99 orgnaizations remnant the *ST stepping on thunder such as fund of company of 9 card gold, Tian Ho

99 orgnaizations remnant the *ST stepping on thunder such as fund of company of 9 card gold, Tian Hong health

Times of an ancient name for China (Www.chinatimes.net.cn) Hangzhou report of reporter Xu Chao

Health Inc. of group of composite material of invest group limited company president, Kang Dexin (abbreviation " *ST health " , 002450) because large stockholder and jade of bell of effective control person are suspected of crime be being adopted by police after criminal coercive measures, on May 14 open quotation namely one word drops stop, full one day did not turn over.

According to Zhang Jia respect of harbor city public security bureau discloses, because Zhong Yu is suspected of divert capital blame by punishment arrest. On April 30 *ST health annals announces, up to the report period end, fund of money of company Zhang face fifteen billion three hundred and sixteen million yuan, among them 12.21 billion yuan deposit the monetary fund at subbranch of a bank of Beijing bank Xidan to disappear.

Capital of a huge sum " disappear without trace " ferment public opinion pays close attention to a focus quickly, do not charge a person to half month fact namely by punishment arrest, share price drops greatly, once Bai Ma for a short while swaying in the midst of a raging storm. " times of an ancient name for China " the reporter combs discovery, the newspaper showed 2018, still 99 orgnaizations hold a *ST health, to 2019 one quarterly reports, remained 9 only, there is no lack of among them gold of company of gold of national group evidence, ant takes the big Ga such as fund of great of the day below the banner, and appear on the market now the company gave a major issue, these 9 orgnaizations that remain are step on thunder thoroughly.

99 orgnaizations withdraw 3 months 90

When *ST health when still must calling Kang Dexin, it is the times gets favour white horse in investor eye.

The Zhong Yu that was born 1950, founded 1988 health get a group, established 2001 Kang Dexin. 2017, kang Dexin in Forbes the whole world has innovation power company most in sheet of 100 strong a list of names posted up, as only new material company list the 47th, market prise exceeds one billion two hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-two.

Basis " times of an ancient name for China " of the reporter comb, up to 2018 annals, *ST health 99 have orgnaizations maintain a warehouse, among them fund 88, maintain a warehouse ninety million four hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred several, occupy current (contain a lock to decide) scale 2.79% , hold total capital stock 2.55% ; Conduct financial transactions of certificate business gather 2, maintain a warehouse three hundred and fifty-seven thousand eight hundred, occupy current (contain a lock to decide) scale 0.01% , hold total capital stock 0.01% ; Other orgnaization 9, maintain a warehouse 1.631 billion, occupy current (contain a lock to decide) scale 41.18% , hold total capital stock 37.76% .

99 orgnaizations remnant the *ST stepping on thunder such as fund of company of 9 card gold, Tian Hong health

To 2019 one quarterly reports shows, remain 9 orgnaizations to return the *ST that maintain a warehouse only in all health. Among them other orgnaization 8, fund 1.

99 orgnaizations remnant the *ST stepping on thunder such as fund of company of 9 card gold, Tian Hong health

Fund of great of national group, day is become receive Pan Xia

In 9 orgnaizations that remain, divide " people on one's own side " health outside invest group, appeared the form of Inc. of finance of negotiable securities of national group China, hold *ST health current 87921212, the row holds a number the 3rd. Abbreviation of Inc. of finance of Chinese negotiable securities " card gold company " , register settle accounts by Shanghai stock exchange, Shenzhen stock exchange and Chinese negotiable securities finite liability company initiates the negotiable securities that create jointly kind financial orgnaization.

The peaceful in 2 partner Zhejiang is achieved win asset management limited company, the report signs up for according to new capital before, the establish in belonging to is subordinate.

99 orgnaizations remnant the *ST stepping on thunder such as fund of company of 9 card gold, Tian Hong health

Hua Fuji gold and day great fund all were 2015 *ST health when must be being added surely, enter.

On December 17, 2015, inc. of Kang Dexin composite material is not the Jiangsu at that time to issue a share publicly, release price 32.69 yuan / . Beforehand case exposure, limited company of management of day great fund plans to establish " day great fund adds 40 asset management to plan surely " as issue object subscribe 1, eight million nine hundred and three thousand five hundred and ninety, subscribe amount 500 million. Limited company of management of Hua Fuji gold plans to establish " Hua Fuji gold - 14 asset management plan Hong Cheng " , subscribe twenty-six million four hundred and sixty-five thousand and thirty several, subscribe amount 700 million. After via publisher 2014 year profit allocates plan to carry out, this second issue the price to adjust it is 17.57 yuan / .

Kang Dexin announcement showed on December 12, 2018, add a lock surely fixed 36 months, can appear on the market current time is on December 17, 2018.

But after lift a ban, major fund company chose to go, investor expresses, hua Fuji gold has been aware of *ST it seems that health those who get is peculiar, decrease considerably first quarter hold thirty-one million eight hundred and seventy-four thousand, only Tian Hong holds a storehouse to did not change after fund lift a ban.

Day great fund just faces this to " times of an ancient name for China " reporter explanation, regard fund as endowment canal plan, tian Hong basically is the proposal that listens to tripartite, the likelihood is tripartite is based on certain judgement, *ST did not withdraw after lift a ban so health. But the other side did not disclose " tripartite " who be.

The letter wraps around show, "Day great fund adds 40 asset management to plan surely " the special capital fund that attributes fund company to be established for onefold and specific client administers a plan, client is in boat is fiducial Inc. .

Of the evacuation besides a large number of orgnaizations, Hua Fuji gold decrease considerably hold, the beginning of the year is not little of certificate business grind newspaper and grade also do not value *ST health.

Golden negotiable securities released the country on January 16, 2019 grind the newspaper says, the bibcock that Kang Dexin is industry of high polymer data civilian look forward to, because a partner controls by 2018 health get the equity impawn proportion with extremely high group and fiducial plan beak a contract and cause the market to pay close attention to extensively, reduce Kang Dexin main body and bond grade to include negative observation list first.

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