Produced area egg price on May 30, 2020 11 provinces city rises (relatively increase 9 yesterday) , price of egg of other province city is stable, without drop province city. Advocate egg yield a division all valence 2.51 yuan / jin, relatively rise yesterday 0.03 yuan / jin; Advocate the egg that sell a division all valence 2.7 yuan, relatively keep balance yesterday; Egg of main terminal market all valence 2.95 yuan / jin, relatively drop yesterday 0.01 yuan / jin.
Countrywide egg rises in price the area increases many, much province all fronts rises. On one hand egg production is entered off-season, supply before be inferior to paragraph time is enough, on the other hand terminal consumes the market to be improved somewhat, the egg ambulates to be shown a bit fast. Countrywide egg looks please below advocate produce a division, advocate sell area and quotations of price of terminal market egg:
Advocate produce a division, advocate the egg that sell a division all price takes situation picture:
Produce big limits of area egg price to rise now, price of egg of 11 provinces area has adjust, shandong, Henan, Hubei, Jiangxi goes up completely almost, advocate Shandong yield a division goes up the biggest. Price of egg yield a division is top for Guizhou, all valence 3.33 yuan / jin, lowest is Jiangsu, all valence 2.42 yuan / jin. Produce area egg price now all valence 2.69 yuan / jin, relatively rise yesterday 0.02 yuan / jin.
Produce area egg price to go up now drop watch (yuan / jin, purple gives priority to produce a division) :
Produce pop chart of area egg price now (come on the stage all valence, yuan / jin) :
Now advocate price of the egg that sell a division continues to keep stable. Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangdong egg price relatively do not have apparent change yesterday. Price of the egg that sell a division all valence 2.7 yuan / jin, relatively keep balance yesterday.
Advocate the egg that sell a division all price rises drop watch (yuan / jin) :
Price of terminal market egg is dynamic now: Henan egg of market of 10 thousand nation drops 0.1 yuan / jin, stability of price of other market egg is given priority to. Top trade price 3.5 yuan / jin (Xinjiang carat Ma depends on produce market) , lowermost trade price 2.44 yuan / jin (market of egg of Feng Qin of gold of Heibei house contented) . Terminal market egg all valence 2.95 yuan / jin, relatively drop yesterday 0.01 yuan / jin.
Quotations of price of terminal market egg expresses (yuan / jin) :
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