This " the world on water " the important matter on booth! Cough of difficulty of breath of many 2

New civilian evening paper dispatch (reporter Chen Hao) yesterday afternoon, the citizen is mirrorred on small gain, new way of the static China that bring a district leads life water world on 396 Shanghai inside, have the symptom with difficulty of client occurrence breath, more than cough, early or late 20 much people head for hospital cure. The reporter understands, after the accident, experience work place has suspended doing business, relevant investigation works still afoot.

This " the world on water " the important matter on booth! Cough of difficulty of breath of many 20 child, parent is more than

The plan says: After the accident, the parent is taking the child to leave a netizen to offer a plan

According to description of a few netizens, much at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, they lead life water world on Shanghai static during bringing the activity inside inn, smell suddenly a peculiar smell. Later, partial adult and child appeared the symptom such as difficulty of cough, breath, still have case of child occurrence vomiting.

"I am taking wife and child to leave this room instantly, coughed brokenly probably a many hour just restores. " a netizen is commented on. Still the netizen expresses, appear at that time in a small pond that the personnel of unwell symptom basically centers inside the place. "We suspect is chroma of the bleaching powder in cistern too tall. "We suspect is chroma of the bleaching powder in cistern too tall..

After incident happening, police is driven go to the spot. It is reported, in incident, 9 adult and 15 children are sent toward new China the hospital sees a doctor.

Much at 9 o'clock last night, the netizen says his husband is taking the child to accept treatment suction oxygen in the hospital. The reporter understands, according to the hospital preliminary diagnostic result, be admitted to hospital remedial personnel not fish has toxic medicine to point to proof, the patient basically accepts treatment suction oxygen, body section index is temporarily normal.

To incident origin, water world staff member expresses, the spot does not have poisonous and harmful material, the likelihood is chroma of the carbon dioxide inside the place exorbitant, client play time grows be caused by too. But this one view has not get confirming.

The reporter discovers after inquiring on the net, life water world is led on the static practice that bring store before long, new Year opens business added favourable activity to attract many customers. Current, the water world of experience thing has suspended doing business, relevant investigation works still afoot.

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