[think before the class] 1. Make money what is the fastest gold investment tool? 2. Can is the gold that lever invests derived article -- how are gold futures and gold T+D operated? 3. What does the dot of similarities and differences of gold futures and gold T+D have? How does investor choose? [this period introduction] make money what is the fastest gold investment tool? It is OK of course the gold that lever invests is derived article -- gold futures and gold T+D. Gold futures and gold T+D use bail to trade, can lever of have the aid of " with small gain big " , support two-way trade, can do also can do more empty; But the market that they dog is different, specific trade regulation has difference, and trade cost rate is different also. They are the optimal edge tool that professional gold fries the home, also be audacious person dangerous game. If you had had certain gold to invest experience, want to try lever really model gold trades breed, the content of this class does not want to miss. [text] hello, it is here " week relying on chart teachs you to cast gold " series course. I am author of institute of money ear fortune Zhou Zhouyong relying on chart, in this series course, how does everybody become my general church gold invests. In attending section class we explained the investment method of gold fund, at present China invests the fund of gold market to have QDII of gold ETF, gold, the fund of gold ETF join that the investor outside still having convenient field additionally shares. Gold fund dispute often suits the gold that average investor participates in to invest a product, doorsill low, liquidity is strong, trade fare is low, if just want to configure assets of a few gold, investing gold fund is very right choice. If you had had certain gold to invest experience, oneself risk preference is taller, the risk bears capability is strong, want to try lever model gold trades breed, I recommend the gold futures that matures quite at present and gold T+D to trade. Gold futures since after Shanghai futures exchange rolled out gold futures 2008, gold futures investor of home is added gradually much. The gold futures of our country is the gold price with international gold market to trade of mark futures contract, the gold price that invests this product to need to pay close attention to an international market closely so is fluctuant, and want incident of the international politics that seasonable understanding can affect golden price, economy, go because of what these incident may affect international gold price at any time situation. In our retrospective course, will specific all sorts of elements that negotiate influence gold price. With the stock investment should open an account to stockjobber similar, undertake gold futures trades need opens account to futures firm. With show futures is different, our country is done not have invest a doorsill to participating in gold futures to establish from superintendency level, futures firm also won't have special demand to opening an account commonly, for instance metaphase futures and badge business futures express to Id and bank card can open an account instantly, do not have distinction with the investment of other goods futures. Gold trades platform good and evil people mixed up, the normal platform that gold futures trades is normal futures firm, at present our country has company of more than 100 futures, their list can be in " association of Chinese futures trade " check on the website. Http://www.cfachina.org/ sets according to Shanghai futures exchange, 1 hand is gold futures 1000 grams, use bail to trade. With bail 10% , gold price 270 yuan / the gram is exemple, trade skill gold futures needs 270 Ⅹ 1000 Ⅹ 10%=27000 yuan. Nevertheless bail standard is floating, above all Shanghai futures exchange is met give futures firm level of certain earnest money according to the fluctuant circumstance of gold price, next futures firm adds a few to nod on this foundation again, decide the scale of bail with individual investor. Current, the scale of cash deposit of gold futures minimum that Shanghai futures exchange sets is 4% , the scale of individual investor earnest money of metaphase company is 11% . Gold futures executes T+0 to trade, can buy that day namely sold that day. And use much air two-way trade, can do already rise in price through gold more make money, OK also oversell makes money when golden price drops. How does oversell make money? When you tomorrow of judgement gold price will drop when, can borrow futures contract sells with fair value piece, if the price dropped as expected, can buy agreement complete a business transaction with low in the market, earn price difference; But if rose in price, be about to buy agreement to have complete a business transaction with higher price, can appear at this moment deficit. To seasoned investment, gold futures became much a kind of profitable means, but the investment element that needs a consideration is more also, the risk is bigger also. Common for, the gold that alleged futures buys tomorrow with bail namely trades agreement, when agreement is quick when expiring, no matter how the price should make the same score a storehouse according to contract agreement. When investing a stock if stock price dropped, can choose not to cut the flesh, wait to break up this when. But futures expires to must make the same score a storehouse, if err direction, devoted bail deficit. So futures investment must notice a storehouse position control, take enough earnest money, if had been played,use up grain when need increases cash deposit otherwise absolutely, without money can be made the same score forcibly storehouse. Because gold futures is mark with contract of international gold market, invest with paper gold so identical, 21-24 is nodded in the evening is trading gold time, be European market at this moment afternoon dish with America market in the morning dish, it is prices wave motion is the biggest, participate in when capital is most. Futures of international market gold is 24 hours trade, but offer 3 to trade only everyday in domestic futures firm period of time. It is 09:0 respectively0-11:30, 13:30-15:00, 21:00-02: 30, just rolled out 2013 among them in the evening the night after 9 o'clock dish trade to be on guard to investor risk of of the previous night is very significant. T+D of gold T+D gold is the agreement of a kind of standardization that rolls out by Shanghai gold exchange, be called again " accurate futures " . Trade in futures firm with gold futures different, at present T+D trades to be able to undertake in the bank only. Where is T+D what meaning? T is the abbreviate that English trades, d is the abbreviate of delay, t+D trades with respect to the delay that is gold. How to understand delay to trade? In over-the-counter trading once trade,reach, have the complete a business transaction of capital and objective immediately, but some moment investor do not want to have complete a business transaction immediately, want to be in what did not come to adjourn one of these day complete a business transaction, then gold T+D with respect to emerge as the times require. Like futures, gold T+D also is to use bail to trade, investor can choose to had complete a business transaction that day, also can adjourn till the cows come home complete a business transaction. When because be in,future has complete a business transaction, buy via often can appearing on the market and sell the amount that give different, contradict to stablize this kind of market, t+D traded to introduce again give the idea that delays cost. The amount that if was bought that day,enters is more than sell the amount that give, empty square to pay with all possible means give delay cost; If sold the amount that give to be more than the amount that buys that day, with all possible means to just pay for nothing give delay cost; If transaction amount is equal that day, do not need to pay give delay cost. If the bargainor delivered the goods that day,200 kilograms of gold go to Shanghai gold exchange, and buyer can buy 100 kilograms goods only, so 100 kilograms when gold comes out more did not clinch a deal, just pay everyday with respect to need for nothing extremely give delay cost. Give delay cost how to much want to hand in? Computational method is the amount that maintain a warehouse is multiplied with that day settle accounts price, multiply again delay cost rate in order to give. Give what the standard of the rate that delay cost wants him reference to open an account bank, for instance of the Construction Bank is extremely. As similar as paper gold, investment gold T+D needs to open an account in the bank. The earnest money that Shanghai gold exchange provides to the bank is 7% , each bank adds a few to nod on this foundation, to the bail of 9%-14% of individual investor collection. Its bail scale great majority wants than gold futures below the circumstance a few taller, namely leverage slightly low, because gold T+D is to dog,additionally domestic gold trades the market, trade quantity, vivid jerk is inferior to dogging the gold futures of the international market. Of gold T+D trade time and gold futures are similar, it is night only dish begun time is early a hour, from in the evening 20: 00 to 2: 30 ends. Trade active time also is in the late evening. Hear here, is gold T+D what trades after all breed? We can understand it to trade at over-the-counter trading and futures for interpose the investment product between, choose when investor that day it is over-the-counter trading when complete a business transaction, when investor choice delay trades, it is belonged to long-dated, perhaps call futures to trade. But complete a business transaction of because it is OK infinite delay, investor is OK oneself decide to maintain a warehouse how long, unlike futures must undertake making the same score a storehouse in formulary date euqally, so the risk of gold T+D wants under gold futures. Gold T+D also is cast since skill, every hand 1000 grams, according to 14% bail scale, 270 yuan / computation of gram gold price, need 37800 yuan of ability to participate in investment. The same point that gold T+D and gold futures sum up gold T+D and gold futures simplier and differentia. Bit more identical: ? Use bail to trade, can lever of have the aid of " with small gain big " . ? OK and two-way trade, can do already much, make money when gold rises in price; Also can do empty, make money when gold price drops. ? Belong to gold to derive article, the risk is high, trade more complex also, the investment experience with rich need and taller psychology bear ability just suits to participate in. ? Use T+0 to trade, can short line operation, business has inside a day. Differentia: ? Dog the market is different, gold T+D trades to be rolled out by Shanghai gold exchange, face domestic gold to trade the market trades; Gold futures is rolled out by Shanghai option market, dog international gold market goes situation trade. ? Trade regular and different, gold T+D does not have the specific time that make the same score a storehouse, OK and infinite delay trades, but need pays give delay cost; Gold futures must make the same score a storehouse in formulary date, once bail does not complement to go up to be able to be faced with,make the same score a storehouse forcibly, the risk is bigger. ? Trade charge is different, of gold futures trade cost rate wants than gold T+D low, hand in cast more active also. Summary is in this class, I told two kinds of more mature gold of domestic to derive article -- gold futures and gold T+D, compared the same point between them and differentia. Although we learned the gold investment of high risk to taste on the class, but these content still can't let abecedarian play turn derive article trade complexly logistic, more it is the rich sex that lets everybody understand gold to invest and flexibility, be in for us yellow in trading, accumulate experience, ceaseless into rank offer train of thought. We will tell class playing a part the issue that gold sends surely, does gold suit to be cast surely? Is gold cast surely cast surely with fund what distinction to have again? This section class arrives here, acknowledgment listens! I am Zhou Yong, issue section class adieu.
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