Evade tragedy: "Make state official set fire only, forbid common people to light a lamp " !

Have a person that calls Gu Liangchen in ancient time, special abstain from the name that the family member says him, a word cannot say. His son is very obedient. A day, his son is being read " Mencius " , should read " today alleged fine official, ancient alleged traitor to the public also " when, read aloud aloud: "Today so-called father, ancient alleged traitor to the public also. " Gu Liangchen listens dizzy past of within an inch of.

Here just told a joke, in ancient time such jest is very much, be like " make state official set fire only, forbid common people to light a lamp " , those who tell also is the jest that the ancients evades. So, whether does the taboo of Chinese the ancients resemble what tell in jest really after all in that way?

Evade tragedy: "Make state official set fire only, forbid common people to light a lamp " !

In fact, in feudal society of our country ancient time, "Evade " the child that regards system of its patriarchal clan system, low as idea of exalted cheap grade, its influence is very big.

Evading is a kind of regime, it is the principle that the ancients must abide by, specific saying is people in daily life especially in writ come-and-go, meet the name of contemporary monarch, sage or own ancestors, must want evasive.

Namely cannot the name of straightforward style emperor, sage or elders, be about to get otherwise very severe penalty, even by decapitate, this is evaded namely.

Evade tragedy: "Make state official set fire only, forbid common people to light a lamp " !

About evading consuetudinary initiative time, have 3 kinds of opinions at present. It is period of result summer business, qian Xiyan " play defect " carry: "Case " hill sea classics " have Xia Houkai, lid avoid as taboo opens a name also. Avoid as taboo place by only then. " 2 for only then at Zhou Dai, " flourish fast essay " carry: "Name of imperial avoid as taboo, from Zhou Shishi this is made. From Zhou Shishi this is made..

3 for only then Yu Chunqiu period, " ram passes · Min fair the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor " have: "Age is honour person avoid as taboo, it is the person that kiss avoid as taboo, for virtuous person avoid as taboo. " the principle that in putting forward society of feudal patriarchal clan system, evades, below the guidance of this kind of principle, formed a kind to evade system and system gradually.

Every violates this one system should be punished. Tang Lv is scanty the regulation that discuss , make intentionally avoid as taboo for " big irreverent " , namely " guilty of unpardonable evil " blame.

Evade tragedy: "Make state official set fire only, forbid common people to light a lamp " !

The Song Dynasty evades period of at the height of power and splendour for you, yuan drop in temperature somewhat when era, clear generation pushed it again extremely to. Song Daike lifts an exam in, if examinee has break avoid as taboo meet by castigatory remove from office fall, forfeit future; Clear acting contraindication is more extensive, constant because of violate a taboo, go in for sth in a large scale " literal jail " , accordingly " evade " the condition that the ceremony developed have a very high level.

The method that the ancients evades is very much, can divide roughly for empty word, be short of a pen, change a word, change to read and be changed say 5 kinds of methods. As a result of ineffable need, there is name of a lot of person names, place name, official in archaic book by unjustifiable change, to our history research brings certain influence, but evade at the same time as phenomenon of a kind of history, have its bright times feature again, conduce to us judging the times of historical data, decide the true bogus of ancient books.

Our country the ancients evades the social phenomenon with this kind of unique whole world, had been laughed to pass by common people as the history, but " state official is incendiary " the story is however in actual society repeat ceaselessly with other forms, just the tragedy that it became a society by jest. We believe before long it will make the history forever in the future.

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