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Revulsive much abler cell or IPS cell are the cornerstone of second birth medicine. Outside body, they but by revulsive the cell that makes a lot of different types and organization, can help the loss that repair causes as a result of scar or disease. Now, a of Stanford university college of medicine small rat considers to make clear, IPS cell still has additionally one kind of use: Attack of training immunity system prevents tumor even.
The result makes clear, the IPS cell have an inoculation that uses he or herself possibly possibly one day is individual, in order to prevent the development of the cancer of a lot of types.
IPS cell can act well as the vaccine that fight cancer, because of it like a lot of cancer cell, be similar to development immature ancestor cell, they do not suffer the mature cell that forms human body organization grow limitation. Researcher discovery, inject matchs with heredity accepting put oneself in another's position but the IPS cell that cannot duplicate can expose immune system surely at all sorts of cancer particularity target is nodded.
"We had understood IPS cell surface and tumor cell special likeness, " director of institute of Stanford university heart and vessels, cardiovascular medicine and radiology professor Dr. Joseph Wu say. "When the IPS cell that matchs with heredity when us undertakes immune have an inoculation to the animal, immune system may cause the development of tumor in future. Our research shows these cells are likely as a result some day makes vaccine of true patient particularity cancer. ".
Wu is the senior writer of this research, this research will on Feburary 15 online publish inOn Cell Stem Cell. Postdoctoral scholar Dr. Nigel Kooreman is main author before.
"These cells regard us as a vaccinal component that put forward, have powerful immune former sex, can cause the reaction of cancer particularity immunity inside systematic limits, " Kooreman says, he now is Dutch a surgeon. "We believe this kind of method has exciting clinical latent capacity. "We believe this kind of method has exciting clinical latent capacity..
Cancer, the similar point between IPS cell
To make IPS cell, researcher collects cellular sample from the skin or blood source that gets easily. Process a cell with a group of gene next, make they answer the development clock that circles them to become much can, make they become any organizations inside body almost. Much can a crucial test of the gender is the ability that the tumour that calls monster tumour forms after the cell is gone to by inject in the animal, monster tumour is comprised by a lot of different cell types. (the IPS cell that is used at therapeutics of second birth medicine grows below other protein existence, be in in order to encourage them clinical the specialization before using or become divided become specific cell group. )
People is early know cancer cell can reflect growth a lot of features of immature cell. Regard cancer as changed one part, they often cast off the mechanism of natural presence, prevent the segmentation of impropriety, begin hyperplasia quickly however.
Wu and Kooreman want exactly to know the similar extent of IPS and cancer cell. They compared the gene of two kinds of cells in small rat and mankind to express a fair amount of confidence, discovered a few similar sexes that showing, show these cells are shared in its surface call a list protein, can regard immunity as systematic drone.
For test and verify this one theory, they used quadruplet small mouse. One is used contrast solution injects, one is accepted already the matchs hereditarily IPS cell that illuminate forms with preventing monster tumour, one accepts the general immunity irritant that calls assistant agent, do one accept the form of radiant IPS cell and assistant agent? ? Close. All every groups of medium animals inject every week, continuously all around. Finally, cell of small rat breast cancer department transplanting arrives inside animal body, grow what observe tumor potentially circumstance.
Transplant one week later, discover all small rat produced tumor of breast cancer cell in inject place. Although tumor is in,contrast grow in the group exuberant, but in 10 in vaccinal IPS cell and assistant agent small rat, 7 size narrow. After two small rat can repel breast cancer cell transplants in tumor completely, survive more than one year among them. small rat melanin when Kooreman and its work in the same placing tumour is mixed a leather tumour (a kind of lung cancer) when the cell fastens transplanting to arrive inside small mouse system, achieved similar result.
Kooreman and his colleague discovers further, the calls T cell immunity cell that comes from small rat of have an inoculation can slow down not the growth of cell of the breast cancer in vaccination small rat. Contrary, these T cells returned block to break inject not the growth of tumour of the monster in the small rat of the IPS cell of illuminate, the list that the T that makes clear activation shares between cell of cellular identifying breast cancer and IPS cell.
Immunize system is in state of alert
"This kind of method is particularly effective, because it can let us expose immune system at the same time,express at a lot of different cancer particularity, " Kooreman says. "Once be activationed, immune system is met issue warning in the development inside whole body as cancer. Immune system is met issue warning in the development inside whole body as cancer..
Next, researcher hopes to study whether this method applies to the human cancer in lab environment and immune cell example. If succeed, they imagine a people to be able to accept the vaccinal future that comprises by the radiation IPS cell of themselves, regard precaution as the method of a few months or development of the cancer after several years. Or, IPS cell may use as potentially the first time the chemotherapy of one part; that remedial standard assists after the operation or actinotheraphy, or both? ? Hold; or immune therapeutics concurrently to regard cure as the method of established cancer. # cool breeze plans #
"Although still a lot of research works want to do, but this concept itself is very simple, " Wu Shui. "We can take your blood, production IPS cell injects next the cancer that the cell stops to did not come in case. My possibility to future feels special excitement. My possibility to future feels special excitement..