message says, besides Youwen and emperor horse, include much Ma Jing, more special, graceful couplet to be in actually angle this talent star, actually Benfeika's behavior tells the external world it seems that, such quote of 75 million Europe does not deliver again, should take away take 120 million euro directly, wait for new contract to be signed otherwise, taking this talent player is 200 million euro! For this, you Wen had made the move, zhou Er, chief inspector of You Wen sports Fabiao - Paladiji will be overcome with phenanthrene benefit this meeting of agent Men Desi, turn with respect to the player can come to an agreement. Blame article fan, can await another talent patiently join in.

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