[story] family scandal: The mother is annoyed constantly, what I am a family is cowardly feel ashame

[story] family scandal: The mother is annoyed constantly, what I am a family is cowardly feel ashamed

[story] family scandal: The mother is annoyed constantly, what I am a family is cowardly feel ashamed


, I discover the childen's garments of style of a police uniform in embroider basket of mom, as if one find out treasure. Hit oneself after putting on this dress, I also do not agree again. Count a Queen of heaven, father is between my waist admire pistol of a toy. I am wrapping around this body actor's costumes is in alley child in swagger through the street, see the person says: "Stop, must not move, moved me to shoot again. Moved me to shoot again..

My ambition is to make a public security. Accordingly, I always am longing for the somebody in the relative is public security, such I know real public security with respect to visibility, touch bout true gun.

This desire is a makes princes and dukes case after 3 years alarm help me come true.

My home and knot of princes and dukes are resulted from 1996 spring end. I 4 aunts serve as the suspect that traffics a woman, be locked up to be in the detention house of the county. The mother is the lawsuit of 4 aunts to go around campainging for a cause, appeal everywhere like the fly that do not have a head, bend uses up property, full day washs a face with the tear. I hope so that princes and dukes offers " inside information " , let a mother see a few cent hopes.

In the narration that is full of devoir in the mother, princes and dukes ases if is the existence like the god, tall weight, manoeuvre among various political groupings, be able to achieve success one way or another, omnipotent, save my home in extreme misery. Even if is blaming the parent in short when, the mother also does not forget to pull princes and dukes, "What be afraid of, princes and dukes is in, see them what still dare say. See them what still dare say..

My Mom tells me, he is public security, the officer is become in the detention house, let me call him princes and dukes.

In those days summer, first time of princes and dukes visits my home. He is wearing the old man unlined upper garment that was fizzled out by dip of sweat be soiled, the leather shoes that touched mud some are out of shape, the body is frail and stoop, hair boundary line almost hind moved braincase supports, the appearance of Wei bank body in imagining with me and brilliant appearance incompatible greatly. He is shorter than my pa half build, what shoulder also does not have my pa is clement.

"So, do you have a gun? " I 8 years old indissoluble the ground asks. When talking with him, I am to use Chinese word, cannot think of, this one casual act, it is unexpectedly in the future he gives speech before my face profanatory my Mom is buried issued fusee.

"Ah -- " his nose gives out groan, not express an opinion.

He keeps a straight face all afternoon, tacit, it is only in the process of my Mom complain tearfully, now and then with Miao Yu ground of clean-fingered Yan Xiao inserts on a few words:

"Do not worry, we have an eye to look, the prime culprit of this law case is not your younger sister. The prime culprit of this law case is not your younger sister..

"This thing, public security stands in you here. Public security stands in you here..

"Your younger sister is taught bad by her teacher. Investigate and deal with sb the person of law case and I am ripe, I had told them the circumstance. I had told them the circumstance..


After saying these, he gives counsel to my Mom again:

"Shift charge to the teacher body of your younger sister as far as possible. "Shift charge to the teacher body of your younger sister as far as possible..

"I can employ a relation, introduce a fierce lawyer to you. Introduce a fierce lawyer to you..

"Do not feel distressed money. No-go place, can appear personally by me. Can appear personally by me..


My Mom believes, nod again and again express one's thanks to, appreciate tears 0. To facilitate princes and dukes " dredge concerns " , I a live frugally, often send a smoke expensive tea to princes and dukes.

That day, princes and dukes still kept an a letter from home for my Mom, condemn the uncle in native place. One's early years, the grandfather cold-shoulders deficient of my Mom home, my pa and my Mom elope another county, buy a house without money, outer all the time hire a room to live, also have not returns old home. That streak, the uncle sold the house that belongs to my pa in native place, mean my home to do not have a root thoroughly.

After been write, princes and dukes was read with sonorous and decent sound, in article " not know what's good " " act as a tyrant " wait for expression, let my Mom exclamation again and again the boldness of princes and dukes and talent. Before this, my pa has not fallen 10 times to draft this a letter from home, fail to make my Mom satisfactory.

Because not be native, our home is in this prefectural socialization is very narrow, want lean princes and dukes. Acknowledge for the watch, father persuades princes and dukes to stay to have dinner, he did not eat. Chela of princes and dukes just went, my Mom criticizes my pa not to grow an eye, "See princes and dukes will also do not fry a few good food. Of this white soup white water, he how agree to eat? Play a memory length a point. Play a memory length a point..


This the beginning of the year autumn, princes and dukes visits my home the 2nd times. Weather is a little shady and cool, a lot of people still are wearing summer short sleeve, princes and dukes wears the long sleeve police uniform with very straight a suit, combed sleek big back head, leather shoes also is brushed Cheng is brightly.

Will string together the 6 husband's mothers of 3 aunt of the door not less in the home. I sit in the courtyard to see father kindling fire. Father bare is worn arm child, show the double arm that brawn Qiu writtens guarantee, each ax goes down to break off brawny firewood into two half. Sweat fluid the tendon that goes up along his body child the flesh is become become a ground to drip come down.

"You come over. " princes and dukes mystery calls me into house, from the gun is taken out between the waist, "Are you to want to see true gun? Nuo. Nuo..

I had received a gun, sink so that carry almost not do a hand's turn, the heart thinks: This can be true gun, can bloodguilty plays meaning. Everybody is being grabbed look curious, the gun is in groups big between delivering. Father is holding firewood in and out in the arms, not buy one word, also did not stop wait-and-see, see to firearms be used to is not strange already it seems that.

Return hand of princes and dukes when the gun in when, princes and dukes is pointing to the insurance by pikestaff to say: "Put out this, the gun can be used normally. " finish talking, he puts out insurance, lift a gun to take aim the bulb of head upper part, the person that is present muzzle tend again, do not no hurry unbearably the ground says: "Is the letter believed? I should buckle trigger only now, bullet can be shot, dozen wear your head. -- " many people are frightened to get look ashen.

"This fun leaves to be not gotten. " my Mom says seriously partly banteringly, "Still had collected the gun. "Still had collected the gun..

Laugh of princes and dukes is filled with be filled with the ground to take out clip, one dial a bullet, a place of strategic importance of one by one takes clip in, want to show through this one movement oneself are right it seems that of firearms familiar. I am opposite for an instant this its appearance not the old man of raise ignites revered passion, chasing after him to run everywhere, ask this asks that. "How can you just become public security? " " can public security drive plane tank? " " meeting what gest? " " can you take an emmagee to come next time? " " can you take an emmagee to come next time??

Princes and dukes did not answer me instantly, play the part of the look that gives a pair of have a well-thought-out plan however, take me to the place of the nobody in the courtyard, reply one by one a moment ago my problem, "Driving plane tank is the basic skill of our public security. We should be shut centrally every week involve a practice small meritorious service is amiable result... "

"Instruct me two court. " my beg path.

"These kongfu can be national secret, besides public security, alien cannot drill. " finish talking, the one cut firewood on ground of his pick up, erect go up in stake, the ax that raises my pa demandingly is broken off go down, firewood was not cleavaged, the point that is ax instead is seamed in bavin by card in, he expended very great strong gift to pull out come.

"Did not touch ax for ages " , he abandons ax, measured ground says, "When we practise our skill, even if how bilge again make water, cannot midway runs toilet, can carry hair work only, turn make water into sweat, force from pore come out. Force from pore come out..

"If bilge Where is excrement? "If bilge Where is excrement??

"Excrement also can become gas to come out from the platoon in pore. Qigong is very fierce. Qigong is very fierce..

I let him demonstrate qigong. His in sad earnest crouchs next bodies partly, extend both hands, make preparation send the pose of result, stop immediately next, receive a palm to hold an arm in the arms, with the say of tall person making a group outside a pair of world, "Be no good, once send result, the house near this, wall may be defeated by shake. The country has a regulation, the kongfu of these top-secret can be used when capturing bad person only, cannot reveal at will at ordinary times. Cannot reveal at will at ordinary times..

I entreat him to perform a paragraph of small meritorious service, was rejected by him likewise, "Reveal undeserved, injury and innocent. Because learned our light skill secretly,Li Lianjie is, just enter famous hall in moviedom. Just enter famous hall in moviedom..

Listened to these, the ground runs back to my excitedly in house, princes and dukes can bare-handed the message that breaks off stone, leap onto roofs and vault over walls tells house the people in. Princes and dukes is faltering a short while, enraptured ground speaks of the experience that he fights with the gangster in the train. Tell about in his in, he does not expend one gun to be played with a suit gest, taller than him the two build, a burglar who makes his way into a house over walls and roofs that hides snickersnee of more than 10 handles personally was subdued. Whole tussle process, be just as alarm of bandit drama fight climax. He still mentions the appalling murder that ever produced in the county, almost of every picket case detect, have his meritorious service.

3 aunt 6 mother-in-laws hold his breath after collect listens angrily, look at each other in speechless despair, hand in a mouth to praise, reveal between utterance admire extremely to his. Princes and dukes is in so alley child in became famous person, every time alley of by way of child, passionate accost tone always is all the way follow at sb' heels is worn him.

After this, my parents invites princes and dukes to come for many times have a meal in the home, he all did not agree, it is alley child sit several times when domestic door holds local villain week concurrently to suckle to arrange a meal, he does not fall.

My Mom sometimes acetic meaning is sent greatly, resentment ground talk about again and again: "Build bilk our home to know princes and dukes, now, these alien surpass our home with the relation instead of princes and dukes.

Although week grandma is a bit two years old longer than princes and dukes, but maintain proper, charm still is put, the face declare publicly with trenchant outline is worn is a beauty embryo when she is young child.

Her husband obtains forcible rape put in prison before one's early years, children goes out dozen went all out, remain only she and foolish the son depends on each other in the home. When inviting princes and dukes to go to her home having a meal every time, she always can send my home daughter's son of 4 years old, let me take grandson have fun, oneself drink with princes and dukes. Drink an in part occasionally, the door was shut. Grandson of at one's convenience I two how to beat the door, the door does not open namely, but the conversational reputation that there are princes and dukes and week grandma after hearing the door clearly.

After everybody comes loose, my Mom reviews a princes and dukes not to wish to stay the reason that have dinner. "Blame your this enigma, also did not speak with the family a long time. " my pa explains, he does not know to talk about what. When we ask again, his brushstroke has taken the ground to say, "Gun it doesn't matter is amused " . Keep his mouth shut not character.

Old hind, the certificate that I turn over father to ever was obtained in army from chest -- technical expert. Just know father ever had attended to strike back to jumping over defend oneself battle, be familiar with all sorts of firearms, can rapid will decompose complete handgun assemble again, finish lay fire target practice of this one movement time-consuming connect in whole artillerist in it is the shortest. After the war ends, company commander ever persuaded my pa to stay to become close-fitting bodyguard, be rejected by my pa. This company commander became some later the commander of military region. Pardonable the gun that my pa brings to princes and dukes disinclination.


The lawsuit of 4 aunts is after this year mid-autumn final judgement, was sentenced 6 years. The 20 4 aunts that come forward became principal, and the teacher that passes 4 a period of ten years in one's age was become accessary criminal, with the hopeful judgement polarity of princes and dukes. Be turned in 4 aunts inspect eve, princes and dukes lets my home arrange one desk meal to give a farewell dinner for 4 aunts.

"Last eat, dish wants as far as possible some prettier. " princes and dukes exhorts designedly my pa, he will eat lunch in all with us. This is his first time and our family have a meal together.

For this meal, parents worked in the kitchen morning. Because look,a few food that mother's eldest sister brings from countryside are tasted not beautiful, was abandoned. Accompany the personnel list that have a meal repeatedly, my Mom consider better day. Finally is we are accompanied only have a meal, grandfather grandmother fails to attend. To attend this luncheon, our family changes size to wash clean dress, bought a bottle of superior duck brook wine. The mother uses gauze and layer of newspaper ply of paper to cover meal, let father be being carried all the way with Dou of a bamboo basket visit a prison.

Lunch undertakes in the office of princes and dukes. After meal has been placed, princes and dukes is considering read overmarginalia file only, tu Tu is written by the side of write an edge to croak, "Keep a data repeatedly uncomely, these youths are those who have cooked rice... do not work attentively, where day catchs them to be approved... " these blurt out and the rebuke that go out, looking in us is leader authority however is indicative, we can look at meal helplessly to become cold to be approached with schooltime only, however air dare not vent. Because of this meal, I and little sister issued midday free from worries that day class.

Two only drumstick, by deal out princes and dukes and 4 aunts. Busy move gives parents princes and dukes dish of clip pouring wine. Princes and dukes eats very gladly. Parting when, he has some of on wings ground to say to us, he can ask the friend of the jail there, exceedingly takes care of me 4 aunts.

After this is very long period of time, princes and dukes comes to my home no longer. He can visit week of grandma home now and then. The grandchildren of week grandma often is taking princes and dukes to send alarm badge is shown off before me, acoustical lord is fair the grandfather that just is him.

Spring 1998, the mother appeals because of the thing of my enter a higher school princes and dukes. Classmaster ever placed custom to whole class student in final eve: Who should have one section grade to fail only with respect to fail to go up to the next grade. Grade of my each section all prep above 65 minutes, because follow the son of classmaster to have,celebrate a festival however, fail to go up to the next grade be enforcinged.

The first day when opening journal name morning, the fail to go up to the next grade that announces on school dazibao does not have my name inside list. When I sign up afternoon, classmaster besmeared on list forked, a schoolgirl (achievement is after me) the name that the name changes me. Princes and dukes looks for classmaster theory for this personally, ground of result utterly discomfited runnings, "You with respect to reread a 4 grade. I am disinclined and your classmaster was contended for. She that ask for a favor is too fierce, that makeup change so that follow socially gallinaceous old woman is same. " morrow, I go to the school signing up, classmaster runs intentionally sarcastic remarks says before me, "A be a detention house young section chief? Come here to make fun of what power and prestige. " I bury this thing in the bottom of the heart all the time, dare not tell adult.

This year, the husband of week grandma is released from prison put in the home 's charge, princes and dukes is very long period of time did not appear in alley child in.


Autumn 1998, princes and dukes visits my home suddenly.

He brought one board ferry power lactobacillus drink and two tubes of Aoliao biscuit. That streak, TV is blotting out the sky and cover up the earth the ground is broadcasting Aoliao advertisement, its " twist, lick, bubble one bubble " eat a law to let a person lick one's chaps, I and little sister are so greedy that I and little sister be no good. Take biscuit to preparing to tear apart when me plastic when packing, was made stop by father.

"Princes and dukes sends you Mom this. " father is saying, had accepted these provision cautiously, the cupboard that is put in me to be not worn quite most top layer. Because of the arrival of princes and dukes, father goes into the street bought wine pork, still asked for leave to the factory on a special trip. Because the mother weighs a cold, have no appetite for food, bedfast, did not appear all the time.

Think formerly eat lunch, princes and dukes can leave. Cannot think of, he is going back on his word not to go however, a little while ground of be pleased with oneself tells about those who remove him from alarm experience, it is with hands clasped behind back a little while in the courtyard pace, killtime. Father is forced to go into the street again buy wine pork, buy dinner.

When taking the advantage of my pa to go into the street, princes and dukes extends the head into the room, be opposite with Miao Yu my Mom inquire after sb's health, "Meet by chance friend on the street this morning (my father) , listen to him to told you to fall ill, hasten will see you. Hasten will see you..

"Oh, so say, I too Jin Gui, you drive reward greatly personally. " the mom of ill weak and weary through illness goes from the room, there is smile on pale face.

Mom ases if cured, although do not go up desk have a meal, but sit in however accompany princes and dukes to have at the same time aside say to have laugh, eating the food that princes and dukes delivers at the same time. Father depressed tone is not angry, fragmentary when urge sb to drink. persuades dish appear 9 words: "Come, drink " " clip vegetable takes, not polite " ... how much doesn't princes and dukes have to chat with my pa, instead and my Mom get vigorously a little. When respecting enthusiasm wanes to the close, mom becomes suddenly very uneasy, begin to one take the word that did not take ground reply princes and dukes, often still look carefully at father's complexion.

Princes and dukes is aware of from the face of my Mom peculiar, turn and come with oneself example I and little sister learn encourage well, "Change poor life through learning ability only. I can have today, rely on to read conscientiously completely " .

He says the first his job is rustic Chinese teacher, unwilling later commonplace, make a determined effort the figure is strong, one's deceased father went up public security. Respecting the life when he is young, he is more successful, "Go out the car sends, have air conditioning into house, all the year round does not eat a meal twice in the home. " the life that refer retires partly currently, he is very satisfactory also, "You say I still pursue a what kind of, children is grown already, work work, marry a person marry a person, I want to go to work to go up, do not want to sleep in the home " .

Perhaps be the sake that drank wine, conversation of princes and dukes begins to be muddy. He mentions oneself become rich classics -- open black store, "This year, normal retail sales does not make money. Normal retail sales does not make money..

"Still be you can be done, our crop common people which dare. " my Mom says.

"This easy to handle, know a person, a few meals squared. A few meals squared..

After sending princes and dukes, father brows locks up the ground closely to sit before the television, one pair desire the appearance that character stops again. Mom talks with him, he is niminy-piminy. Mom sees situation is bad, hasten the acetic idea that dispels father with utterance: "This king old son, monkey hair grows on the face, ate to go up to still eat next pausing again suddenly, oh, I am to look white he. " father still does not have a response.

I stretch my hand the Aoliao that goes taking mom to take surplus biscuit, be stamped with fury by father ground rebuke, "Replace goes! Who wants to dare eat, I am ripped sodden his mouth! " I and little sister are frightened so that terrified lives, a long time not dare utter sth.

This late show goes papa already instead. His nature is gentle, arrive as a child big, he says to weigh the number of the word, my hand can be counted so that be over. That tube of Aoliao that takes surplus biscuit rests so intactly to go up in tea table, nobody dare use number day, until by humidity moistly, just be thrown away together by a thick soup of incomplete of ort of my pa along with.

After this, princes and dukes has come to my home a few times, father is entertained intentionally with homely fare, princes and dukes did not eat, greet with my Mom a few left. Father although complexion is vinegary, do not have blame mom however.


2000, because the factory closes down, father goes to an other place to work, the mother takes care of a little sister in the home I two. To subsidize family expenses, the mother found to mix in construction site the work of plaster.

Monsoon season, rainstorm shattered the slimy dike of neighbour home. Clearing after the house before the room silty when, my Mom produces clash with deserted grandma. My Mom finds mediation of be placed in the middle of princes and dukes, both sides reconciles quickly. Right now deserted grandma because domestic trivial matters, the person is old a lot of, dress is so not exquisite also. She invites princes and dukes to have a meal, princes and dukes with all sorts of reason evade.

Long the princes and dukes that did not meet begins to visit my home often. Encounter when seeing my Mom, his meeting not tire of its are irritated the ground to the little sister my two brilliant histories that speak of him.

He says he ever took gun collapse to cross quisling, ever used screw flesh to angle to giant salamander, ever had had every jins of price 100 yuan candy, the counsel that ever regarded some Hunan as the enterprise is followed had visited Australia, "The everywhere on the ave sees a kangaroo over there, of skipping and hopping, very lovely. I and foreigner tell English. " saying, he places hand whirlwind to give of a kind " ha collect, I eat oh cold " . I ask him this to the word is what meaning, he says is " had met " meaning. He still says he uses his legal knowledge, modify a contract for many enterprises, increase of help enterprise implementation is the biggest change. Same word, he still is met the face before me, with Miaoyu repeat listens to my Mom.

The little sister listens fix eyes on, and I begin to suspect somewhat to this. After all I right now had read junior high school, experience and experience relatively widened before many.

When encountering my Mom, even if food is again poor, he asks actively to stay have a meal. He says he sees central focal interview go, but however postpone again and again, ended the intent that still did not leave till the TV series of gold theater. I and little sister are tormented to get half alive by drowse bug, the mother does not let us fall asleep however, have to calls us to accompany her foolish in the sitting room sitting, until send princes and dukes.

Now and then, king consortium takes some of wine flesh to come to my home, my Mom dare not drink, the female friend that is forced to call her comes company. Princes and dukes is drunk every time late at night just leave, the friend makes allowances for the difficulty of my Mom, insist to be accompanied after all.

In often help the boudoir honey of my Mom rescue sb from a siege, have a woman of aunt calling Europe. Sometimes my Mom can hide to her home, or feign outfit should go out with her handle affairs. She follows my parents same, be labour of ab extra Wu rent a settle or live in a strange place. Husband of funeral of Europe aunt one's early years, alone drag is worn a pair of children hit chore to make a living everywhere. Have period of time, firm bereft of one's spouse before long, the landlord that passes 6 a period of ten years in one's age often is being hit in the late evening urge the cover that hire to look for Europe aunt. Europe aunt is hiding he. Because concern suffers old guy peek, europe aunt often uses my home toilet to develop a bath.

Discuss family financial situation, old guy is in alley child in live door in platoon end. He always is wrapping around all the year round a dirty sackcloth, the foot steps on emancipatory shoe, smoke coil oneself tobacco, the point that reachs leaves a bad taste. A day night, old guy seizes the door before my face and enter, develop my home kitchen, the Europe aunt that entwine is helping my Mom feed a swine " profession " , "I also a person passes, as long as you are intended, live in all one's life in me go. Chummage is not a problem. Chummage is not a problem..

[story] family scandal: The mother is annoyed constantly, what I am a family is cowardly feel ashamed

My Mom draws out a money to replace Europe aunt paid the hire that default, scoff at of ground of conveniently attack by innuendo old guy. "Big in the evening run my home, others does not know to still think our relationship is special. Others does not know to still think our relationship is special..

Embarrassed of old guy complexion, left. Europe aunt wills be very obliged.

When the chaperon of my Mom is absent, princes and dukes persuades my Mom painstakingly to drink sometimes, my Mom or is ill say to ailment, or looks for excuse to go out spat. Concern discloses later, princes and dukes carries wine and come every time, my Mom puts on that coat that takes rabbit hair V to get, take the advantage of princes and dukes carelessly when lower his head to spit wine to collar, use a hand next collar of one whisk rabbit hair, wine is gotten by brandish completely. , the intrigue of my Mom discloses, princes and dukes just punishs my Mom wine. Between two people conflict, I go to the front of dining table directly, bowl of the wine since end quaff.

"Were you still drunk really? " princes and dukes asks.

My silent does not make a sound the ground shines the tongue looks to him.

His deride is worn shake one's head. My Mom is avoided accordingly a bowl of wine.

"You are really stupid, son! " my Mom face shows a look of shame. Above of a tipsy feeling, absentminded in, I see mom's orbit is ruddy. This should be my first time malty wine, was asleep very quickly. Awake the following day, have a headache be about to crack. The mother is Buddhist monastic discipline with this, admonish little sister I while two A-certificate drink, exhort ceaselessly the thing that we must not come princes and dukes my home tells me dad.


After this is late, maternal refus does not see princes and dukes, let me pretend with all sorts of reason she is not in the home. When she knows my pa is not in the home, the arrival of princes and dukes can give my home to bring scandal only.

Every time he comes, the mother is mixed my collaborate from within with forces from outside, with all sorts of excuse prevaricate he. Several, my Mom catchs a glimpse of from the window princes and dukes goes toward my home, hasten hide into the room, go out to pretend she is not in the home by me.

Princes and dukes still looks for all sorts of manage origin, say to handle a case sometimes suitable path is transient, say to coach sometimes my homework. And when solving binary simple equation, he does not have me instead be expert at.

Have a period of time, my Mom break down from constant overwork, often become nightmare, did not go building site works. After princes and dukes asks about a message over there the fellow worker from mom, will see my Mom on a special trip. This is he wears the police uniform the 2nd times to come to my home, the admire between the waist is worn gun, there is saw blade of a steel on the hand. Princes and dukes is covered from the gun in take out a gun, serious ground introduces the combination that has firearms to us. I feel Youxian is redundant, because he ever had introduced to us 4 years ago. And he forgot this archives thing it seems that.

He is saying, pull out clip, take out a bullet, break saw blade next, in cartridge case with the cusp of saw blade fracture surface two side drilled a hole each, tremble clean the gunpowder inside, wear bullet with the line, hand my Mom, "It is OK to this this wears on the body calamity of disappear of exorcise evil spirits, walk along nocturnal road to not be afraid of ghost, sleep to also won't become nightmare in the evening. Sleep to also won't become nightmare in the evening..

"Do not need. My body is very good. " my Mom try to show happyness when one is sad.

Princes and dukes hands me bullet.

"Do not want, return princes and dukes. " my Mom commands.

My loathing ground retreats his princes and dukes.

Princes and dukes is to draw out the old almanac on one's previous experience to be our fortune-telling first, said with Miao Yu Duan Zi of a few meat or fish amuses my Mom again next, often toward my Mom make eyes. The complexion of my Mom turns by the fine shade, all the more is heavy. Princes and dukes thinks certainly little sister I two understand Miao Yu not, say to get unbridled of all the more so. See my Mom is in aside be angry and fierce, he invites ridicule rebuff the ground left. Little sister my two argue that are great world and feel heart Jing bravery to quiver, from beginning to end air dare not vent.

I am hiding the truth from my Mom to wanted to answer that bullet with princes and dukes in the courtyard, below the pillow that hides in mom stealthily in mattess. After this princes and dukes comes to my home less, however constant the form with the phone to my Mom inquire after sb's health. My Mom can'ts bear its faze, but dare anger not dare character, often put aside the earphone of the phone be present by machine, after waiting for him to speak, just take stethoscope to be perfunctory a few, the end communicates.

The mother ever sufferred insomnia to perplex for a time, be asleep to become nightmare, not be a dream to strange force confused look, it is a dream give an accident to father. I think that bullet is because of burying below the pillow and result muscularity is decreased oneself, turn over its then, barefaced hammer is on maternal headboard. After the mother discovers, sent to stay to bullet, did not unplug it, also did not blame me.

2002, I 4 aunts are released from prison, a divorce man that follows a county comes and go. Princes and dukes often is being taken a few " inside information " will look for my Mom. Princes and dukes thinks I understand Miao Yu certainly not, say to get unbridled of all the more so. "Adjoining neighbour tells me, the kongfu on that male bed Oh, she is done 5 confuse 3... "

"I was to not be in charge of her, more what is more,the rather that your alien. Canal of other people's business is much, the person is tired. " my Mom is red face gas makes a din to go away pingly, drop I and princes and dukes to be in the home. Princes and dukes waited for moment, invite ridicule rebuff the ground left.


We so submit to humiliation is lived, dare not leak this thing to alien half. Whole junior high school one grade, I am spend in ignorant, wanting how to answer princes and dukes to be annoyed often all the day in brain, how to protect good family, but however at the end of one's wits. My study result from into the grade when school the first fall downstream.

Those who forcing I seek a breakthrough is maternal what one says during a conversation.

The mother invited Europe aunt to come that day have a meal in the home, because I catch a cold to did not go up to study by oneself in scheduled time late, after eating dinner, I go upstairs rest, faint hear mother and Europe aunt chat.

"We these hire a house to live, alone Miao Miao is inserted in onion caboodle, which dare displease this locality these local villain. I had wanted to want to move, but where can move, where to stay in an appearance, poor others can bully you. Had waited for son a few years to be brought up, have prospect, we have a house, just meet feel well... " maternal depress sound is spoken below this paragraph of her unbeknown experience.

Just moved this alley early in my home child at the beginning of, my Mom is annoyed with respect to what be crossed neighbour Liao Gong. Liao Gong is a leader of forestry bureau at that time, it is alley child in the most honorable person. A day, mom hits greenfeed for pigs to return the home, push room door, discover Liao Gong stands in bedside. My Mom just called phonate, he jumps hastily toward the window, pudgy body is blocked by narrow window frame, how to struggle to break up not to go out. The neighbour of pass by just from the course before the window, the Liao Gong that be in a dilemma is forced ground of face of grey head earth is retractile come, there is an edge to wipe the sweat on neck pleat flesh by the side of.

"Fast go out, beg you not to come in disorder. " my Mom says.

Liao Gong gloomy is walked out of from my home gate. After the event, my Mom choice is silent, derivative however more the thing of exceed what is proper. A day night, when Liao Gong takes the advantage of my pa to help deserted grandma work, run stealthily my home knocks. There is not a phone at that time, night is late already, my Mom transfers little sister and me to the attic of wooden room, upstairs receive stair next, await my pa to return save. Liao Gong defended a many hour outside the door, spent all sorts of fine words deceive my Mom opens the door.

"Open the door, my belt candy eats to two Sun Sun... do not be afraid of, I sit sit to go, do not have other meaning... " beg evolves to profession disgustingly finally, "I think you... your home does not have money that, I have money to give you... "

When Liao Gong is about to conclude bolt, my Mom will be irrigated below a very hot Shui Chaolou. Since then, liao Gong also had not annoyed my Mom again. Not how long, he abreacts the desire in his home on another body that rent a settle or live in a strange place, because of this put in prison, integrity in one's old age is not protected.

[story] family scandal: The mother is annoyed constantly, what I am a family is cowardly feel ashamed

Or else takes strong step, probably princes and dukes also is met the follow of pace Liao Gong will bully my Mom. Tolerate to be met only abet injustice. My certainly will should come with princes and dukes a fierce fight, I must rise formidably, arrive formidably enough accept a challenge.

I begin to force I am in before dawn 5 o'clock in making ring, get up, run along the river a hour, after developing a cold water bath, just go going up to be read early. I also take the son of Europe aunt. He does not have money to buy alarm clock, the window of his room the window to me, the lamplight that I get up became the signal with his experienced morning. Have a few times, I am waked up by his call, kneading an eye to just discover time is before dawn at 3 o'clock. So I read a book before today too late, forgot to black out, the time that he thinks morning is experienced by accident arrived.

First final of 2 last term, my achievement became a class very quickly the 2nd, experienced also give 6 abdominal muscle. When I take the advantage of move and a classmate happening to the upper and lower teeth not meeting properly, try to make this body tendinous child fleshy happening effect, gang Lou gives wing to cry dry, the other side admitted defeat.

But after about one year, the hire of drive up of old landlord do sth without authorization of Europe aunt, europe aunt is moved left lane child.


2002 the Spring Festival, outer working father comes home spend the New Year, whole National People's Congress changes appearance, once he Kong Wu is strong disappeared, those who replace is a prematurely senile, middleaged man that appears even conversation laborious, the person is poor exceptionally, many white hair appeared on the head, reaction also becomes very slow. Sometimes mom calls him to take grip, had not waited for his reaction to come over, I and little sister had done work. Father says this is killed by the machine of the factory. He is versed in when armor plate cut in the factory, the same night of reaching the sky and machine are companion, although idle comes down, in brain still inertial resound is worn tone of harsh armor plate cut.

He discovered that bullet of the head of a bed, ask me the source of bullet, I inform according to the facts. His frown, not language. When the antecedents that asks about those a few bottles of wine below dining table when him, my insecurity gets be red in the face, stutteringly faltering path, "Be, the friend that is mom comes, will planish partner stay. " his face sinks, nose ala Ben Zhang, show cannot the expression of believe, princes and dukes drinks remnant expect this already it seems that. My Mom is ferial and few touch wine, also do not like to organize meal bureau.

The eye looks at the life to exploit father worthlessly, I feel very sad. More those who let me feel despise is, whole holiday, he what object feudal superstition all along, allow to be hanged in maternal the head of a bed by that bullet actually, still grow has flavour ground to drink those alcoholic drink that had princes and dukes to drink remnant. To all sorts of cry out of the mother, he also is resign oneself to adversity, without half complaint. If say he was a horizontal stroke in the check that more or less returns some complexion past, so he present, it is a Song goods that takes off alive.

I appear to be able to understand him this kind but -- before one's early years strong, face princes and dukes dally with, chose silent, now body only force thin, come off sentry duty is unemployed, the capital that makes fun of the power and prestige on the mouth naturally repeatedly was done not have. Same, face the despotic power of princes and dukes, I besides submit to humiliation, what to do again? I distain my pa accordingly nowadays, it is the the pot calls the kettle black stopped nevertheless.

At the beginning of good year of 4 in the evening, the phone of princes and dukes hits my home again. There are I and father only in the home at that time. Princes and dukes thinks those who chat to look for my Mom originally, not was in the home because of my Mom however, the phone was received by my pa. Reach those wine by that this electrify word, bullet, during father should associate very easily to what he is not in the home, princes and dukes ever visited my home for many times. This thing mom is not witting. Father pretends whats had not happened. I also do not say a single word. Family as always amiable, eat eat and drink drink, go close to visit friend.

This kind of tacit tacit agreement between father and son, let me feel from ashamed of feel ashamed form, the anguish in the heart grows day and day.


At the beginning of good year of 7 afternoon, there are I and father only in the home. Father a person has a meal, complexion dignified, silent as the grave, only canorous chew champ is in central room resound. Eat this meal, he had to go to an other place to work, want to issue a Spring Festival ability.

Dry after a few bottles of beer, the gripesack of bosomy strike bilges since the father back with heavy worry, weigh one foot go gently at the door face of one foot ground, just crossed go out, his face about will call me, sound is like large bell ground to say: "You go up junior high school, this are sensible. When I am absent, regard the home as the only man in, you should be held out, some works also should learn again hard to handle. Still have... " he pauses, tonetic and abate, language belt apprehension ground says: "Next time princes and dukes calls again come, you hold him. Big in the evening look for your Mom, certain that's all right is meddlesome. Certain that's all right is meddlesome..

One's voice in speech just fell, he the head also does not answer the ground to leave. Hoping he is far the back that go, I unexpectedly temporarily tongue-tied. I dare not answer him, say self-consciously like him without courage that kind goes doing. I also know, if do not have render of those a few bottles of beer, father won't be spoken absolutely a moment ago the word of this inspiring awe by upholding justice.

Catch a cold from the mother, she looks in light of princes and dukes then day calculates case, this word, father hold back is in several years in the heart. This needs the endurance of what kind!

After father goes, I stay in the home, the stoop back when often emerging he leaves in the head, detect oneself are recreantly more feel vexed. New worry old hate is raided suddenly, "Fart key point is minor " stamp is worn like awl of 3 word resembling my scalp. I am caught mad kind the ground is flinching hair, wish ground break is gotten. In one's childhood, every time alley child the adult in is incited I and with age when the child fights, because of muscle be good at large and slightly I one-up always am most leave first smooth, got consequently " fart key point is minor " byname.

In the room that I develop a mother hysterically, drag that bullet of next the head of a bed, run in the courtyard at a heat, throw away in vegetable garden of face of do all one can bullet.

Whole in the evening, my where also did not go, of the be agitated in the heart. I look not to take a book, father's word often is by the side of my ear echo. I feel some are queasy, what always feel to be about to want to experience is the battle that horizontal stroke of a flesh and blood flies to.

Controlled at 10 o'clock that evening, a machine of my home rang eventually, I am grabbed the telephone call was received before my Mom.

The other side calls out my Mom with Miao Yu first, after getting a response, convert Chinese talks, "Yang Cheng, I am princes and dukes, is your Mom in? Let her pick up the telephone. Let her pick up the telephone..

"My Mom is in, I also am in, you are gutty come to my home to search, I grind a knife to wait for you. " after I speak this word with Miao Yu, hasten ring off, the heart should jump out simply chest.

The face of my Mom " Shua " white, look at me, quite a while is not had language.

Since then, princes and dukes also did not call again to my home. Occasionally I meet by chance him on the street, he always feels embarrassed the ground has fastened a face, pretend to did not see me.

Name of * article go-between all is alias

- END-

Author Piao Yang Cheng

The contest is having this second blame fiction in, welcome everybody contribute.

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