Face false information, how does Singapore weigh a fist to hit out?

Current, false information chaos resembles the network infestation, singapore is seeking the way of processing actively. At the beginning of 2018, the public hearing that Singapore congress held by a definite date 8 days, explore legislative way to solve this one " chronic illness of chronic and stubborn disease " .

By congress vice-chairman Zhang Youfu (Charles Chong) the viewpoint that led 10 people chose committee to listen to the 164 people that include public figure of scholar, gregarious media and social activity personage to wait inside especially and opinion, will announce findings within 2018.

Face false information, how does Singapore weigh a fist to hit out?

False information is right Singapore east allied country home constitutes menace

? The network transmission of false information can produce a series of far-reaching effects.

Alliance resembles a big forge east, different people and culture are handed in here collect, shirt-sleeve. Accordingly, false information may become acute nation is contradictory, cause ethical crisis even.

For example, be in Burmese, false information is giving the network the tight situation add fuel to the flames of crisis of Luo Xingya refugee, also become Burmese home to arouse the one big culprit that returns Luo Xingya mood.

Face false information, how does Singapore weigh a fist to hit out?

? Singapore also is killed by false information place.

2015, a false news ever caused Singapore for a time the insecurity that the nation concerns. At that time, one website releases Singapore false information says, some is Philippine the family celebrates an activity in section of big Bao Sen during in cold blood make trouble, caused a disturbance. This one message is incendiary on the net the netizen is aimed at Philippine animosity mood.

Face false information, how does Singapore weigh a fist to hit out?

? In the meantime, singapore regards finance of one big international as the center, get extremely easily the concussion of false information. The false information transmission of financial domain can produce very serious effect, for example, if break down about the market false news is wanton circulate, may cause real market to die dish.

False information emerges in endlessly

In recent years, the Internet of allied country home reachs mobile phone popularity rate to rise considerably east. 2016~2017 year, east the amount of gregarious media user of allied country home grew 31% .

However, their agency accomplishment fails however synchronous promotion, connect Singapore this one developed country, in agency accomplishment respect, also cannot be the same as day with other west developed country and language, and other east allied country home is far backward more, because this is OK have visions of, east there still are many network users to cannot differentiate inside allied country home the network is false information

Face false information, how does Singapore weigh a fist to hit out?

Index of 2018 worlds freedom of information (east allied country home is ranked)

Receive false information often in view of current network user, accomplishment of this kind of agency appears particularly important. A public opinion poll that Singapore government had 2017 shows, the Singaporean of 75% is met often bring into contact with is false information, and of 25% after sufferring the person that visit to admit to ever had been shared confirmed false information.

Administer false information: Is blame legislation way more efficient?

Solve false news problem to be not get sth done once and for ever through legislative way. Because partial politician may borrow this,eliminate political different to see.

In Malaysia, the government built a special website to expose false information. This portal website will contain the article file of disloyal content, with this block the way false information. In addition, malaysia government also promotes agency accomplishment in help people, this will conduce to them identifying a network false information.

In Singapore, investigation of a government shows, make an appointment with Singaporean of half the number to lack the capacity that identifies false information, and plan of promotion agency accomplishment can achieve same result likewise.

Face false information, how does Singapore weigh a fist to hit out?

Singapore media delegate attends blow false information hearing

>>Increase news source channel to conduce to blow false information travels.

2017 in seniority of index of global freedom of information, singapore ranks the 151st in 180 countries. Accordingly, want to hit false information, the problem after solving rank of freedom of information to lean first will be good germinant.

>>Relax news limitation still can let social force share the range that hits false information in.

Be in Europe, guest of wisdom library, rich and traditional media participated in the operation that hits false information transmission jointly in. But if the freedom of media is spent,suffer be restricted, they can lose motivation to assist solve this one problem. Government and media build collaboration to concern to superintend can yet be regarded as the network a kind of of false information efficient way.

>>Singapore in punish false information field has good advantage.

Singapore media of two big mainstreams -- " channel times " and " associated morning paper " -- welcome source of degree of tall, news is reliable. As the addition of online readership, these websites can become blow completely false information is abiding the backbone force of battle.

Face false information, how does Singapore weigh a fist to hit out?

>>Strengthening the cooperation with gregarious media also is choose preferentially.

Gregarious media is the another powerful weapon that hits false information, the government strengthens collaboration to be able to make media platform with its, the book that be like a face (Facebook) , push special (Twitter) , undertake more active and actively superintend and be hittinged to content of inconsistent with the facts.

Altogether, hitting false information will be good chance that promotion freedom of information spends, also can borrow this to reinforce the concern of government and gregarious media platform, it is the superexcellent opportunity that promotes people agency accomplishment more. This action will be mixed to Singapore east alliance brings many positive change.

Compile: Li Peng of the Song Dynasty of brilliant of the Kingdom of Wei

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