Since 2018, zhuhai city public security bureau began convoy finance in deploy of mechanism of whole town public security " Li Jian acts " collect money illegally with blow crime is special the action, to collecting money illegally, the network is passed annul, empty leaves cheat the financial domain such as duty to highlight crime to give severity is hit. Detect of classics of innovation of branch of detect of classics of Zhuhai city public security synthesizes battle mechanism, effective formation working resultant force, in the meantime, advance wisdom actively new alarm Wu construction, promoted actual combat effectively efficiency, detachment of detect of classics of Zhuhai city public security is labelled early or late detect of new classics of complete province wisdom is pilot unit, complete province wisdom is new alarm Wu demonstrative unit, be decided to be complete province to hit major of experience tax crime to handle a case base. Reporter: Trainee of king pacify a person of extraordinary powers: Big Xiao Ke
The line on the shock! Zhuhai public security releases old people to be on guard to collect money il
未经允许不得转载:News » The line on the shock! Zhuhai public security releases old people to be on guard to collect money il
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