Will remove rate of company insurance cost to be reduced formally on May 1, hopeful is decreased neg

Will remove rate of company insurance cost to be reduced formally on May 1, hopeful is decreased negative 300 billion! Have what effect to you? In light of 6 ask 6 answerWill remove rate of company insurance cost to be reduced formally on May 1, hopeful is decreased negative 300 billion! Have what effect to you? In light of 6 ask 6 answer

Will rise on May 1, scale of fee of pay of unit of primary endowment insurance wants town worker fall to 16% , social security capture expends base to also want to adjust! How to fall? Can you be benefited how many? Can you decrease for the enterprise how much to lose?

" lower social premium rate comprehensive plan " a few days ago already by print and distribute of general office of the State Council, will carry out formally on May 1, hopeful is decreased for the enterprise this year lose many yuan 3000. This issue passes the personal increase of everybody, this second reduce company insurance cost to lead, unit of of all kinds choose and employ persons all can be benefited.

Ask: How does social premium rate fall?

Chief tells a reporter related department of the company that occupy a person, " plan " total consideration is, consider to reduce social premium rate, perfect society as a whole insurance system, advance social insurance premium to impose system reform steadily, use strategy integratedly, ensure capture of enterprise society insurance expends actual burden to materiality drops, ensure each society is safe pay on time full specified amount pays.

" plan " distribute a share in all, specific include:

It is to reduce town worker capture of unit of primary endowment insurance expends scale, prep above the province of 16% , can fall to 16% .

2 it is to continue level sex lowers unemployed insurance and inductrial injury premium rate, active level sex falls one year is lengthened to come again after cost leads policy to expire on April 30, 2020.

3 it is to adjust social security capture to expend base policy. staff of obtain employment of unit of town blame privately owned and unit of town privately owned average wage increases staff of obtain employment of unit of town of authority calculative full requirements the index that average wage regards pay of worker of check and ratify as to expend base to be restricted up and down, individual and industrial and commercial door can choose proper capture to expend base of one's own accord inside certain limits with personnel of flexible obtain employment.

4 it is to accelerate boost endowment insurance provincial as a whole, unite endowment insurance policy stage by stage, provincial all received fund of the implementation before the bottom 2020 all is raised.

5 it is to increase endowment insurance scale is adjusted in the center of fund, adjust scale to rise this year to 3.5% .

6 it is to advance company insurance cost to collect system to reform steadily. Company worker is planted nearly each in principle of short duration is pressed active collect system to continue to collect, "Maturity is saved, turn over one province " . Do not get proper motion to owe cost to undertake centralized clear capture to business history in collecting system to reform a process, must not adopt any addition real pay expends small small company the practice of the burden.

7 it is to build the job to coordinate a mechanism. In the State Council various government builds the level and prefectural class above to take the lead about responsible comrade by the government, the job that relevant section enters coordinates a mechanism.

8 it is to do good organization to fulfil the job seriously.

2 ask: What company can be benefited?

"Particularly notable is, this second reduce rate of company insurance cost to have long-term sex, be benefited wide characteristic. " chief tells a reporter related person company department, reduce cost to lead policy unlike current level sex, this capture of endowment insurance unit expends scale to adjust the system arrangement that is long-term sex, how can the enterprise set his mind at the heart enjoys long-term policy bonus.

From be benefited the face looks, unit of of all kinds choose and employ persons, especially civilian battalion enterprise, small small company can be benefited from which; Press an area to divide, besides Guangdong, Zhejiang insurance cost of company of two provinces itself is led already under 16% , other each province can fall cost rate 16% , general benefit sex is stronger.

"Besides bring for the enterprise decrease really negative obtain feeling, this second fall cost still is helpful for promoting the market competition environment that builds fairness. " afore-mentioned controller express, current, scale of fee of pay of each province industry is skimble-scamble, company load is differ. Fall this after cost, cost rate difference of the whole nation will be apparently narrow, the capture that is helpful for balanced enterprise thereby expends a burden, promote the market competition environment that forms fairness, the whole nation that also is helpful for did not realize endowment insurance plans as a whole.

3 ask: Can you decrease for the enterprise how much to lose?

" plan " carry out after reaching the designated position, predict many yuan 3000 to annual can reduce social security capture to expend a burden 2019.

Specific in light of, can reduce capture of business endowment insurance to expend a burden according to new plan 2019 many yuan 1900, reduce capture of company unemployment insurance, inductrial injury insurance to expend a burden many yuan 1100, 3 danger are planted aggregate annual can reduce social security capture to expend a burden many yuan 3000.

Afore-mentioned controller express, cost rate is reduced, the enterprise joined the doorsill that protect to also be reduced, can enhance the reserve strength of the vigor of the enterprise and development not only, the ginseng that also is helpful for increasing enterprise and worker defends initiative, in bringing into more workers system of endowment insurance system, come, form the benign loop of business development and development of endowment insurance system. "Still be helpful for expanding cover a range, health of institution of stimulative endowment insurance develops. Health of institution of stimulative endowment insurance develops..

4 ask: Whether can you affect old-age pension on time does full specified amount extend?

Many people are afraid, income of the fund after reducing cost to lead can decrease inevitably, also can affect old-age pension seasonable sufficient forelock is put, at the same time the contradiction of fund income and expenses of partial area also is met more outstanding.

"Ask everybody to be at ease, fall cost won't cause annuities to pay a risk, won't affect old-age pension extend. " Fu Jinling of director of department of social security of Ministry of finance tells a reporter, drop endowment insurance while cost rate is reducing capture of enterprise social security effectively to expend a burden, can reduce income of endowment insurance fund really, increase pressure of fund income and expenses, but whole of fund of countrywide endowment insurance closes be more than, boil put balance to increase ceaselessly, won't cause annuities to pay a risk on the whole, won't affect old-age pension on time full specified amount extends.

According to newest annals statistic, 2018, company worker is basic endowment insurance fund each income 3.7 trillion yuan, defray 3.2 trillion yuan, the fund end 2018 accumulates balance to make an appointment with 4.8 trillion yuan, have the stronger capacity that prop up.

According to calculating, fall after cost, a paragraph of period still can hold future current income and expenses has balance. In ensure extend while, develop as economic society, the country still will continue to raise retiree annuities level.

Current, ministry of manpower resource social security, Ministry of finance is carrying out year of basic 2019 annuities to adjust the job according to organization of deploy of the State Council, this also is successive raise enterprise retiree the 15th year basic pension standard, overall this year increase proportion for 5% , predict to will 100 million control enterprise retiree to be benefited.

5 ask: Pressure of income and expenses of the fund after how answering to be expended to falling?

"The issue that pressure of income and expenses of the fund after be being expended to falling increases, company department already made door of Ministry of finance and person answer measure to ensure annuities on time full specified amount extends. " Fu Jinling says.

It is, increase strength of various finance allowance. 2019, worker of company of central finance arrangement is basic fund of endowment insurance allowance 528.5 billion yuan, grow 9.4% compared to the same period. Local finance also will plan corresponding accessorial fund.

2 be, in rising, center adjusts scale of the solution on fund. This year, each province is basic of annuities on solution scale drafts from 2018 3% rise 3.5% , the basis is calculated, the dimensions that fund regulates in the center of 2019 will achieve 600 billion yuan or so, be benefited province is benefited dimensions will amount to 160 billion yuan or so.

3 be, squeezing ramming is provincial main body responsibility of the government. To passing in the center of adjust and the fund after central finance is accessorial exists possibly still roll the individual province that puts gap, provincial government wants aggrandizement responsibility, build breach of fund of perfect province, city, county to partake mechanism, pass dish of vivid fund that put an amount, deal with the much channel finance such as arrangement of budget of state-owned asset, finance makes up for fund breach.

4 be, take step integratedly, system of stimulative endowment insurance can develop continuously. Future, the Ministry of finance still will continue to advance delimit turn state-owned capital enrichs the part social security fund works, support is done do fund of strong social security greatly, let state-owned company reform benefit of development achievement more and people; Active and reliable begin endowment insurance fund to invest operation; Strengthen endowment insurance system to reform design carrying a layer on the head, hold to essence of life to calculate balance principle, perfect drive restrains a mechanism, drive each district provincial all received fund of endowment insurance of business of the implementation before the bottom 2020 all is raised, accelerate advance endowment insurance whole nation to plan as a whole.

6 ask: How to ensure policy arranges agile ground?

Load of company of concern of company insurance cost and common people are personal interest, will carry out on May 1 drop policy of social premium rate, according to reporter understanding, duty Wu branch already adopted multinomial measure to ensure policy is successful in respect of the service that ask for a canal be born.

Taxation of duty Wu total bureau publicizes central director to held Fu Shulin of general office vice director concurrently to introduce the preparation that place of duty Wu branch makes to work to the reporter:

It is social security cost falls rate bring into decrease duty to fall cost " total dish " . Branch of various duty Wu held water to decrease duty to fall cost job heads a group, created working group of company insurance cost technically among them, will fulfil reduce company insurance cost to lead policy to bring into decrease duty to fall cost " total dish " , accomplish with deploy, fulfil together. Contrast at the same time fall rate plan refines 16 kinds of 80 keys tasks, execute wall map to fight, advance to the watch, superintend and director guides ask effect.

2 it is to make hair series operate file and way of form a complete set. Around fulfil " plan " , duty Wu total bureau is made sent a series of operation sex files and measure of form a complete set, up to on April 22, duty Wu total bureau early or late print and distribute the announcement that reduces company insurance cost to lead policy about fulfilling, reduce company insurance cost to lead capture to expend the file such as servive routine plan, came on stage to fall the method of respect form a complete set such as safeguard of system of cost business accounting, information, technology.

3 it is polymorphous type much channel begins policy to groom coach.

4 it is to accelerate do good news system to intend the work.

5 it is aggrandizement branch collaboration is advanced in coordination.

Additional, the social security that pays close attention to very about everybody imposes system reform, social security of duty Wu total bureau expends Wen Min of Zheng of a group of group leaders to tell a reporter, company worker is basic other risk plants endowment insurance and company worker pay cost, in principle of short duration is pressed active collect system to continue to collect, collect continuity by Wu of social security, duty by Wu of social security, duty formerly namely, stable capture expends means. Insurance cost of mechanism institution company and social security of urban and rural dweller expend the duty that ask for a canal to delimit as scheduled turn, collect by duty Wu branch.

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