A mother gives the daughter's advice: "Calculate a man to love your to the marrow, you also ought

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A mother gives the daughter's advice: "Calculate a man to love your to the marrow, you also ought not to eat your head off "

Most propbably is very much the person has had such experience in feeling:

" the man feels accountability to bestow favor on a woman, woman very enjoy be bestowed favor on by the man, apparently look be like is very harmonious condition, but can bring about unbalance because of real problem occasionally: The man feels the woman is undeserved suddenly bestowed favor on, the woman feels the man does not bestow favor on him suddenly, pat then two came loose.

But, often patting two after coming loose, each other regretted again: The woman feels that she cannot leave a man, less than doting on also is encountered again after fearing oneself man; The man feels to put no less than women, predecessor is not encountered after fearing or ex-wife in that way woman, then, among them a person gives another person a chance to extricateoneself from an awkward position, take advantage of an opportunity of the other side and below, each other were together again. "

Having a lot of sweethearts and husband and wife is recumbent " one cannot leave, one is put no less than " this kind " diversionary " in hold together two the individual's relations. But the problem is, this kind " diversionary " occasionally very flabby calm. After even if is apart compound, but if in quick succession performs minute of cent to close the show that close,pile up, pat forever very likely finally two medicinal powder.

From this level for, no matter be,husband and wife still is between sweethearts between, that dominant position is large, to the other side diversionary more serious person, often won't get hurt finally. It is the person of advantage of that it doesn't matter instead, to the other side diversionary lighter person, final meeting is hurt very again.

For instance, if a woman is not to depend on a man completely, oneself have an advantage, if man performance is bad, can leave him at any time, such word, it is part company or divorce, get hurt also be a man after all is not you, because you are OK and decisive,leave him, he is not put however issue you. Conversely same also, if the man can be decisive,put down, the woman feels however leave a man not to live, that woman can be hurt very again.

What this case tells below is the problem of this respect, we look together, have very fundamental referenced value to you probably.

A mother gives the daughter's advice: "Calculate a man to love your to the marrow, you also ought not to eat your head off "

"Calculate a man to love your to the marrow, you also ought not to eat your head off! You also ought not to eat your head off!!

Sweet after He Ahui love, began to be formed gradually to him depend on. She feels A Hui's this individual is very reliable, and make money not little also, still be in in emotional respect without giving thought to corporeal respect, can make oneself happy.

In amative process, because involve two their people only, so " one wishs to hit to wish to endure " , still also calculate pretty good. Sweet all the time since A Hui, a Hui allows to be depended on by her all the time, and the thing that feels the man bestows favor on a woman is perfectly justified.

But, love has distinction with marriage after all, although marriage also is the thing of two people, but occasionally meeting drag in is mixed to someone else thing, for instance mother-in-law.

Sweet the distinction that did not realize love and marriage at that time, it is same that she thinks, not be after marry then when love more abandon: Be bad good job first, feel to anyway A Hui makes money enough. Then, she is act on one's own resigned the job, eat his head off in the home all the day from now on, reap where one has not sown.

It is wrong that this kind of her idea also does not talk to go up, because she thinks A Hui loves her, won't blame her, think to A Hui makes money raising her, she does not work to also go. But, this is her only is self-righteous, a Hui does not hope she eats his head off, the mother-in-law cannot bear the sight of her to eat one's head off more. Come so, dissatisfaction is sufficient " one wishs to hit to wish to endure " condition, the problem also appeared.

A mother gives the daughter's advice: "Calculate a man to love your to the marrow, you also ought not to eat your head off "

What didn't A Hui say at the beginning, he is a heart only in very inimical. But, the mother-in-law censures directly however sweet, say she ought not to eat his head off, ought not to let A Hui only a person makes money raise the home.

Sweet gas does not pass, feel the mother-in-law is officious, bunted then mother-in-law, result, this thing aroused A Hui's allergy, he feels not be him mother is wrong, it is sweet fault, so together under divorced with her.

Two people are in at that time in a fit of anger, can saying is actuation divorce. But, after the divorce, two people regretted.

Regret sweetly to depend on: She all the time since depend on to A Hui too heavy, let oneself suddenly depend on without the person, she does not suit, feel oneself cannot leave A Hui.

Of A Hui regret to depend on: What he feels he is done is a bit beyond the mark, ought not to divorce with her because of this kind of thing, become aware oneself bestowed favor on her is so old, continue to be being bestowed favor on also it doesn't matter, him feeling is put no less than sweet.

Below this kind of circumstance, a Hui searchs actively sweet resume marriage, then two individual divorces did not resume marriage to a week.

A mother gives the daughter's advice: "Calculate a man to love your to the marrow, you also ought not to eat your head off "

Sweet although adopt the reason that this thing understood to they divorce,be " I cannot leave him, he is not put issue me " , but she did not make what change. Later, be her mother sees no less than going to, remind her to change, she just somewhat awareness. What her mother says is:

" daughter, although you resumed marriage, but you have to grow memory: Calculate a man to love your to the marrow, you also ought not to eat your head off.

The reason that you say to you resume marriage is " you cannot leave him, he also is not put issue you " , but, if you continue to degenerate as before, if you divorce again, if he can be put down, then you calculate cannot leave him, also won't resume marriage again.

The woman cannot depend on a man completely, want to learn to depend on oneself, want to be able to let a man be not put all the time issue you, cannot leave you to just go, such your ability are right he somewhat diversionary. Conversely, if you left him not to live, can depend on him to live only, he is cruel-hearted leave you, you may be vivid really not know clearly. It is for again simple point: The dominant position that you want to use you is diversionary man, the advantage that ought not to allow a man is diversionary you. "

A mother gives the daughter's advice: "Calculate a man to love your to the marrow, you also ought not to eat your head off "

? Have in marriage diversionary, ability can have a tie!

If sweet maternal place says above, do not know everybody can look clear, simple for namely: The woman should be known make oneself exclusive, in wanting to make man key point at least exclusive.

Had " exclusive " advantage and appeal, you just won't be replaced, male qualified personnel won't cease to be faithful, because he dare not leave you, so good to you woman also is not met again after leaving you.

This is so called woman to the man " diversionary " , and, the woman should have such state of mind:

You have an advantage not only, can depend on oneself not only, and do not let oneself leave a man not to live, should have however " if the man has been behaved continue to staying, let go if performance is bad in time " state of mind, perhaps saying is " those who take case put below " state of mind, such word, you just won't not leave, do not put.

Conversely same also, if the man also can hit him,cause exclusive, have unique advantage, also can have diversionary effect to the woman likewise, such words, she also dare not cease to be faithful, dare not leave.

Will integratedly tell is: Have in marriage diversionary, ability can have a tie! If 2 people of husband and wife can be accomplished at the same time above these, it is eye of the other side at the same time medium exclusive, have irreplaceable advantage at the same time, that can not leave each other, do not put each other, just can have so cherish each other say. (civil / Dong Linxi wells balanced, you have a story, will look for me)

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