Guangxi releases 2018 year to consume dimension to counterpoise 10 grand ceremony case, see you had

Judge to difference on shopping website, the businessman undertakes sealing date to consumer; Buy health care to taste can win Hong Kong share, claim to be able to gain profit a few times; Buy businessman of clean water machine to give filter, house of adj/LIT wide of water of result gift ask for trouble, businessman however evade responsibility... on May 8, municipal Consumer's Committee releases 2018 year whole area to consume dimension to counterpoise 10 grand ceremony case, client of austral morning paper carries a reporter to consume dimension authority expert please, undertook commenting on in the light of typical case, and how avoid consumption trap, safeguard consumer oneself legitimate rights and interests gave out to remind.

Case one: Shopping website judges consumer to be sealed to difference date

In July 2018, have customer to former Nanning city market substation complains major of industrial and commercial bureau, limited company of science and technology of network of wide southwest peaceful Fu Jiangxu manages in its " scanty benefit " the statement in the website, consumer is judged to the difference in the product directly, content is bad commment, duplicate perhaps borrowed the evaluation of other, the administrator buys screen a number of scanty benefit Zhang, until buy the ability after the home negotiates processing to modify an opinion with connection selling the home to give solution to seal.

Classics investigation, industrial and commercial bureau of former Nanning city is maintained, this company contains the behavior of inequitable to consumer, unreasonable regulation in statement, be in the amerce with 5000 yuan to its.

Staff member of municipal Consumer's Committee expresses, brush sales volume, brush reputably, cutout difference is judged etc " fry a letter " " brush sheet " behavior, not only the superintendence that encroached consumer, also damage authority of consumer know the inside story, option, serious misdirect consumer. Began to carry out this year in January " law of electronic business affairs " specific provision, the businessman place that can be to having visit fines below with 500 thousand yuan. In the meantime, when reminding consumer to shop on the net, the platform that should notice choice reputation is good and store business buy goods or serve, do not participate in because of a few petty gain " brush sales volume " activity, also do not want easily " brush reputably " .

Guangxi releases 2018 year to consume dimension to counterpoise 10 grand ceremony case, see you had been experienced

Case 2: Buy health care to taste send harbor false conduct propaganda is fined

March 2018, consumer is informed against to industrial and commercial bureau of former Liuzhou city say, battalion headquarters of classics of Ou Zekang food is in north of Liuzhou city willow when promoting the health care such as amino acid to taste, the amino acerbity product that buys 3980 yuan with every gives 800 " luck year international " harbor for stunt, claim this win the rich and generous get one's own back of a few times at least, attract senile consumer to participate in thereby buy.

Classics investigation, industrial and commercial bureau of former Liuzhou city thinks, should manage a possibility that exaggerated stock gains profit, the risk sex of escape stock, not truthless to giving the conduct propaganda of the stock, comprehensive, attribute the action of false conduct propaganda, confiscate illegal income 29544 yuan, be in fine with 30456 yuan.

Staff member of municipal Consumer's Committee says, in recent years, health care tastes a sale random elephant is fascicular, have with " free card " suck hook, have with " expert card " puissant brainwashing, have with " close affection card " diddle is trustful, but can obtain rich and generous redound to be consumer of bait misdirect old age with giving a stock to allege, it is current health care tastes a distributor to play another when go out " trick " , no matter be which kind of methods, its purpose is tasted to attract old people high price to buy health protection namely with profit of obtain high specified number, the legitimate rights and interests of consumer of enroach on old age

Guangxi releases 2018 year to consume dimension to counterpoise 10 grand ceremony case, see you had been experienced

Case 3: Bazaar lottery has " feline be bored with " dummy " win a prize in a lottery " be punished

Last year May, in dried shrimps of division of state of appropriate of river pool city flange act the role ofing is tasted when inn shops, mr Wang and Mr Wei participate in lottery activity, obtain 1000 yuan as a result touch with certificate, any acting the role of is bought to taste inside inn can touch decrease 1000 yuan. In the salesperson revulsive below, two people bought jade bracelet, Yu Zhui, paid 300 yuan actually to mix 400 yuan. After coming home, two people discover this is a fraud, find act the role of the requirement that taste inn to retreat goods refund to meet with refus, complain to concerned branch then.

Last year on May 7, branch bureau of state of appropriate of industrial and commercial bureau of city of former river pool executes the law personnel tastes inn to undertake the spot is checked to acting the role of, discovering lottery is not random and draw-out, however by counterjumper alternative put in to consumer, do not have the chance of win a prize in a lottery, form false " sale having reward " .

Classics mediation, adorn taste inn to return payment for goods to consumer, press payment for goods double amount offers consumer compensation. Subsequently, appropriate state branch bureau is in the amerce with 20 thousand yuan to this inn lawfully.

Staff member of municipal Consumer's Committee says, consumer is in face all sorts of " sale having reward " when, want reason to treat, not by the surface " win a prize in a lottery of a huge sum " be puzzled, when attending sales compaign having reward, want detailed rules of much more advertent activity to withhold testimony, once discover the businessman has the practise fraud, action that cheats customer, should wait for concerned branch in time to complain to market superintendency department, inform against.

Guangxi releases 2018 year to consume dimension to counterpoise 10 grand ceremony case, see you had been experienced

Case 4: Problem of new number sunrise is repaired repeatedly bad to retreat goods to succeed

In November 2017, thanked a gentleman to buy some brand car in limited company of trade of Hai Hong car of city of the harbor that prevent a city, the price seventy-three thousand three hundred yuan. After the car opens dispatch a vehicle to go, vibration appears to cross big, noise to scorch with clutch greatly too when he discovers car is hanging 6 archives wait for a phenomenon. Morrow, he drives the car a this inn processing, via two maintenance is reached change spare parts, still fail to remove breakdown, he puts forward to retreat car refund to all refuse for many times.

Receive after complaining, city of the former harbor that prevent a city pledges inspect branch intervenes instantly. Via detecting, confirm afore-mentioned phenomena of existence consumer report. Last year on January 12, both sides reachs intercessory agreement, party sum is returned thank a gentleman to buy vehicle fund seventy-three thousand three hundred yuan, compensate for a car to purchase duty, hand in cost of bridge of strong danger, road to wait in all 6574.29 yuan.

Staff member of municipal Consumer's Committee reminds, consumer should undertake trying driving to car before shifting a car, check car change direction, establishment of transmission, circuitry, braking system all is effective, engine sound whether smooth-going. Relevant receipt should have been saved after buying a car, when preventing to produce quality issue cannot quote.

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