Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel l

Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel list! Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel list! Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel list! Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel list! Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel list! Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel list! Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel list! Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel list! Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel list! Exposure of court of intermediate people of city of exposure | Bi Jie breaks his promise personnel list! Break his promise to be carried out the following activity of the person will be restricted:

1. brings into exposure list break his promise to be carried out person, prohibit taking train of group of motor-car of head of word of soft sleeper of plane, train, G whole place, train of other motor-car group is first-class above seat;

2. limitation borrows money in financial orgnaization or handle credit card;

3. breaks his promise to be carried out the person is a natural person, do not get the senior administrator such as thing of the legal representative that holds the position of an enterprise, trustee, inspect, be carried out to breaking one's promise the person is purchased in the government, invite public bidding bids, administration is examined and approve, the government gives aid to, admittance of financing credit, market, aptitude is maintained, the respect such as record of the system that sign a letter has all-around restriction.

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