Mention in a state of anxiety of cancer popular feeling, partial crowd thinks to suffer from went up cancer, so not far from death, because this kind of wrong consciousness just missed first-rate to treat time,be, 3 kinds of elements decided cancer patient can be vivid how long.
1, the malign degree of the illness
Cancer cell is malign rate is lower, move and recrudescent rate are slower, remedial effect can have been jumped over. For instance lymphatic tumour or breast cancer, want seasonable discovery to be able to raise cure rate only. When the malign rate when cancer cell is very high, the rate that have a relapse and changes is very rapid, remedial effect can become poor apparently. Appear for instance lung cancer or cancer of the liver is terminal, the illness is inchoate won't have apparent symptom, should the symptom had been achieved again terminal, have half an year only commonly annual perhaps put period.
Additionally the pathology type of cancer cell decided its are malign degree, the growth of cancer cell remedial effect and speed, move speed can decide its live period. Happen in the cancer of same organ that is to say, because its are malign degree and remedial effect are distinct, of the patient live period also have very big difference.
2, remedial time
Although cancer is exceeding terrible, but want early discovery early treatment to be able to control its to develop only, improved life quality, lengthened live period. Cancer develops in terminal when the difficulty that can increase cure, shortened live time, go to a hospital doing an examination to have crucial effect regularly. Familial to having cancer history for the crowd, want every year to go to a hospital doing single censoring. The male needs periodic platoon to investigate prostate cancer and liver cancer, 40 years old of above should discharge the woman regularly cancer of the neck that examine uterus and breast cancer.
If unfortunate diagnose cancer should choose normal hospital to accept treatment, cannot small folk prescription of blind believe what one hears or secret recipe, not only cannot let an illness get alleviating, instead incur loss through delay first-rate treats time. Because cancer belongs to the disease of systemic sex, need union operation, put the way that changes cure and traditional Chinese medical science, ability achieves certain remedial result quite.
3, the patient's state of mind
Cancer is not incurable disease, because suffer from,cannot have cancer and abandonment, lose the nerve of subsist, such meetings let the growth with fast cancer cell, accelerated the rate of life withered thereby. Should have can the confidence of conquer disease, maintain active and hopeful state of mind, much at ordinary times understanding reachs the common sense that defies cancer about preventing cancer, hold regular work and rest, the condition that the illness allows leaves take action, the attention strikes a proper balance between work and rest.
Sweet clew
The work that defends cancer to fight cancer has been done in daily life, can eat garlic ginger more at ordinary times the food such as orchid fights cancer on the west, maintain gentle state of mind. Can foster interest interest to come prescind force, base of hot water hubble-bubble is used before sleeping, heart inviting a body gets relaxation.