Guo Degang gives Guo Qilin job of arrangement of vermicelli made from bean starch, seek astral ceili

Guo Degang gives Guo Qilin job of arrangement of vermicelli made from bean starch, it is comedian likewise, chen Jia male can you exceed Zhang Xiaofei?

What is the highest state that seeks a star? It is to get those who love fabaceous parent approbate certainly, recently " gold comedy class " this archives put together art appeared in the program the Chen Jia of enthusiastic vermicelli made from bean starch of one Wei Guoqi Lin male, guo Degang is profuse in praise to her not only, and still invite her to attend heart cloud company to prepare " De Yun made of baked clay company " , many netizens speak in succession: Is this daughter-in-law of choose of kylin giving Guo? This female vermicelli made from bean starch has what magic power after all, can you let Guo Degang like so?

Guo Degang gives Guo Qilin job of arrangement of vermicelli made from bean starch, seek astral ceiling, heart cloud girl rushs quickly

" gold comedy class " this archives put together art the program has Guo Degang only not just an adviser, still have Yingda and Chen Pei this. Many netizens are strong Chen Pei actually this go looking, after all Chen Pei this leave essay stage old, attend comedy once more nowadays kind program of put together art, everybody very expect. And Chen Jia male it is this arena go up take part in the match one of players, actually this archives put together art can say be high-ranking edition " happy and comedic person "

Guo Degang gives Guo Qilin job of arrangement of vermicelli made from bean starch, seek astral ceiling, heart cloud girl rushs quickly

Chen Jia male actually on comedic arena expressional strength is returned pretty good, besides the comedic work force of oneself, everybody male to Chen Jia Yan Zhi also is eristic in succession, the comedian of so tall after all Yan Zhi does not see more, on one still is Zhang Xiaofei. And Chen Jia male the performance on Thespian arena is good also, took part in the match to get up to now 3 advisers' not little praise. More inimical to the actor that many professional schools graduate go doing comedy, and Chen Jia chooses maly to must let a person admire!

Guo Degang gives Guo Qilin job of arrangement of vermicelli made from bean starch, seek astral ceiling, heart cloud girl rushs quickly

When perform, chen Jia male more than also the ground states he likes Guo Qilin particularly, and De Gang of every time Guo says Guo Qilin is too small. In program of newest first phase, chen Jia male facing the destiny that fall into disuse, this is Guo Degang express to be able to join heart cloud company " De Yun made of baked clay company " , chen Jia male stagewise is very excited, such the main chance also lets other student express envy.

Guo Degang gives Guo Qilin job of arrangement of vermicelli made from bean starch, seek astral ceiling, heart cloud girl rushs quickly

Guo Degang gives Guo Qilin job of arrangement of vermicelli made from bean starch, seek astral ceiling, heart cloud girl rushs quickly

Many netizens feel Chen Jia male very like Zhang Xiaofei, two people are professional actor, hit by accident bump into the arena that comes to comedy to go up by accident, what two people differ is, zhang Xiaofei is having Gu Ling's help, one " hello, li Huanying " let her become recreational group is medium now the actress of the first of all. And Chen Jia male do not have so lucky, get Guo Degang's appreciation this nevertheless, do not know she can become the 2nd Zhang Xiaofei?

Guo Degang gives Guo Qilin job of arrangement of vermicelli made from bean starch, seek astral ceiling, heart cloud girl rushs quickly

Besides " gold comedy person " this archives put together art program, chen Jia male still attended many comedy kind program of put together art, but do not have conflagration as before, but depending on excellent Yanzhi and acting, believe she also can be in the actor goes further more on this road! Actually Chen Jia male although go out,performed a lot of comedic work, but she or him hope can become a true actor, do not have an opportunity all the time nevertheless, it is really too regrettablly!

Guo Degang gives Guo Qilin job of arrangement of vermicelli made from bean starch, seek astral ceiling, heart cloud girl rushs quickly

Many netizens see Guo Degang this act sighs with emotion in succession: is this daughter-in-law of choose of kylin giving Guo? After all Guo kylin age is not small also now! Still a lot of vermicelli made from bean starch sigh with emotion: It is too good really that Guo Degang treats Guo Qilin and the vermicelli made from bean starch of heart cloud company, male to Chen Jia this kind of Ga for comedian, can attend the comedic work that Guo Degang makes, had been very good resource! Heart cloud girls rush quickly!

Guo Degang gives Guo Qilin job of arrangement of vermicelli made from bean starch, seek astral ceiling, heart cloud girl rushs quickly

Male to Chen Jia for, an opportunity that perhaps cooperating this with Guo Degang is her life change, do not know she can seize an opportunity, with audience of oneself actual strength conquer, if possible word, she and Zhang Xiaofei are same future cannot set limit to!

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[article table edits] amusement of eye sea amusement you

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