Severe check! Experience of these websites, APP fizzles out to return somebody to transmit children

This year 1 to in March, the whole nation in all put on record is investigated " sweep fizzle out dozen of blame " case 1079, among them criminal case more than 130, experience network case 541.

The whole nation " sweep fizzle out dozen of blame " the office is in charge of like-minded introduction, bawdy pornography information is current blow focal point, first quarter, "Sweep fizzle out dozen of blame " the branch uses literature of frequency of network direct seeding, nearsightedness, network, socialization from severe punish group group, " two small one aspect of the matter " wait for platform to transmit behavior of bawdy pornography information, investigated and deal with sb large quantities of one networks are made stoutly yellow, peddle yellow, send yellow case.

Severe check! Experience of these websites, APP fizzles out to return somebody to transmit children pornography video unexpectedly

The whole nation " sweep fizzle out dozen of blame " the office reports typical case 6 cases

On April 18, the whole nation " sweep fizzle out dozen of blame " the office chooses " only network " " protect a young animal " in the action 6 investigate and deal with sb obtain significant progress, already did a form or investigate terminative typical case to undertake a bulletin, exposure is relevant details of a case, awe is illegal element, vigilant industry operator and practitioner.

Typical case one

Zhejiang beautiful water plum the person such as some makes such-and-such, Chen Mou transmit bawdy article to seek profit case

In April 2019, group of case of beautiful water city makes a thorough investigation of entire details of a case, arrest guilty suspect in succession 8, include to guide oneself act oneself make carry out the prime culprit plum of bawdy video is such-and-such with Chen Mou some; Capture is bawdy video more than 10, find out experience record amount more than yuan 700. Substation of developing zone of economy of public security bureau of city of case Youli water reported a case to the security authorities according to masses in November 2018 detect of put on record does.

Via checking, came 2016 during 2017, li Mou Chen Mou of some in collusion with some with " storehouse elder brother of this C young, briefs, 91 presidents " wait for name, film bawdy video undertakes selling. Since October 2017, li Mou some in collusion with old such-and-such, Chen Mou, Lin Mou the server outside the person hire condition such as some, open 91B1 bawdy website, in order to sell the form such as member, VIP full a cost gains profit. Zhao such-and-such, Zhu Mou the person such as some films bawdy video undertakes adding close hind, upload to the net dish, repass 91B1 website sells. This case transmits bawdy video in all more than 100 thousand, buy personnel to amount to 100 thousand more than person, distributing to reach area of condition other place in each district. 2018 the end of the year, case group is seized in and other places of Guangdong, Heibei early or late plum such-and-such, Chen Mou 4 prime culprit such as some. The near future, case group seizes Zhao in and other places of Shandong, Hunan, Guangxi such-and-such, Zhu Mou the 4 people such as some.

Typical case 2

Guangdong Shenzhen " fast alluring woman " nearsightedness frequency APP transmits bawdy article to seek profit case

In March 2019, mechanism of public security of Shenzhen dragon hillock detects this case, eradicate the experience with a giant dimensions platform of yellow nearsightedness frequency, hunt down frequency of 110 thousand bawdy nearsightedness, criminal detains 26 people.

Via checking, "Fast alluring woman " APP professes " adult edition trembles sound " , since the line on October 2018, the page reachs the means that browse to all be imitated " tremble sound " , but transmit frequency of bawdy pornography nearsightedness only. Operation person still roll out promotive measure, award uploads the user of bawdy video to platform. Up to case hair, register an user nearly 3 million, existence of many 1000 user uploads bawdy video behavior. Operation gang is expended through advertisement of collection gamble website, participate in share out bonus, build gamble website to operate oneself bet bureau, reap bet endowment wait for means, had gained profit ten million yuan. On March 23, police of Shenzhen dragon hillock is in city of 15 ground of countrywide to spread out control a network, arrest guilty suspect 26, the active user that includes operation of technical development, software and part to transmit bawdy video. Current, this APP is closed down lawfully, the case is being dug greatly further in.

Severe check! Experience of these websites, APP fizzles out to return somebody to transmit children pornography video unexpectedly

Typical case 3

Guangxi expensive harbor " 6 · 29 " transmit bawdy article to seek profit case

In Feburary 2019, this case moves send procuratorial work mechanism to examine sue. In June 2018, go on a tour of inspection of office of public security of expensive harbor city discovers some netizen is suspected of transmitting bawdy video clew inside area under administration, satisfy put on record to investigate.

Via checking, afore-mentioned netizens are " Pymai " the total representative of bawdy video website holds customer service concurrently, division of labor of group of this website management is clear, the organization is close, the gang is main more than 10 people of member, get offline representative 100 much people, involve the country such as 20 province of countrywide and Malaysia, Singapore. The gang carries website and small letter group of group union commit the crime means, already expanded a membership 50 thousand more than person, experience record amount more than yuan 1300. By 2018, case group is begun unified capture the action, arrest guilty suspect in succession 16 people, the 14 people such as Gu Mou are arrested lawfully, the bawdy pornography video that sequestered server stores more than 50 thousand, demolish use 3 at transmitting the atelier of bawdy pornography information.

Typical case 4

Shanghai grows peace " cherry direct seeding " APP transmits bawdy article table

January 2019, go on a tour of inspection of network of peaceful substation of director of Shanghai public security discovers the apple has partial experience yellow APP inside shop of mobile phone application, among them " cherry direct seeding " APP is most popular.

Via checking, there is hundreds name daughter inside this APP advocate sow be engaged in bawdy performance and transmission the activity such as bawdy video, watch a number to count a person, experience case capital 10 thousand yuan about a hundred. Scout of early days of classics of group of case of substation of public security length peace, evidence is secured after waiting for a large number of jobs, head for the Duodeshi such as Chongqing, Hunan, Guangdong to apply capture, current, capture experience case personnel successfully 43, all already criminal is detained, the case does in farther detect in.

Typical case 5

Anhui the 6 collect that bring a page " 8 · 19 " transmission experience record of minor bawdy video

In March 2019, this case already by to sue of procuratorial work mechanism. In August 2018, mechanism of the 6 public security that bring city discovers in the job, the name is " too community " the website transmits bawdy video and picture.

Via checking, this website builder is Qi Mou some, the server is in abroad, have register a member 3000 more than person, there is bawdy video on the website 2000 more than ministry, picture more than pieces 8000, partial video and picture involve minor. Public security mechanism seizes Qi Mou in all the guilty suspect such as some 3.

Typical case 6

Shandong talks about a city " bud girl " video of pornography of forum transmission children seeks profit case

August 2018, according to the whole nation " sweep fizzle out dozen of blame " the office turns do handhold, talk about city and mechanism of public security of county of in relief cereal to be begun quickly investigate, uncover this case, seize Liu Mou of main crime suspect.

Via checking, since July 2017, liu Mou connects take on lease of firm of science and technology of network of cloud Gang Mou through Jiangsu the server outside a condition, build " bud girl " forum is trafficced, video of transmission children pornography, expand a membership in all 130 thousand more than person, pay cost member 400 more than person among them, seek profit more than yuan 70 thousand. Current, this case already turned over procuratorial work mechanism to examine sue.

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