Does BBC uncover secret climate what is calefacient truth? Calefacient reason exposure has global cl

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In the 4th month 2019, many citizens complain in succession, this weather go up suddenly ignore go to the fields is too fast, wear short sleeve yesterday, cover cotton-padded jacket now. More the netizen speaks this air temperature is " full 30 decrease 20, full 20 send 10 " . Recently, BBC filmed newest newsreel " climate changes: Fact " , uncover the truth that secret climate changes, state the time that leaves the mankind is not much really.

Does BBC uncover secret climate what is calefacient truth? Calefacient reason exposure has global climate what is bad to affect

In BBC newsreel " climate changes: Fact " in, a camera lens gave 16 years old Swedish girl Greta Thunberg. She escaped 2018 the class sits in entrance of Swedish parliament building, demand government handles climate issue, she the remonstrant action of a person caused chain effect, the presentation still is made in TED later, became " climate protests a favourite by sb in power " .

American expert discovers, most greenhouse gas is use by the sources of energy cause. The carbon dioxide discharge capacity that concerns with oil and natural gas occupies the 80% above of greenhouse gas. In the meantime, economic growth also drives climate to change in indirect ground.

What the sad news of the death that climate change place brings thinks than us, what understand should get badly much. The amount of strong rainfall incident increases ceaselessly, glacier is ceaseless melt, sea level rises subsequently. At the same time World Health Organization (WHO) express, climate change can cause a few healthy problems, for example respiratory system disease, increase have skin cancer, cataract, heart and vessels and apoplectic risk, still can increase the insect to transmit kind of disease to wait a moment. According to statistic, the whole world may have 38 thousand senile population to die at high temperature, 48 thousand person dies at diarrhoea, 60 thousand person dies at malaria, 95 thousand children die at hidebound.

To reduce the carbolic discharge capacity of each countries, world leader signed Parisian climate agreement 2015. A few days ago, main Central Bank also is paying close attention to the whole world climate changes, allege venture of climate influence banking. Climate change has brought disastrous consequence, everybody needs vigilance to rise.

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