Zhang Baizhi carries a son to swim Japan, xie Ting sharp edge also went to Japan, is coincidence sti

Recently, the netizen came up against Xie Ting sharp edge in Japan.

Zhang Baizhi carries a son to swim Japan, xie Ting sharp edge also went to Japan, is coincidence still plot beforehand?

Zhang Baizhi carries a son to swim Japan, xie Ting sharp edge also went to Japan, is coincidence still plot beforehand?

However, somebody discovers Zhang Baizhi 61 during also run to Japan.

Zhang Baizhi carries a son to swim Japan, xie Ting sharp edge also went to Japan, is coincidence still plot beforehand?

Zhang Baizhi carries a son to swim Japan, xie Ting sharp edge also went to Japan, is coincidence still plot beforehand?

They resembled agreeing same, in pairs appears in Japan! The netizen guesses, this should be to thanked thunderbolt sharp edge to see the child!

Do you feel? ? ? ? ?

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