Chaos of Nanning punish the appearance of a city resembles: The person that persuade to leave founta

Original title: Chaos of Nanning punish the appearance of a city resembles: The person that persuade to leave fountainhead ground fish with a hook and line is investigated occupy manage

Chaos of Nanning punish the appearance of a city resembles:

City canal executes the law personnel punish occupies booth of management night fair to nod. Reporter Li Wenfeng is photographed

On April 28, 2019 the 2nd period " to people acceptance -- TV asks politics " the exposure in the program existence of nightly part way occupies Nanning city to manage wait for chaos of the appearance of a city to resemble. Come day after day, bureau of canal of city of Changjiang Delta area organizes relevant section staff early or late, resemble concentration to all sorts of chaos inside area under administration continuously punish.

" to people acceptance -- TV asks politics " after the program broadcasts, late on April 29, canal of city of Changjiang Delta area executes the law the team is in charge of with respect to constituent city censorial and execute the law especially frequently team member 90 people, be opposite early or late the violate the rules and regulations of night fair of a section of a highway such as slope of weak village road, white sanded either end of a bridge, Hong Delu, Mo Wu resembles assault punish in disorder, punish action arrives continuously the following day before dawn 1 when, investigate in all occupy manage 20 cases, cross a doorsill to be managed 5 cases, of short duration buckles electric tricycle 14 wait for a batch to occupy management outfit. That evening, sha Jing is street also organize a military unit corresponding to a company of the pipe that belong to a city to begin violate compasses occupy place sell, the chaos such as parkway car random place resembles bank of Changjiang Delta of start off of mud of belt of slimy head car, another name for Nanning punish activity, check buckle tricycle 3, car of head of 2 stage, mud carries electronic level card 1 piece, car of Suo Ni head 1, stickup car violates compasses park to punish sheet 5 pieces.

"51 " holiday, go angling of river of a few another name for Nanning person enter fish with a hook and line of groove guard of fountainhead of drinking water of river of another name for Nanning, city canal executes the law personnel persuades to leave one by one. On May 4, military unit corresponding to a company of pipe of city of street organization area under administration, put together treats sanded well of Changjiang Delta region do, booth of flow of punish of 100 much people nods the sectional staff such as municipal environmental sanitation 5,

Since April 29, bureau of canal of city of Changjiang Delta area dispatchs execute the law 1300 much person-time begin personnel to wait for all sorts of random elephants to have integrated repair to appearance of city of the appearance of a city continuously, two side, unused to lane of a few alleyway, road open space have repair, in all punish is occupied place the vendor's stand of going from place to place that sell to be nodded many cases 180, clear alleyway lane, road two side are deserted furniture sundry 23 cars; The platoon checks construction chaos elephant to reach surround the elephant that block chaos many cases 30; Punish footpath phenomenon of motor vehicle random park 15, persuade to leave staff of river side fish with a hook and line 120 much person-time, punish report bicycle enters all sorts of parks 18 cases, punish shares bicycle random park more than 300, booth of barbecue of punish shift open air orders 8 part, of short duration buckles all sorts of barbecue appliance such as furnace of barrow, electric tricycle, barbecue a batch. (Wangchun of reporter Li Zhaoqi's reporter gives birth to Zhu Jianlin)

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