Social security breaks capture to be able to affect old-age pension, it is to lose fundamental safeg

Social security breaks capture to be able to affect old-age pension, it is to lose fundamental safeguard not only, still have these a few!

Social security breaks capture to say one may follow the thing with personal and relevant everybody today, it is this social security.

Everybody was familiar with social security very much, provide for the aged, medical treatment, unemployed, industrial and commercial, bear every month to delimit from our salary buckle. Why to say social security today?

Because of around of this Spring Festival a lot of friends change the job, this fluidity is greater, some friends thought.

I am tired also several years, say I rest on a few months apply for a job again, this moment social security was broken likely, but if this social security is broken may bring to us a few very disgusting trouble.

Basically say today at 2 o'clock ah, the head sees a doctor this namely.

That part that the company in because this social security breaks our medical service,keeping card makes stopped to be equivalent to our cure protecting cannot use.

This moment in case our misfortune go to the bad so see a doctor have to we oneself draw out money, this is more expensive. So everybody prays not to grow disease in this paragraph of time.

So the 2nd thing, be this house and living problem.

Because a lot of cities mix pay of this social security,this thing is returned now is a problem really buy room living card to be hanged together.

You say with respect to the regulation e.g. some cities, you must be handed in just have this qualification that buy a house how many how many years completely, even some of city regulation says is you must hand in continuously full how many years how many.

Hand in continuously for example just have the qualification that buy a house 5 years completely, you say you were handed in 4 years half social security was broken, then you bought the thing of the room this to be blown, very deficient. This problem still has a lot of friends to had been encountered really.

The friend leaves a message with me say, when saying he buys a house, the someone says you did not buy room qualification, say I did not buy room qualification how possibly I stayed 78 years in this.

Be checked later even if because of 4 years before say this social security has been broken did not fill on buy a house this thing went aground, saying this social security breaks capture so still is a quite troublesome thing really.

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