Car spontaneous combustion is too horrible, remember these answer measure the moment of truth to mai

Before paragraph time, a tesla of Shanghai produced spontaneous combustion. No matter be this news, still be the film scenario that see, the consequence that we can see car spontaneous combustion may very serious, the loss is not small also. And weather also begins recently slowly heated, we should master more answering measure, ability of the moment of truth reduces him even social loss. Small today make up will to everybody tell us to face event of car spontaneous combustion, should take what kind of step.

Car spontaneous combustion is too horrible, remember these answer measure the moment of truth to maintain an order!

The first, be aware such danger affection can assure bigger safety as early as possible, unapt cause beyond recall consequence.

Average car spontaneous combustion is certainly by small greaten, and before the small bright fire that can see, affirmative meeting has a few apparent abnormal sign. For example the stink with black smoke, anxious burnt flavour, pungent batteries is waited a moment, likely also oily bad news greatens suddenly, have dense not flaming benzine flavour.

Produce the account of these omen, namely the reason of car spontaneous combustion, normally ageing of leakage oil, electrical wiring, high temperature reachs combustible article burning point. Still have spare parts trouble, or greasy filth accumulation adds job of engine high temperature, made spontaneous combustion. What take a car in time is peculiar, answer calmly before having apparent fire power, can the loss the smallest change.

Car spontaneous combustion is too horrible, remember these answer measure the moment of truth to maintain an order!

The 2nd, according to different igneous situation, different step is taken below people safety in sponsorial body and week by.

When what realize spontaneous combustion in us is augural, we ought to adopt an emergency measures. Distribute gas because of air interior support combustion quality, so we park the car in airless place as far as possible, allow danger condition very easily otherwise aggravate. After parking good car, we ought to cut off the power source of car, check car next.

Car spontaneous combustion is too horrible, remember these answer measure the moment of truth to maintain an order!

If, realize danger affection is later, there has been apparent fire power inside small area, we do not need to ponder, took the fire extinguisher that carries along with the car to aim igneous cause gush. Perhaps be aerosol only when also be. If did not follow a car to carry fire extinguisher, need to ask to aid other vehicle. Or, can use isolation airy method to have put out a fire, the method that for instance sandy soil covers.

Car spontaneous combustion is too horrible, remember these answer measure the moment of truth to maintain an order!

The measure above is confined to small fire, if get off hind large area has caught fire, danger situation is serious, what after getting off, should do above all is to dial 119. After dialing, we also do not want to abandon, can use the method such as fire extinguisher put out a fire likewise. If after 35 minutes, put out a fire has not produced the result, igneous situation is controlled hard, we can abandon loving a car only. Right now, must not avaricious go saving goods and materials again, also ought to active ground is scattered all round masses, prevent others as far as possible or car is stood by.

Car spontaneous combustion is too horrible, remember these answer measure the moment of truth to maintain an order!

The 3rd, prevention and cure is united in wedlock, nip in the bud.

No matter the danger affection of car spontaneous combustion is great small still, cause loss scarcely the conference is small. So, the happening that prevents spontaneous combustion is attached most importance to especially should. So, we need regular to oil path need groovy examination, especially period of summertime high temperature. The article that still has the risk such as benzine is not placed inside the car, lighter of perfume, gas these are combustible the article that explodes easily also does not insolate inside the car, of gas evaporate quickly may cause explosion, fire. In addition, also do not want to insolate for long below high temperature, travel, the frontal temperature that may cause a part is exorbitant and spontaneous combustion.

Car spontaneous combustion is too horrible, remember these answer measure the moment of truth to maintain an order!

Above small write the measure that say, whether do you take small to had been written down? The summer already not far, south has appeared even sizzler is angry, as temperature elevatory, each friend must notice to be on guard. Losing money is small, car spontaneous combustion may give life safety to bring huge risk. What do you still have to answer the small subtle move of car spontaneous combustion? Welcome to be shared in comment area.

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