Series of print of mechanism of China Disciplinary Commission investigates ④ : How to prevent to suf

From by punish, depose, to reappear -- such ups and downs, happen in mid on body of wave of Zou of some county cadre.

2015, zou Bo drinks because of workaday lunch, get within the party punishment of warning, be discharged post of vice director of office of prefectural office office management. Show loving care for a help to fall in the organization subsequently, he drops a load, strenuous promising, after punish influence expires by reuse, hold the position of this county fair car to reform office director.

Zou Bo is in unit chief calm bear, at that time after get about of this one message, it is reasonable that major cadre feels to organize such arrangement, but also there is no lack of a few doubt, "Made a fault be promoted even, did not err then? " " be all cadres that make mistake can reuse? " " be all cadres that make mistake can reuse??

Doubt, force a few places are being used when sufferring punish to handle a cadre must more rigorous, standard, prevent in spite of illness to promote. So, what kind of Party member cadre can by reuse? How to assure " ill " good? What course should reuse take?

"Still in punish the cadre of influence period, uniform cannot be promoted to use, this is a hard thick line. " Spring Festival of massacre of cadre of ministry of organization of municipal Party committee of city of announce of the Anhui province expresses, the effect of rules of party disipline punish to party disipline punish period have specific provision, new castigatory party card leads rules of work of cadre choose appoint to also set, "Be handled by commandment exert oneself, organization or the influence such as punish of party disipline government affairs period perhaps did not expire completely the influence uses " , must not label inspect an object.

The reporter understands in interview, affect the level that the cadre after expiring uses to punish, although each district has difference, but include roughly the following 5 look: See time node, be a party 18 big before err or 18 big hind; 2 look err reason, it is individual reason or working reason; 3 see an individual behave, watch consistent show already, also watch the show after erring; 4 see punish kind, belong to party disipline commonly the ability under small disciplinary action is possible by reuse; 5 see wrong character, attribute economic problem or behaviour problem, picture political have a problem, economically do corruption corruption, morality rots wait for property abominable, cannot by reuse.

See property also want to watch show. Many places express, the understanding manner that the cadre makes a mistake to oneself, job success after sufferring punish to handle, all round the evaluation of cadre masses, it is to suffer punish to handle a cadre whether the main and referenced basis that is used.

"See the fault of acknowledge a mistake regret that suffers punish cadre change wrong attitude, letting him know is he err prevenient, the organization is to be in rescue him, using is constituent accredit him, thereby genuine be repentant, open-armed to the party, can let him think this is to compensating him anything but. View disciplinary action the daily show inside influence period, operating conditions is spent and work especially gain, if got disciplinary action cannot recover after a setback, abandonment, continue to err even, it is to won't get all round the colleague is approbated, also won't be organized to consider reuse. " discipline of city of Hubei province yellow ridge appoint inspect of vice secretary, city appoint vice director Yu Fan says, side of education of profit from pay a return visit, care helps the work, it is not difficult to get these informations.

Of Zou Bo reappear, it is a typical case. Organizing a side to help up, he reviews his mistake seriously, realising is him to doing not have recognize from tight situation in the round, in the final analysis or discipline custom consciousness are not strong. After be enlightened, he drops a load very quickly, systemic heart is thrown in the job, "Fall where stand up where " .

At that time, zou Bo is in prefectural front to face fair car to reform. Entire county many 160 fair car, what should be withheld, what ought not to stay, touch actually the personal interest of many office units and branch, the hard bone that it may be said gnaws hard together. Dan Zoubo is received left this important task, from original formulate plan, to specific carry out, from decide what fair car should be withheld, auction processing to fair to what call in car, his whole journey is participated in, relative strength is in person, a lot of moment still teach advise others by using one's own experience a lesson with his, tell everybody to abide by the policy that reforms about fair car and discipline. Through indefatigable effort, entire county finishs fair car to reform the task as scheduled, all fair cars deal with entirely reach the designated position, handle means to produce demur to fair car without an unit.

That paragraph of time, zou Bo is busy ceaseless, often work overtime. This kind take on actively, the expression of put oneself out of the way and the outstanding result that obtain on fair car reform, be looked to be in the eye by leader and colleague, write down in the heart, he became the model with everybody's accepted outstanding gain. The back that having to him is evaluated to carrying assessment on the back in, person of belt of its education side, all round leader and work in the same placing wait, give him very high opinion, "Win masses to agree to approbate and organize height to affirm " .

The condition gets stuck severely, the process is more careful. In many places that the reporter interviews, after to sufferring punish to handle a cadre the influence expires first reuse, basically perform the following procedure: It is an organization (human affairs) the branch needs according to the job and suffer punish to handle a cadre to be behaved daily, research puts forward to whether arrange its the opinion of new assign sb to a post, ask for record be careful in one's conduct the opinion of censorial mechanism; 2 it is thorough knowledge circumstance, the key understands a cadre to handle the actual performance inside influence period and working outstanding achievement to wait in punish; 3 it is written ask for on one class to organize (human affairs) sectional opinion; 4 it is Party committee (leading Party group) collective discussion decision; 5 it is to take appropriate kind, suffer punish publicly to handle a cadre to the society circumstance of new assign sb to a post.

Be worth what carry is, on the reuse order that handles a cadre to getting disciplinary action in many places, specific requirement is written ask for on one class to organize (human affairs) sectional opinion perhaps puts on record to its. To this, party committee of city of a ground organizes sectional clerk to tell a reporter, handle the cadre's reuse to getting disciplinary action, must Shen Zhi careful, to ranking organization the ministry signs up for equipment, it is the careful consideration on the program, can rise to control the function of inferior use cadre, and consideration cadre uses ranking organization branch to often stand taller, the effect that thinks integratedly is much better.

"Draft so firm order, besides considering duty of social public opinion, choose and employ persons, more important is not to get discipline untie a person. Cannot support care side when umbrella, must accurate hold policy dividing line and applicable status, prevent obscure problem property, depend on strictly compasses perform a procedure according to discipline. " Jiangxi saves period of Ji An city appoint inspect of vice secretary, city appoint vice director Xiao Jun thinks, use or the cadre that put sb in a very important position has gotten disciplinary action, matter to the public letter force of the party, matter to the future career of the party, must Shen Zhi careful, the person that should be reform already takes a stand, want to avoid in spite of illness to promote again, the political modes of life and relation to their environment with favorable self-restraint of the two-way ability that send force.

In interviewing, the place still thinks, after sufferring punish to handle a cadre to be on new working position, want to dog in time, supervise management to cannot be loosened instantly daily to its especially. "Once give an issue again, the consequence that cause, society is affected often bigger, can be suspected to be in spite of illness is promoted by cadre masses even " .

Zou Bo has personal experience to this. After he comes to new job station, his educational side takes a person to still look for him to chat, understand situation of his thought, job, two people became a good friend, prefectural discipline appoint still supervise and urge his new unit is behaved to its thought understanding, job etc undertake dogging, strengthen educational management. "Although written report, side supports a program,that one had ended, but the encouragement on the education on the thought, job is undertaking all the time. " person of his educational side belt says so.

Series of print of mechanism of China Disciplinary Commission investigates ④ : How to prevent to suffer punish to handle cadre in spite of illness to promote

(note: Should cover object demand, the place in series investigation is involved suffer punish to handle a cadre to all be alias, primary problem is " is series investigated 04 how to prevent to suffer punish to handle cadre in spite of illness to promote? -- distinguish different and wrong character, pay attention to gain of acknowledge a mistake manner, job and masses public praise, use a program strictly " )

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