Paddy Cheng Hefu: Life is alive indispensable interior management

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Paddy Cheng Hefu: Life is alive indispensable interior management

Today, allow me please with " the reflection to life " for the problem, " the life that how should we spend ourselves after all? " the idea that talks about me.

This topic, I ever also talked in the past reach. I think life is alive, need the management of 3 respects, it is management of health management, ability and wisdom and interior management. In this 3 person in, my move tells about interior management again today.

Was filled in what yokohama holds in Feburary 2005 and on long regular meeting of private school of area of private school east of Shanhaiguan, I had talked about this topic. I am a foundation with speaking that today, try content to change, discuss afresh.

In the meantime, a lot of people realise, undertake administrative to the body merely, keep healthy merely, return the import that cannot allow a person to find life. So they devote oneself to the management of correct head, perhaps say government of ability and wisdom. E.g. , the school grows up on, read, listen to lecture to wait a moment. Supervising the body while also manage ability and wisdom, maintain hard, the talent that promotes oneself.

However, the heart still is had while the person has the body, ability and wisdom. A lot of people take management of body management, ability and wisdom seriously, ignore interior government however. And this heart manages pair of people and character is crucial, but a lot of people are had no feeling for however to this management however. because such, the person that modern contracts psychological disease is not little. Vexed, anxious, dissatisfaction often is in our heart cause trouble, we consequently painful, angst. Add current society competition is intense, in popular feeling cause very easily envy and hate. And this kind of anxiety can affect a body again. For example, mental pressure causes gastric ulcer, still have the disease such as hypertensive, miocardial infarction, think commonly, these diseases origin is mixed at the anguish in popular feeling vexed. Still have, the mood develop such as hate of the rough dissatisfaction in the heart, angry, avoid spreads, suffer from possibly on the mental disease such as melancholia. If this is planted bedraggled farther aggravate of the heart, still can cause domestic force, mistreat children, bring about the suicide even.

I think, people emphasizes the importance of health management blindly, spend time on body and management of ability and wisdom only, and oversight the management to the heart, this ability is the germ of afore-mentioned phenomena. Of course, although know faintness, but we also know the heart is influential to the body commonly. However, face up to this problem, the person that executes interior management seriously special however little.

Say further, influence place of the heart and, not just body of be confined to, it still brings huge influence to our life. Probably everybody thinks, think what is optional in him heart with freedom. But actually, the place in your heart wants to be able to appear as the phenomenon. Maintain so why to plant state of mind is crucial.

For this, in religious world, pay attention to very much those who maintain state of mind is gentle. My the ceremony of proclaiming sb a Buddhist Zen, and sit in meditation this cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine is to carry mental state mix smoothly halcyon.

Active the British philosopher in 20 centuries initial stage Zhanmusi? Ellen, the composing in him " the law of reason and result " in one book, to interior management, have as follows discuss: The person's heart resembles curtilage. This curtilage, already but sensible ground is cultivated, also but indulge it is run-down, no matter be cultivated,still be run-down, curtilage won't be blank. If there is the flowers and plants that sows beauty in his curtilage, so the seed of countless fireweed is sure to fly fall, flourish fireweed will be occupied full your curtilage. That is to say, the person's heart is just as court, if be not added cultivated, hold the post of its to go out of cultivation, do not go sowing beautiful female flower, that is born with respect to can miscellaneous brushwood.

Next, zhanmusi? Ellen writes again: Outstanding horticultural division can turn over agrarian curtilage, eliminate fireweed, sow beautiful female flower, breed ceaselessly. If we want a good life, we are about to break up agrarian the curtilage of own heart, impure thought clear off, grow next on of Qing Chun, right idea, breed it. Try to manage to the heart, let oneself have right idea, so, in the court of your heart, if what you wish,meet, the flowers and plants of overgrow beauty. If do not build refine spirit, let its indulge, so, the fireweed that you do not like spreads with respect to meeting overgrowth. Both reside surely firstly.

Zhanmusi? Ellen place says " beautiful flowers and plants " , no more than is the result that points to life. The life of the happy happiness that in wanting to realize your heart, depicts, so you must undertake administrative to your heart. Zhanmusi? Ellen is used horticultural make an example, showed this sense.

Next, zhanmusi? If make conclusions,Ellen reachs: We choose right idea, let it be in brains take root, we can sublimate is exalted person. We choose wrong thought, let it be in brains take root, we can degenerate for birds and beasts. Sow the seed of all thoughts in the heart, can grow only a congener thing, or late or early, they are sure to give the flower of behavior, the ties goes environmental fruit. Fruit of be apt to of good idea knot, evil consequence of bad idea knot.

Review the life of myself, no less than Zhanmusi? What Ellen says is same. The person's heart decides life, decided the outcome of person lifetime. If this individual is business operator, still decided the outstanding achievement of his enterprise. Those who see its effect is great.

However, such truth teachs us explicitly without the person however. Mention before no less than, almost all people, did not realize the value of interior management. Went up after age, people rises to the healthy and serious management of the body, but the person of serious to the heart management is very few however and very few.

Instantly world look is involute, a lot of people baffle and be at a loss socially. I think the germ of all these depends on this.

Zhanmusi? Ellen saw the person's essence, his admonish says: "Pull out please him heart the fireweed in this court, cultivated court, sow oneself to hope, beautiful flowers and plants, irrigate meticulously, fertilization, management. " do I think pair of Zhanmusi? The word of Ellen does farther crisp specification. Otherwise, such truth pays Zhu Shi very hard carry out.

I ever had been told to everybody, interior construction of the person can be regarded is with true my multilayer and homocentric circle for the center, true my outside it is ego, sensibility, intellectual. But, interior center is living together " true I " with " ego " , this is both in combat. I think, such description lets us understand the essence of popular feeling easily.

Alleged " true I " , it is full of love, sincerity and harmony, it can use the true this word will convey, it is good and clinking. In weather station buddhism, have " all of wood of mountains and rivers-land all becomes Buddha " view. Hill it may not be a bad idea, plain it may not be a bad idea, rough it may not be a bad idea, wood it may not be a bad idea, dark Luo Moxiang, temporal, all be stationed in old Buddha sex. On this world, no matter be biology,still be inorganic, all resembling Buddha is same, have grace, be full of mercy, the heart of the high administrative levels of care other. I call heart of this kind of Buddha true I.

Of as high as this kind administrative levels " true I " answer relatively, alleged " ego " be based on instinct, that is to say, should be opposite only oneself are advantageous good. Abhor for instance, envious, greedy, peacockish, jealousy, still have the show such as narcissism. If say " true me " the ego that is high administrative levels, so " ego " the ego that is low administrative levels.

In the meantime, OK also " true I " call altruistic heart, " ego " call hoggish heart. Altruistic heart is the heart of others of care, minister; It is good that hoggish heart wants him only namely the egoistic heart that goes. Everybody is living together on the body these two kinds of hearts. This is our heart.

The Shi Wenzhong of Er of dagger of Indian poet peaceful is like next descriptions:

I come to the god alone before.

But, there been beening another me over there.

That dark black me medium, who be after all?

For escape him,

I hide into crossroad,

But, I cannot cast off him.

He takes a step on the highway avowedly,

Furl the sand and dust of the ground.

I am courteous the ground is murmurous,

His loud repeat.

He is the lowliness on my body is small me,

It is ego.

Advocate ah, he does not know disgrace.

I feel abashed however.

Those who accompany this humbleness is small I,

I come to the front of your door.

Of the ego that filthy humbleness described in Taigeer's poem and pure beauty true I, this is both in us everybody lives together on the body.

Do not grant to restrain to the hoggish ego in our heart, with respect to meeting botch our precious life. So, does this kind the ego of low administrative levels regard as didn't disroot go like fireweed? But the thing is not such and simple.

Actually, because had " ego " , we just can live. Rely on the ego of pure happiness only, the person cannot live at the world. For instance, to live, what oneself want to must be occupied more more is concupiscent, to protect oneself, should bunt the anger of adversary, these are the god gifts existent instinct of the person. Did not have this kind of instinct, as biology, the person cannot maintain him live. Still have a few example, for instance reputation desire, ascendancy desire, and even a variety of resentment, of this kind of low administrative levels in holding a heart " ego " , become certain people to live the motivation that go down and vigor.

However, this kind " ego " although make a living,put place must, but of low administrative levels " ego " anything but OK and excessive expand. The poem that uses Taigeer will explain, the ego that cannot let that humbleness namely becomes the leading role that dominates the heart. If of low administrative levels " ego " become dictate, life encounters defeat necessarily.

Call-over here criticism is discourteous rather, we had seen such very much Jiang Guiwen resembling Ku's person, be just as comet to appear in the sky, became the favorite of the times temporarily. But he is before long thrasonical say: "Want to have money only, what is able into " , proud and assuming. As expected, good times don't last long, very fast they disappear from the scene from arena. Because they are lost in,this is temporarily successful, forgot modesty, the result that wanton absurd is that hoggish ego in indulge heart.

To avoid the occurrence of this kind of state, must try to manage to the heart. A moment ago had told, living together in the person's heart " true I " and " ego " . The point here is: "Ego " namely hoggish heart has imperious and despotic character, once indulge can expand without giving thought to, down to general " true I " namely altruistic heart forces to the corner.

Actually, when we are judging a thing, what often serve as judgement etc with gain and loss or face is fiducial. Can use rarely " good for other " altruistic heart undertakes judging. On this, even if the person that the special harden oneself such as the monk of long-term cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine passes him character and morals is same also. On the other hand, christ persuades a person to say: Hit you when the person right buccal when, you left buccal also let him hit. And Buddha advocates pair of resentment to anounce a smile. Can reach the person of this kind of state, because,be good, the major space that elegant altruistic heart occupied his soul.

We are laic, cannot become Christ or Buddha. And to live, of lowermost limit " ego " namely hoggish heart is must. "Ego " more or less to want a few, but must let again " true I " main position is held in the heart.

Want to accomplish this, be not restrain " ego " cannot. Focus oneself state of mind, should want to be opposite only oneself are advantageous go " ego " when begin to crop up, immediateness suppress it, be just as " knock mole " game in that way, what just looked up " ego " pressure go down. If can use a heart so, "Ego " can decrease, reductive part is " true me " place is occupational, "True I " the share that holds can expand. Such doing, "True I " the proportion that holds in the heart can increase, itself of this one process is the process that character promotes. That is to say, pass everyday exert oneself of daily ego give up, "Ego " rate is cut down, "True I " scale grows, this is alleged " raise heart sex " .

Regard this thing as common occurrence, undertake repeatedly, in the process of such effort, the heart gets harden oneself, can be called " exalted person " , " the person that has morality " .

Still have, pass sex of continual harden oneself heart, to the judgement of the thing level also can produce change. "True I " after what occupying scale to expand, meet with altruistic heart, the heart that fills care another person goodly namely undertakes judging to the thing. Contrary, if " ego " held proportion is large, meet with " I ah I ah " hoggish heart, be opposite with the gain and loss of own individual or face only namely the thing undertakes judging. Judgement is same a thing, with altruistic heart judgement, still judge with hoggish heart, result general polarity. When the person is judging a thing, not be only drive reason. Really, we judge a thing in use reason, but right now, become those who judge a foundation to be interior condition. This state of mind is altruistic hoggish still, the result of judgement is widely divergent. When be being judged for the foundation with altruistic heart, with respect to the kernel that can see a thing, judge very few error. When thinking with hoggish heart, judgement can puzzle, with respect to meeting twist, often bring about wrong result.

The food camouflage event that produces recently is example. Serial number has the accident of food manufacturer, ignore the presence of consumer because of these manufacturer namely, forgot to regard food as the cardinal principles of righteousness of the enterprise. "Expiration period in a way has nothing to do with more than! character the label distorts slightly people looks not to come out! For gain this is have to " etc, so for expedience, careless judgement. When making judgement, operator and cadre with low administrative levels " ego " , undertake judging for the foundation with hoggish heart namely, the result brings huge disorder to the society not only, also let an enterprise be immersed in the crisis that life and death lives or die, also make numerous employee terrified disturbed.

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