May food crisis appear in April? The netizen calls out grain of store up of relatives and friends ur

Recently, about " epidemic situation causes global food crisis " the message is mad on the net pass, cause partial people panic. Plus suffer epidemic situation effect, much ground commissariat, vegetable price has a few wave motion, consequently many people distribute in friend circle this message, advisory relatives and friends: Manage to find time rapidly in home of store up of the commissariat that buy a place, also want the amount of 3 months the least. So, does the true state of affairs have really so serious?

May food crisis appear in April? The netizen calls out grain of store up of relatives and friends urgently, expert: Do not have necessary panic completely

According to round-the-world times on March 31 message, xinhua News Agency reported recently, food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations predicts, food crisis may be mixed in April will appear in May, the basis is current had discovered commissariat confronts multiple challenge in many sided, for instance commissariat is carried, cattle breed aquatics. But up to current, the impact that food industry gets truly is not big, do not need too panicky. Additional, cereal species establish is in the farm with population inferior density normally, influence of this experience epidemic situation is minor, plus climate yield a division good, today bright lead meeting bumper harvest two years probably. In a word, can satisfy completely below normal circumstance supply. Nevertheless, if the people is excessive corner, the businessman is restricted again trade, food crisis risk can increase instead.

May food crisis appear in April? The netizen calls out grain of store up of relatives and friends urgently, expert: Do not have necessary panic completely

So, circumstance of our country provisionment how? Does the people need store up rice? Be aimed at this problem, expert of center of national grain oily information gives out clearly answer: Do not have completely necessary. As we have learned, although in recent years the international market ever had appeared considerably grain price is fluctuant, but bumper harvest of in successive years of our country commissariat, stock is very enough. Statistical data shows, 2019 total output of grain of our country annual six hundred and sixty-three million eight hundred and forty thousand tons, grow 5.94 million tons compared to the same period, can satisfy the people to consume demand daily not only, even if be,be sudden incident, also can answer effectively.

May food crisis appear in April? The netizen calls out grain of store up of relatives and friends urgently, expert: Do not have necessary panic completely


The expert still expresses, since pneumonic epidemic situation produces coronal of make a fresh start, when branch and district government are completing the work of certain price of support value of grain oily market related the country, maintain active and active attitude from beginning to end, oil of grain of main safeguard home is supplied not out of stock, ceaseless archives, the market is smooth and efficient move. So, the people is done not have necessary for food crisis panic, also do not need a large number of buying, corner commissariat, should need to purchase according to normal life only can.

Origin: Round-the-world times, Xinhua News Agency

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