Read ︱ " investment philosophy " -- 10 keywords that affect your money on any account

Read ︱ " investment philosophy " -- 10 keywords that affect your money on any account

Liu Jun is peaceful, beijing University doctor, famous conservatism invests philosophical student, its composing " investment philosophy " it is Chinese mainland first composing about investing philosophy. He from philosophical angle, elaborated the view that waits for a problem to value, human nature, market, risk, belief, discussed the philosophical concept that invests backside and moral foundation. He puts forward, without correct investment philosophy, won't have successful investment; Go after prominent investor to need outstanding investment philosophy more more, this is more important than the professional skill of investor.

One, noumenon

Money is mental sex. Alleged drive appearance, it is the child of the mental activity that shows this kind of phenomenon is a person, only the person can understand, the animal except the person cannot understand. Money contains a lot ofmental appearance of morality one kind so just about. The latent capacity of an investor depends on not only the ability that he makes money, and depend on bear the weight of monetary ability.

The thought is the fountainhead of fortune. To the understanding of money property means decided to create the kind of fortune. The formation of fortune cannot leave admittedly laborious, economical, but going up at all, fortune is ideal child, the reflection that is a person the child of ability. Kind thinks love wisdom, use at investment, natural meeting has money, this is the most difficult, the path that also is the simplest creation fortune.

Read ︱ " investment philosophy " -- 10 keywords that affect your money on any account

2, human nature

In " ability is encircled " inside investment. The ability circle that how understands oneself, how to defend ability circle, what to know to ought not to invest to seeming you? Have such one kind limits: Can see potential investment boy or girl friend clear 20 years the 10 future after, always look to reject investment not thoroughly.

Market risk comes from human risk. The success of investment, depend on finally realize to human body. To investment most the understanding that the understanding of deepness comes from pair of human nature. Successful investor often has profound insight to human nature. Investment should comply with human nature already, also want to defy human nature. Those who comply with is the nature that goes after self-fulfilment, those who defy is fear, greedy, change from numerous, mood wait for human weakness. Capital market, especially security market, it is human weakness exposition simply.

be in power person assume for blackguardly. Investment should succeed, not be to depend on investor is right the insight of governmental policy, depend on however investor is right be in power person human nature, influence and the insight with substaintial system. The basis is blackguardly assume, to all sorts of policy and likely interpose, if guess not, must go to bad in guess. Go to bad in guess, a bad shot also is right; Had gone to in guess, guess was opposite also is a fault.

Read ︱ " investment philosophy " -- 10 keywords that affect your money on any account

3, life

When does profitable gain rest? More or less does gain calculate an end? To not be the records line of business, person that makes money to gain financial freedom only in order to invest, might as well set a stretch upper limit for oneself. After fortune touchs or exceeding upper limit, the records line of business that invests more energy and interest to oneself and real interest go up. To be the person of records line of business in order to invest, the achievement that should not be oneself absolutely seals a top, do not answer to set upper limit to invest achievement absolutely. To successful professional investor, realizing pecuniary to be full of is not a target, what obtain the 2nd level even is rich -- achievement feeling.

Careful and hopeful it is the simplest the most abundant investment wisdom. We can pilot is not to let what happening, what to let happen, choose active, upbeat mood to what producing event however, more important than investing skill ten million times. Hopeful be deal with concrete matters relating to work, can find a hope; Pessimism is discuss principles, meeting disappointment and even despair. Measure the state of an investor and wisdom, see him namely whether had found from inside all things everythings on earth, the one side that makes a person hopeful. When discovery the devil sneaks away from back door when coming in, must decide first, they are taking the angel of devil mask.

4, heart and content

Immanent fortune decides explicit fortune. The mankind suffers explicit physics law to control not only, also suffer immanent spirit law to control. These law are congenital and comfortable, independent at everybody volition. The person can do, either be made by oneself or rescript these law, go hard discovering however and follow these rule. A person relies on to invest obtained money, decide by the immanent fortune of this individual. Real investor resembles a person that pick up gold, of his picking up is his immanent fortune. His immanent money is more, the explicit money that he collects is more.

Blame the fascia that is loser. Those who invest failure is secret the reason is piteous state of mind. Psychosis decides life position, the attitude that blame, be opposite no matter the person that pursues what career, cannot bring accurate result. A of the person that succeed important and immanent fortune, it is the heart that can master oneself effectively, do not blame a weather, not blame person. Become the cox of him life regular boat only, ability holds the course of own life and security.

5, when with empty

Patience is more important than wisdom. One of archenemy of investment are to be able to 't restrain. Because beg the nature that action of promising, love is the mankind, is the retrorse operation of this one nature of the person patiently. Apply to all great causes patiently, extraordinary patience is the common characteristic of great investor. If investment is a marathon, it is endurance patiently. Invest even if discover preeminent company, take the advantage of low buy, extended hold, entrust time to accumulate wealth for oneself, the rose that allows time blossoms slowly! Choosing the preeminent company that invests withstand time trial just is the key of successful investment.

Want to join oneself grown company. Real investor likes his grown company, like to pass the evergreen company of time trial, morality test. Conservatism value invests philosophy to establish 3 standards to invest an object: It is moral value, must have morality; 2 it is historical value, must have certain history, longer better; 3 it is prospective value, must the existence value with long preserving, won't be replaced easily by competitor.

Read ︱ " investment philosophy " -- 10 keywords that affect your money on any account

6, oneself and group

Be far from inside information. Violate compasses the inside information that divulge or the inside story that have through inside information trade have legal risk, and inside information is a holiday normally, true inside news is obtained very hard. Greater harm depends on, bring about investor to lose ego, abandon research of ego judgement, ego, oneself investment philosophy and the hope to oneself, build those who become pair of another person to depend on. Successful investor solidarity is all round his research achievement, investor solidarity of failure is all round the inside information of others. Must insist to think independently, stand to go alone especially, be far from opportunistic and collectivistic. Free thought, independent spirit, converse action, ability is valuable of investment decision-making.

Endowment points to destiny. God gifts the gift with specific everybody (endowment) , also gift a few people's specific mission (destiny) . Endowment is not him, it is God fiducial give you, let you serve for other with these endowment, the God that finish endows with granted mission. Endowment means destiny, endowment points to destiny through the service. Want to obtain money, be about hard to help other obtain money, want from what to obtain between the world, be about to what to offer between the world. God gives you the chance to your endowment, world, let you become the person that world place needs. Jesus says: Be who is big? Be of attend a banquet? Be of ministrant person? Is be attend a banquet big? However I am among you, as ministrant person.

Charity is the investment of another means. A lot of people think, getting is more important than bestow, at least is gotten first only, next ability is possible bestow. But philanthropist thinks, bestow sows namely, get even if harvest; Sow to have what kind of results. As long as the method is proper, sow morer, harvest morer; Pay morer, redound must be jumped over much. On this kind of meaning, pay have namely, have first pay, just have results. To investor and philanthropist, their religiosity, the wisdom oneself and ability throw a significant thing, regular meeting produces extra dividend.

7, value

Value discovery results from capital is free. The individual is freer, capital is freer, a of the free spirit that capital freedom is a person important outside exhibit. Capital is the asset that likes flow. Fluidity exceeds good asset, gotten appraise cost is higher, realize value in flow.

Correct reflection can translate into fortune. Value invests, go making valuation namely, the correct judgement of the wealth that contains to investing the place in the object can bring money. The competition between value investor, it is the competition of valuation force actually.

With east apply the price like to obtain the value like Xi Shi. Give investment object appraise value, resemble aesthetic activity same, make the mistake that Xi Shi gives in lover eye very easily. Not be every lover it is Xi Shi, if discovered the investment target that looks like Xi Shi, not too excited, want instead careful all the more, multiple test and verify; When making judgement, want not conservative, radical.

Read ︱ " investment philosophy " -- 10 keywords that affect your money on any account

8, knowledge

Evasive science and technology. Knowledge has two kinds of kinds: One kind is technical knowledge, can be like data and formula to try to induce accurately and be stated with clear and clear language, this kind of knowledge can be changed wait for product of software, computer, electric equipment, medicines and chemical reagents, gene; Another kind is practicality knowledge, originate the wisdom of the life, cannot or not necessary will state with accurate data or formula, this kind of knowledge has invariable color, wait like brew, cook, food, meal. Former product is updated fast, do not have besides high-tech content can the thing of tarry user, be replaced easily by new competitor; Latter criterion vitality depends on changeless, forever changeless. Conservatism person do not want to put time and capital in life inaccuracy to decide, on the investment target body that redound inaccuracy decides, do not like consequently technical knowledge, love practicality knowledge greatly.

Forecasting is impossible. Those who forecast is impossible to come from human confine. Rational ability of the person is extremely limited, without the person omniscient and omnipotent, can right economic activity from macroscopical to microcosmic undertake successive and accurate forecast. Do not believe oneself can forecast the market with any authority, do not build investment in oneself or other people is right of the market forecast on. Forecast impossible, but yearning to what forecast it is understandable however. Because the person is determinism of a kind of pursuit but the animal that lacks determinism again. Investor ought to seek determinism of course, but this kind of determinism should be built go up in the deep understanding to investing an object, on the conjecture that is not pair of macroscopical economy.

9, method

Value invests be from bottom to top. Good company is those who be based on immanent oneself is good, not be to be based on policy of explicit and macroscopical economy, government or industry board piece good. No matter economy is periodic how, real good company always is good. Policy is slippery, forecast hard even. Conservatism believes all knowledge are a place, social politics order of the mankind also should be from bottom to top.

Span only half meters baluster. Highest eminent the more contracted. Value investment makes simple investment only, be certain simple is good, hold to plain logic, simple thinking forever, search simple medium rough every. The simplest investment collects money namely, in every case is complex and trival degree collects money more than or difficulty spans more than half meters baluster, should know numerous and retreat, shrink back from difficulties, attempt and accomplish nothing.

Little it is much namely. Everybody is ignorant, ability circle is finite. Want to be inside him ability circle, the company that dedicated Yu Zuijie gives, the investment target that can understand undertakes centralized investment. Invest the understanding of the object and should be opposite through increasing is not to increase the investment measure in the hand to protect his. Those who drop peppery cover disperse and cannot eliminate risk, and just exchange with a group of risks another group of risks, final likelihood extensive cultivation, close absolutely even.

Read ︱ " investment philosophy " -- 10 keywords that affect your money on any account

10, morality and belief

Wisdom is more important than intelligence quotient. Western wisdom tradition has two affluent: Athenian wisdom and Jerusalem wisdom. The universe of Athenian wisdom is the universe of maths and physics, fountainhead is science; The universe of Jerusalem wisdom is morality and devotional universe, fountainhead is religion. Should need accurate with when quantifying, athenian wisdom is a bit taller; Should need correct, when what even if be,blur is correct, jerusalem wisdom is a bit taller. Conservatism investment values those who pay attention to practice, Jerusalem wisdom of morality, look weak accurate, scientific Athenian wisdom. Because of all knowledge and fact will weak go, only moral ability leads us the life, investment.

Belief invests how with respect to how. The person is ideal animal. Investing philosophy is the idea of investor, it is the integrated expression of individual character, ability, knowledge, moral and target. Have what kind of investment philosophy, have what kind of investment gains. Trade every time, it is the mutual collision between investment philosophy. Have correct investment philosophy, abide by strictly, the success is inevitable, it is the blind rides blind horse otherwise, midnight face deep pool.

Read ︱ " investment philosophy " -- 10 keywords that affect your money on any account

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