Go doing lead of 4 dimension colour to want to plan what thing, so that one-time through?

Go doing 4 dimension colour to exceed, doesn't darling often deserve to close? Often hold off the important place that should take? Should often do ability 3 times two to succeed? It is really very do sth over and over again ah, what method does that have to pass?

Actually, mom of this boiler treasure still do not let darling carry on the back, darling is inside whats do not know, what to happen outside he also does not know.

When to say to make the note of 4 dimension to everybody.

The first, the lead that make variety is not nervous, loosen the mood, darling can experience what get a sentiment to you, your insecurity darling is nervous also, nature cannot pass cough up.

The 2nd, do colour lead, can eat a bit chocolate to increase energy, many somes of such darling activities, a lot of treasure Mom are measured in person, be worth to try.

The 3rd, fetal darling although what does not know, but you also should communicate with him, perhaps let treasure pa and him communicate conversation, darling perhaps hears cough up. Still have a few notes,

Do not need hold back make water, hold back make water needs when doing B to exceed, when making 4 dimension need not, it is good at the dress of the examination to should put on fuller benefit only.

Do not want urgent doctor, the body that when making 4 dimension, the doctor is need examination darling of each place, this process is a bit long, treasure Mom is not so anxious, often urge doctor, it is good to await patiently.

The optimal time of the examination, the examination of 4 dimension is optimal time is in darling 5-6 between the month, so treasure Mom must make an appointment ahead of schedule, did not miss this examination, after all this examination understands child body development to you grow the condition is very fundamental. Must remember.

Zhu Baobao treasure Mom every day happy, happiness is happy.

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