Does cereal song high level annoy the person that inform against to undertake retaliation to the gen

According to " daily Post " reported on May 2, employee of hundreds cereal song is in the United States and overseas firm office to hold sit quietly, the person that protests the company manages a layer to be annoyed to informing against a gender undertakes retaliation.

Does cereal song high level annoy the person that inform against to undertake retaliation to the gender?

This sit-down began to undertake in cereal song company at 11 o'clock in the morning in time of American the eastpart part. Gu Ge repudiates its company policy is undertake retaliation to complaining employee.

Cereal song complete player will be versed in this activity the machinator of massive strike is organized last year in November. This strike that will happen on November 1 is to protest Gu Ge is accused to this company the money of a huge sum that the advanced development staff of sexual behavior dishonourable pays.

Android is mobile operating system of Gu Ge, use at smartphone and other equipment.

" new York Times " a report says, discover in investigation of Gu Ge the company is interior a female employee accuses high end develops personnel authoritatively after Lu Bin sex is annoyed, company presiding apparitor pulls Li Peiji to ask Lu Bin resigns personally. Lu Bin has married at that time. He denies himself to have misfeasance.

According to " new York Times " report, to accelerate Lu Bin leave one's post speed, gu Ge agrees with Xiang Lubin to pay the demobilization of 90 million dollar fee. The message that pays compensation caused the anger of employee, they plan to go on strike to protest in order to show.

On November 1, collective of employee of song of about 20 thousand cereal rises, walk out of their working station to protest in order to show. The view says now, gu Ge is annoyed to putting forward a gender or other form mistreated the employee of accusation to undertake inequitable makes reprisals.

Does cereal song high level annoy the person that inform against to undertake retaliation to the gender?

4 faceless employee say in post of the hair on guest of rich of a media, after they are complaining the company violates ethics, got make reprisals. An employee says, if they because " immoral thing " sue another employee, the company can browbeat their emigrant identity.

Another employee says: "A female colleague may want to be pregnant again, the mood is very excited, work together very hard. I am complained to manpower resource branch later. Conveyed to my manager directly when manpower resource director when be anxious, this manager begins retaliation to me instantly, interview replaces my person. Interview replaces my person..

A woman claims, she informed against a gender to annoy to her manager, but the person that the company suggests pair of accuser and the sex that are charged are annoyed however undertakes training.

Last week, the help organizes the employee of two Gu Ge that will go on strike on November 1 to claim, administrative layer undertook retaliation to them.

Does plum Lei Di think of open research chief of Gu Ge? Benefit is overcome especially (Meredith Whittaker) says, if she wants to continue to stay in the company, her part will produce tremendous change.

According to " connect a line " magazine story, after Gu Ge dissolved an ethics committee, this one plan changes cicada of the accused of benefit spy gram mediumly. This committee is established by Gu Ge, responsible sale technology of its artificial intelligence.

Does cereal song high level annoy the person that inform against to undertake retaliation to the gender?

According to the report, her administrative layer tells her, she needs to quit the job related to morality. Since she and person establish new York university jointly (since the research center of New York University) , she is pursueing the job related to morality all the time.

The Claire Sitepuerdu that participates in an organization to will go on strike in November (Claire Stapleton) says, protest an activity after two months, her administrative layer tells her, she gets on the sale director post that leaves YouTube from cereal song banner by demote.

Sitaipudu says, when her contact branch of power natural resources handles this matter when, sufferred farther retaliation.

Is Sitaipudu in " even the line " magazine (is: written in an email of Wired) ? Unplug disease of  of sulphone of  of wood of course of study shine Yang of ぷ of grave of course of study of Zhai Yao  calls out post  to be like Lu  to make fun of   of Ni of 〖 of argon of  of  of Ma of smelt metal post "   of  of orangutan of Qi cheek brandish! ?

Sitaipudu says, the company makes step of sell one's own things after she retains a lawyer, regained her position. Does she write: ? 8 Cong shake  of bifurcation of Tao of ぷ of grave of course of study to show gallopping corridor of fat of  of  standing tall and upright corrupts happily negative Fu of cherry  one is engraved at pod Kuang palpitate Qian is invaded! ?

Does spokesman response of Gu Ge say: ? Unplug inclined ǜ of  of  of ∷ of Qiao of ぷ of good Quan of cheek wall  stands tall and upright collect of exhausted ず of T of Chu of ligature of elder brother of  of Chu of  ⒌ Da oh swim  ; ?

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