4 dimension colour exceeds show have " both hands " the baby is born without sword arm courtyard s

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Cover journalist king involves photography story

On April 1, liao Jun (alias) wife Luo Yun (alias) in Sichuan hospital of De Yang tumour produces the 2nd child that left them. However this did not give a couple two bring joyance, instead this is in many days 20 all the time for child anguish. Original, this hospital gives Luo Yun fetal the 4 Wei Caichao inspections that make and the child that are born are different, "It is normal that 4 dimensions colour exceeds indication child double arm, but be born to do not have sword arm however. " Liao Jun says, not only such, middle finger of left hand forefinger points to, left toe and foot.

Liao Jun says, before this, he did not receive a hospital about fetal and unusual clew. Nowadays, of abnormal daughter be born, hospital should in full charge.

Respect of hospital of De Yang tumour thinks, the hospital does not cause body defect of the baby directly, the accuracy rate of ultrasonic device cannot achieve 100 % , the hospital is put in leakage examine error on the examination, be willing to assume corresponding responsibility.

On April 24, cover journalist understands, bureau of Wei Jian of in relief area of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast, east the concerned respect such as lake country government had organized both sides to undertake 5 times intercessory, but fail to reach consistent.

In relief area of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of heart in relief city defends medical service of be good at bureau politics family member of relevant controller proposal takes judicatory approach.

4 dimension colour exceeds show have " both hands " the baby is born without sword arm courtyard square: Really leakage examine, wish to assume corresponding responsibility

Accident: Unripe baby sword arm is short of accidentally drop to point to first and point to toe and foot

On April 1 in the morning 9 when make, luo Yun was advanced delivery room, preparation undertakes Caesarean birth, marital Liao Jun and domestic person are awaiting this family outside delivery room of the 2nd child be born. "Before entering delivery room, the nurse says to me, it is a small operation only, cannot spend how long. " Liao Jun says.

After awaiting a hour, liao Jun and domestic person still did not see cure protects personnel to come out from inside surgery. Produce experience than be being accompanied for the first time, this beautiful time should grow a few. Liao Jun says, he premonitions at that time the possibility arose to order what case.

10 when the left and right sides, the doctor went from delivery room, liao Jun and domestic person were asked to enter surgery. Liao Jun remembers a doctor ever saying to them, should keep one's hair on and exercise restraint. "A nurse still asks, ' you did not do antenatal to check ' . " cure protects personnel the speech confirm at that time of Liao Jun premonition.

In delivery room, luo Yun is produced through analyse palace issued a female baby. Be like,firstborn baby sword arm is short of, middle finger of left hand forefinger points to, left foot toe and foot, this one fact before lets a family be not accepted, "Produce check in their hospital all the time, still did 4 dimension colour to exceed, how don't have discovery? How don't have discovery??

4 dimension colour exceeds show have " both hands " the baby is born without sword arm courtyard square: Really leakage examine, wish to assume corresponding responsibility

Family member: 4 dimension colour exceeds did not discover fetal blemish hospital to answer in full charge

Begin from September 20, 2018, liao Jun accompanies a wife to build card to do in hospital of De Yang tumour all the time produce check. "Tumor hospital leaves home closer, walked many minutes 10 to arrive. Other hospital person is more, queue up to await time to grow, the bed when unripe child is nervous. Additional, I have several friends, be born here, it is OK to say to return. " Liao Jun says, after integrated consideration, they selected hospital of De Yang tumour.

There is on Liao Jun's hand " manual of health care of puerpera of Sichuan province pregnant " , the record that the wife produces check in hospital of De Yang tumour is inside. In this manual, also have the doubt with the biggest family.

4 dimension colour exceeds show have " both hands " the baby is born without sword arm courtyard square: Really leakage examine, wish to assume corresponding responsibility

On December 17, 2018, luo Yun was done to the hospital " colour exceeds fetal 4 Wei Caichao convention " the examination of the project, supersonic place sees fetal limb shows on report sheet: Bilateral the upper arm and the humerus inside its are visible, bilateral before wall (arm) reach the feet inside its, radius to see, both hands submits form of make a fist.

"What is we become the end that produces check? If they are checked,come out, the child that won't be us and family bring all follow-up issues. " look in Liao Jun, the hospital answers current result in full charge.

He also expressed the concern to this daughter: "When she is small, we are capable to raise her, affirmative meeting with one one's heart endeavors to create better life for her. But when we undertake feebly in the future, how to do? How to do??

4 dimension colour exceeds show have " both hands " the baby is born without sword arm courtyard square: Really leakage examine, wish to assume corresponding responsibility

4 dimension colour exceeds show have " both hands " the baby is born without sword arm courtyard square: Really leakage examine, wish to assume corresponding responsibility

Courtyard square: Error of existence leakage examine is willing to assume corresponding responsibility

Be aimed at supersonic examination result and new student the circumstance that nots agree with actually, explanation of Qi Zhiyou of dean of hospital of heart in relief tumour says: "Supersonic and video put in a few errors originally or false appearance, so below this kind of circumstance, it is not likely 100% accurate. It is not likely 100% accurate..

Qi Zhiyou still expresses, the hospital does not cause body defect of the baby directly, it is congenital, the hospital is put in leakage examine error, the hospital is willing to assume corresponding responsibility.

The dean that occupy lacquer introduces, their 4 Wei Caichao equipment are Italian brand, what operated facility that day is seasoned doctor in charge of a case, "Did not see well for the first time, the doctor still called Luo Yun to go out to come again a little while, had the report that double censoring just gives. Great likelihood is position change brings about the child. Great likelihood is position change brings about the child..

Such the written response that gave Liao Jun the couple on April 23 in the hospital is medium writing: "We are collect cloud pregnancy the leakage examine error of supersonic examination feels special apologize. We understand deeply and experience your mood, my courtyard is willing to assume corresponding legal responsibility. My courtyard is willing to assume corresponding legal responsibility..

4 dimension colour exceeds show have " both hands " the baby is born without sword arm courtyard square: Really leakage examine, wish to assume corresponding responsibility

The dean that occupy lacquer introduces, the courtyard just puts forward to be willing to assume the responsibility of 30% , compensate for Liao Jun 210 thousand yuan, "If they are not accepted, can take judicatory approach, sentence how many our compensate how many. Sentence how many our compensate how many..

In relief area of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast defends be good at bureau: Proposal family member takes judicatory approach

In was contacted a few times with the hospital and talk things over not below the circumstance of fruit, bureau of Wei Jian of in relief area of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of Xiang Deyang city complains Liao Jun,

The reporter understands, this many days 20 since, liao Jiang perhaps is in alone with the hospital of relevant section chair below, had undertaken 78 times communication, talk things over, mediation, but do not have corresponding result.

"On April 23, country government organized the lake to talk things over again east, both sides is more sensible, the courtyard also just gave out written reply, still neither one result. " in relief area of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast defends medical service of be good at bureau politics relevant controller expresses, in view of current condition, proposal family member takes judicatory approach.

Editor: Xie Tingting

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