Silver-colored inspect asks bill of the paper quality that cross a province trades deadline stops

Silver-colored inspect asks bill of the paper quality that cross a province trades deadline stops

■ bank information

Recently, silver-colored inspect can issue new rule " the announcement that crosses province note business about orgnaization of normative banking finance " (silver protects inspect to do hair 〔 2018 〕 21, the following abbreviation " announcement " ) , to banking finance orgnaization business of the note that cross a province has a standard, and ask 6 lunar hind stop begin bill of the paper quality that cross a province to trade.

Banking finance orgnaization crosses cent of province note business to be believed to award kind of business and trade kind of business. Bill accept, discount award believe kind of professional work, register the ground to whether be with applicant of banking finance orgnaization and its branch seat and accept applicant, discount same province (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) the basis that whether is the business that cross a province as judgement; Bill turns discount, buy return carry out (sell piece counter-purchase) etc trade kind of business, trade with its with banking finance orgnaization and its branch seat whether is seat of adversary business place same province (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) the basis that whether is the business that cross a province as judgement.

Build analysis of staff member of subsidiary bank of bank Zhongshan city, " announcement " to banking finance orgnaization business of the note that cross a province has a standard, reduce the credit risk of business of the note that cross a province and operation risk, be helpful for reducing capital to be inside financial system idling, reduce capital to be inside financial system idling, orgnaization of stimulative banking finance closes rule is firm manage.

Staff member of Zhongshan Construction Bank still warns broad citizen, paper bank acceptance is after 6 months will cannot cross a province current, the enterprise notices in gathering process paper bank accept gives bill date, lest cause needless trouble. Grandson red of of Jia Lin poplar

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