"Feel embarrassed, I am about the love of 1% "

"Feel embarrassed, I am about the love of 1% "


33 years old, still believe to fall in love at first sight, funny?

Not, lovely.

Fine jade fine jade flying Xiyatu, range passes half, appeared abominable weather situation, what the airlines bumps is very fierce, she is especially other and nervous, captured subliminally on the side the hand of seat man, on the side man also enclasp her hand.

Time is very short, 2 minutes.

That dichotomy bell to fine jade fine jade for, had grown all one's life, a lantern with paper cut figures of men one act one act, she has even flashy, want to cry, she has not enjoyed love well, she has thought worst outcome even, empty elder sister tells her to want to write a will a little while, she should write to who write, two so cranky minutes, have a warm stranger, enclasp her hand.

After dichotomy bell, the plane is smooth.

Fine jade fine jade the hand that looks at enclasp, laughing to say, you need not nervous, have nothing to do.

Man laugh says, that you, can you unlock my hand?

The range of 4 hours, really fast, be like them is each other laughed a few times only, chatting, time was over too. Fine jade fine jade say, 4 hours are insufficient really one individual him introduction.

So, they were together, so, feel embarrassed, the first time meet to fall in love with you. So, I am so lovely, preparation introduces me to give you with the time of lifetime.

Fall in love at first sight, the probability that be together is 99% , but, marry finally have 1% only.


Ma Xiaoqian follows her husband, talked 8 years, marry.

That 18 years old years she still is wearing school uniform, agree to take an examination of Nanjing university together with the boy friend, later, one is taken an examination of go in, one chose other school, fortunately, it is same a city.

Have bout, the boy friend goes looking for Xiao Qian, xiao Qian still is attending class, the boy friend waited many minutes 30 outside classroom, issued a class, xiao Qian asks, how?

The boy friend is laughing to hand she jump one packet jump candy, say, my classmate gives me, saying is to taste very amused, I do not have be willing to part with or use to eat, be taken to you.

Xiao Qian is laughing to say, you are foolish, run so far, to send this candy, in one's childhood, had not you eaten?

The boy friend is stupefied, say, do not have, I am to hear of for the first time really, take this candy, still can jump.

Xiao Qian tears apart candy bag, fall into the mouth, resemble small white hare next in that way scamper about.

Boy friend very astonish look at her, say, can jump really!

Xiao Qian jumps suddenly to the boy friend before, holding a boy friend in the arms to kiss, jump jump candy is in in the mouth in Pi bang noisy, passed a little while, xiao Qian asks, delicious?

The boy friend nods, but, very interrogative, ask, how didn't I a moment ago jump?

Xiao Qian says, your weight is too heavy, a packet of candy suits the person of a 50kg to jump only.

The boy friend says, oh, no wonder.

26 years old, xiao Qian is wearing marriage gauze, station stagewise, compere is laughing to say, bridegroom, you can kiss your bride now.

Bridegroom is laughing to say, wait a little while.

Draw out a bag of candy from the pocket next, tear apart, was in in the mouth, next the kiss of their scamper about, so happy.

The probability that campus sweethearts graduation parts company is 99% , the sweethearts that has 1% only to marriage gauze from school uniform marries, they experienced graduation twice, without departure.


The cat parted company with the boy friend.

Reason, tired, ran to be not moved, she says, be the limit 3 years, the different ground of 500 kilometers is loved, you had talked to know to hope hill runs dead horse is what meaning.

The thing spends half an year.

The boy friend comes to feline city, say, we are compound.

The cat says, I had talked enough different ground is loved, want with respect to feel sad.

The boy friend says, not be different ground this love.

The cat asks, did you come?

The boy friend says, stay beside you.

Different ground is loved resembling is to buy lottery ticket, no matter you were held in the arms at that time how old hope, time arrived, in doing not have, expire become invalid. The person needs safe sense, the cat follows boy friend marriage, also can work now and then later be away on official business, temporary different ground is loved, but bilateral won't anxious, because was together.

Call to mom, mom was not received, you won't be afraid, you know, after mom sees, regular meeting is answered to you come over. Send a small letter to the boy friend, he was not answered, you are confused. Why? Because that returns the thing that did not belong to his temporarily, we always can worry, it can be lost.

The cat asks husband, why do you come back at the outset compound marry me?

Husband is laughing to say, you belong to a cat, I belong to a dog.

The cat asks, what meaning?

Husband is laughing to say, the cat ran away from home, won't come back, dog, no matter go much further, it can come back, because it loves the home.

The cat asks, do then you still agree with what I say to part company at the outset?

Husband says, do not belong to your thing, you clutched, also can resembling is water same from point to seam in flow, belong to your thing, you put it to go, you also are encountering it afresh one of these day.

Part company compound probability is 83% , but, can go final have 1% only.


The person that loves that 18 years old years, be still beside?

35 years old, dare you still wait go down?

You return vital energy of know how things stand and feel confident of handling them, be not love to be not married?

Tried hard so long, not be to lay the person that those once did not value the face, however, be willing to spell all effort to love that person of 1% really.

Busy all one's life, know so much person, to finally?

Some people do not retain my name, some people do not remember my byname, some people do not remember me with who the predestined relationship does not have a portion, some people did not see I had cried, some people contact me no longer, you say time is brutal, not, it is you indecisive, it is forced to make a decision for you, those the most important 1% stay.

So, we should love this person of 1% attentively.

"Feel embarrassed, I am about the love of 1% "

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