34 years old of men hold axe to enter 21 years old cummer home chops person complicity to be pregnan

A man of American held axe to enter cummer home to chop its recently, disaster and innocent female roommate break off volt cadaver, at present the man is accused 2 class murder a blame, psychosis will be accepted to evaluate before appearing in court next time.

34 years old of men hold axe to enter 21 years old cummer home chops person complicity to be pregnant female roommate breaks off volt cadaver

According to England " daily Post " reported on April 25, accident Yuniuyaobuluke an apartment of forest zone 8 buildings, by 21 years old of women Angela Walai and Sha of 20 years old of chaperon are covered with tiles graceful · Li Weila is hired jointly. Saturday (20 days) before dawn is much at 1 o'clock, 34 years old of of Angela male friendly Jierui Braun hold axe suddenly hard rush into house, see the person is broken off, sleep the Angela afterbrain of eye Xing Song is hit by ax, blood stream one ground; The tile of female roommate Sha that Wen Sheng gets up is graceful break off repeatedly in the sitting room by cervical, die on the spot, the head and body are almost separate.

34 years old of men hold axe to enter 21 years old cummer home chops person complicity to be pregnant female roommate breaks off volt cadaver

21 years old of Angela Walai (left) with 20 years old of Shawana Liweila (right)

Angela takes the advantage of chaos to escape apartment, called car of an actor pace to plan to head for a hospital to see a doctor, blood of her all over the body, as if the soul had left the body sees after the driver is present, call the police immediately appeal. After police enters accident apartment, the Sha tile graceful body that discovered sitting room floor to go up, she already had the pregnancy of two months, one cadaver two lives.

34 years old of men hold axe to enter 21 years old cummer home chops person complicity to be pregnant female roommate breaks off volt cadaver

The police finds 4 years old of daughters of Angela inside a bedroom, sleeping when her accident, a hair nondestructive.

34 years old of men hold axe to enter 21 years old cummer home chops person complicity to be pregnant female roommate breaks off volt cadaver

Lethal weapon ax is discovered inside the rubbish processor of apartment building later, full blood is stuck above, it is a suspect Jierui Braun counts the store of a hardware of rice to buy only in distance apartment. A counterjumper tells to investigate personnel, after the suspect walks into a shop, put forward to want to buy an ax, he takes a fancy to a value after the brand ax of 39.98 dollars, ask whether counterjumper can help him grind pointed axe blade. Before dawn of case hair morrow, outstanding luck is seized by police.

34 years old of men hold axe to enter 21 years old cummer home chops person complicity to be pregnant female roommate breaks off volt cadaver

Current, the head and limb are in wounded Angela to accepting treatment in the hospital more. Gregarious media information shows, this still is in to the month on sweethearts appointment, assault of outstanding luck Ceng Yin, rob, be arrested into the rough stuff such as room theft and strangle, claim " brutal Xi breaths out " . His commit the crime this motive not bright.

34 years old of men hold axe to enter 21 years old cummer home chops person complicity to be pregnant female roommate breaks off volt cadaver

This Zhou San (24 days) , jierui Braun is accused formally 4 accusation such as blame of 2 degree murder, attempted murder blame, assault and hold weapon, he keeps silence in judicial cognizance process, did not admit his guilt. According to introducing, suspect general accepts further drive to evaluate in hospital of Er of five heart conspicuous hind, attend next time front courtyard careful.

34 years old of men hold axe to enter 21 years old cummer home chops person complicity to be pregnant female roommate breaks off volt cadaver

The male friend of be murdered accurate mom leaves a message in the indignation on gregarious media of the suspect say, "I hope you die in the " in jail.

34 years old of men hold axe to enter 21 years old cummer home chops person complicity to be pregnant female roommate breaks off volt cadaver

Shawana Liweila

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