Is the car between early fastigium abrupt spontaneous combustion on fire? Yellow stone fire control

Controlled partly at 7 o'clock in the morning on June 4, 2018, the car in a travel produces spontaneous combustion suddenly, a few minutes short, car vehicle head already by serious burn down. Fortunately, car advocate affection of seasonable discovery fire, dialed 119, escape car escapes one disaster.

That day in the morning 7:33, 119 command centers of yellow stone city receive masses to call the police say: On fire of a car. Officers and soldiers of squadron of fire control of harbor of yellow stone of yellow stone city is driven toward trouble spot at top speed.

Fire control officers and soldiers arrives at the discovery after the spot, of on fire is a white car, stop in roadside, car head part is in violent combustion, igneous influence is sweeping. Because be worth early height, the car on the road is very much, fire control officers and soldiers sets cautionary tub instantly vigilant to circumjacent road block. The rush to save life and property that passes fire control officers and soldiers nearly 20 minutes, conflagration is succeeded to put out, but head of vehicle of on fire car is basic already by burn down.

"Do not know how to return a responsibility, in travel, the car removed conflagration suddenly. I am driving at that time, erupted suddenly posse blaze, after I park the car in roadside rapidly, back-to-back move was dialed immediately 119. After I park the car in roadside rapidly, back-to-back move was dialed immediately 119..

According to the car advocate introduce, when the accident, he is driving normally, smell suddenly the odour that an anxious paste transmits inside the car, back-to-back move appeared from place of the lid before the car smother, still have blaze, "The thing happens too suddenly, I am at a loss completely, subliminal jump the car flees for his life, after getting off, I signed up for rapidly alarm. After getting off, I signed up for rapidly alarm..

Current, accident reason still is in further investigation.

Fire control branch hints: The car is in process of drive a vehicle, if discover engine is in,have the unusual appearance such as blaze, after affirming car on fire, drive answer by personnel have one's head screwed on the right way, not flurried, car berth roadside. In the meantime, every car advocate should deploy a fire extinguisher, be familiar with those who master fire extinguisher to use a method, lest send,be at a loss what to do when unripe accident. In case produce fire, answer to call the police as soon as possible, answer to use a car to carry fire extinguisher to make prime rush to save life and property as far as possible. If oneself are uncontrollable igneous situation, should dial immediately 119, ask the help of fire control branch. (reporter: Lu Zhengzhi)

Is the car between early fastigium abrupt spontaneous combustion on fire? Yellow stone fire control rescues them quickly

Is the car between early fastigium abrupt spontaneous combustion on fire? Yellow stone fire control rescues them quickly

Is the car between early fastigium abrupt spontaneous combustion on fire? Yellow stone fire control rescues them quickly

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