Past of ministerial the university entrance exam: Overage Guo cultivates Wang Yi within an inch of c

[past of ministerial the university entrance exam: Overage Guo cultivates Wang Yi within an inch of clear to tell price scissors to educated youth] recruit students of the courtyard outside at that time, it is to the limitation of examinee age: Cannot exceed 25 years old, wang Yi all but because this and university just miss the opportunity; After restoring the university entrance exam, guo cultivated Qing Dynasty take an examination ofing to go up south opening university philosophy is, march 1978, he comes to this place name school of Tianjin. Although jump the queue delayed a few years, dan Guoshu Qing Dynasty still belongs to the student with young age, some classmates call him directly " Xiaoguo " .

Past of ministerial the university entrance exam: Past of ministerial the university entrance exam: Past of ministerial the university entrance exam: Past of ministerial the university entrance exam:
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