Recently, wu Hechen of actor of comic dialogue of heart cloud company breaks out a disease, family is passed " water prepares " initiate 1 million numerous prepare be related to cause controversy. The room has a car to still be tagged on platform for " poverty door " ? The netizen begins to oppugn platform to whether check house property, cure to expend information ahead of schedule.
After company of afterwards heart cloud is responded to, late on May 5 water prepares also respond to say, wu Mou illness is belonged to solid, end up to raise the wind, in all procuration one hundred and forty-seven thousand nine hundred yuan, of short duration did not apply for to carry now, if initiator applies for to carry,show, water preparing can undertake fair show. Treat circumstance and money user about the patient, also will last to the public fair show. Water preparing expresses, project of the raise the wind on platform has refund channel, donative before the project makes a money person can apply for refund at any time according to individual apiration.
Before this late on May 4, heart cloud company releases statement to say, wu Shuai wife initiates " water prepares " numerous preparing is private action, the family member says to before get contributed money, can delimit directly by platform according to regulation hospital account, use at follow-up cure, will publish relevant expenditure detail. Heart cloud company and the economy that him Guo Degang will continue to offer fixed rate to its help.