The United States issues global prohibition again, forbid Russian military plan to head for beautifu

The United States issues global prohibition again, forbid Russian military plan to head for beautiful backyard, the delegate boycotts more than 10 countries on the spot

According to Russia media coverage, after occur for the first time of afterwards United States announces Iranian army is horrible organization, the United States continues to overturn again the political power of Venezuela. However the United States is right of Venezuela overturn not to succeed at present, those who be in Russia is strong intervene below, not only carried much equipment to Venezuela, still expedite army to protect Maduluo's security directly, let the United States cannot be used assassinate and block forces give in of Ma Du collect. Accordingly, the United States gave already quickly " caustic is enrolled " , the Russia plane that asks all countries must not allow to fly to Venezuela adopts territorial air, otherwise the United States will undertake punish to its. The United States still refers U.N. to undertake discussion directly at this point, most nevertheless country is right this kind of American rude behavior and the act that violate other state sovereignty express indignation, although American ally also did not support the United States, the delegate that has a few states even protests from banquet American hegemony acts.

The United States issues global prohibition again, forbid Russian military plan to head for beautiful backyard, the delegate boycotts more than 10 countries on the spot

And this offers to also be not all countries to did not agree, mediterranean Xiaoguo Malta supported the United States offer, already right the right of territorial air of Malta of innocent passage of Russia military plan issued a prohibition, not only reject Russia military plan to descend Malta turns a supply, reject Russia military plan to in the sky pass Malta even. Although still can undertake change trains in other country besides Malta Russia, but United States of direct go and seek refuge with sb caused Malta the intense dissatisfaction of Russia, expedited many warship to undertake to Malta extensive force is detered directly, in order to protest the behavior of Malta.

The United States issues global prohibition again, forbid Russian military plan to head for beautiful backyard, the delegate boycotts more than 10 countries on the spot

As we have learned, russia slants as the Northern Hemisphere boreal country, want Venezuela of country of the South America in flying to, need spans thing hemisphere and hemisphere of north and south, generally speaking from Russia western entering Caribbean through mediterranean and Atlantic is the shortest distance, even if also needs the range of 10 thousand kilometer so, although the strategic bomber of Russia need not undertake supply flies directly,go to Venezuela, but the most transport of Russia cannot hold to so far range, need midway has oil plants supply.

The United States issues global prohibition again, forbid Russian military plan to head for beautiful backyard, the delegate boycotts more than 10 countries on the spot

Russia is to pass the Malta with mid mediterranean to have supply previously, but Malta rejects provision of Russia military plan now, rangeluosi can seek other terminal only. Although Russia has martial base in Syria, but Syria does not have enough fuel, not little even goods and materials still needs Russia to carry, because this Russia can choose only a few at peaceful environment medium middle east country and North Africa country undertake replacing, for instance the country such as the Algerian.

The United States issues global prohibition again, forbid Russian military plan to head for beautiful backyard, the delegate boycotts more than 10 countries on the spot

The expert expresses, the action of Malta is to be in pair of United States to had been shown apparently very, but this displeased Russia at the same time, and the distance of Malta distance Russia is less than the United States far, this means prospective Malta to need careful below the pressure with enormous Russia ground to act. And the United States is right the action that Venezuela takes before this is not successful, although the United States has passed monetary bribe many Venezuela officer, but army of this not cloggy Venezuela still is faithful to Maduluo, if time continues protraction, of this pair of United States overturn for the action more difficult, and the United States hopes to force give in of Ma Du collect through block originally, but the ceaseless aid of Russia, this one plan that allows the United States also goes broke, prospective United States interfered Venezuela come true harder.

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