Wang Jin talks about nobody to drive: 2020 or produce the amount China nobody drive tortuous path ov

Wang Jin talks about nobody to drive: 2020 or produce the amount China nobody drive tortuous path overtake other cars on the road is not hard


Interest of king of chief technical adviser is in one steam of professor of part-time job of Nanjing aerospace college, China 29 days Beijing expresses to media, china is sending force to drive nobody to drive jointly in entire industry catenary at present, this makes Chinese automobile industry hopeful implementation " change overtake " , become inside global limits take the lead in coming true nobody drive all-pervading country.

Entire industry catenary is driven jointly drive for nobody the industry brings auspicious opportunity

Once held the position of senior vice president mixes Baidu to drive automatically career department general manager, wang Jin is regarded as nobody are driven the earliest to drive in China the personage inside the course of study of business. He will regard nobody as to drive currently nowadays the industry grows " once in a blue moon inning " . Look in him, chinese automobile industry " big and not strong " , but artificial intelligence technology of China is in relatively banner level in the whole world, use intelligence to change will help automobile industry upgrade transforming is implementation automobile industry " change overtake " crucial.

Wang Jin thinks, nobody drive in the course " than early " , " than fast " after waiting for level, begin to enter " than thick " period, that is to say from the technology, from investment, from industrial catenary, from cost, from the market, and wait for a respect from policy code, land of chain of all-around, entire industry advances nobody to drive be born. This is the way that current China place takes.

Wang Jin still expresses, development of unmanned to driving road-sense takes Chinese government seriously highly. For example: When hero installs new developed area to be designed in road, had considered the issue that nobody drive, ahead of schedule distribution vehicle route cooperates with. Beijing Haidian area is in what along the line of boreal clear path builds 100 square kilometer is automatic drive innovation demonstrative area; Arrange justice area to also express, what build a 200 thousand square metre nobody drive test site, predict to threw operation 2020.

China the outbreak that nobody drive to still be in the phase below platform period is inestimable

Through reflection of a year, wang Jin thinks of China nobody drive be born still needs to experience technology, economy and politics 3 cycle, already walked along platform period at present, saving energy. "Next once rise, can allow when to be awaited before more than. " Wang Jin still expresses, "I had said 2015 ' 3 years business is used, 5 years the quantity is produced, 10 years the change gives a way ' if, very artful is, we also see in December 2018, of Gu Ge Waymo nobody drive finite business uses car. I think 2020 Waymo should energy is produced, this quantity produces at least to want to be in 10 thousand above. The industry is basic 2021 figuration. The industry is basic 2021 figuration..

Comment of the intermediary outside having before this says, although China enters nobody to drive car domain is opposite later, fall in more advantageous management and consumptive environment nevertheless, china may become nobody to drive a staple market of the car. Predict according to Bostonian advisory company, to 2035 the whole world nobody drive the sales volume of the car will amount to 12 million, exceed 1/4 to will sell in China among them. Additionally notable is, 5G intervening China nobody drive among the research and development of the car. Integrated these technologies, include urban viatic construction, hand in those who connect signal to transform, the construction of the participation of 5G and car couplet net, china may appear of unmanned road-sense span type develops.

Conversational king is strong: Never leave an industry to consider to return to a gleam of

"Actually, I never leave nobody to drive this industry, go more than one year, resemble support in second line and driving everybody a bit, the hope becomes an ode can person. I feel likely now regain nobody drive a gleam of. I and car plant, learn to grind orgnaization, investment orgnaization, enterprise have communicate, discussing the development of this industry, at present I have a lot of choices, I hope to continue the development that my one's pygmy effort promotes this industry. " Wang Jin speaks of, he is participating in a year of time in the past to drive to nobody all the time in the industry, in China one steam holds the position of chief technical adviser (intelligent network couplet direction) , the AI industry that still participates Nanjing as advisory expert of Nanjing city artificial intelligence industry grows, consider to return to industry a gleam of now, search better way to continue to promote the development of unmanned car industry.

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