Each link have difference China women's volleyball to be defeated to lag behind in whole

The battle with river door Sino-US station, 0:3 of Chinese women's volleyballSuffer a defeat, team of United States of before two bureaus squelchs in the round Chinese women's volleyball, without Chinese women's volleyball any opportunities. The 3rd inning is last level, chinese team is in 20:15 precede circumstance of 5 minutes falls, cut off the power suddenly, be connected 10 minutes by American team, suffer a defeat finally.

Each link have difference China women's volleyball to be defeated to lag behind in whole

After contest, lose the account of the ball about Chinese team, media and fan express a view in succession, especially finally sudden collapse of 10 minutes dish, it is the focal problem of everybody discussion more. Does man make the same score guidance to be in be asked about to: replies when this problem? Does alarm of  of ⑸ of avarice of  of second arm extensive cut  standing tall and upright into parts to do not have laying タ Chi of pure ampling cangue? ?0 of Lan of Yu of Sun of fir   harding iron minute, included issue really very complex, also let a person be surprised.

Each link have difference China women's volleyball to be defeated to lag behind in whole

This field match, the aggression of American team is hit natural and smooth writing, defend protection also is done very well, whole team does not have obvious weak point, sex of extremely rich whole. Such American team is impeccable, let Chinese women's volleyball do not know how to start. Watch ourselves instead, pass not stable, aggression is not sent on force, it is very difficult to notch, cooperate not close, the organization is troubled, team is hit too medicinal powder too random, be defeated so that can say nothing, be defeated so that be without disposition.

Each link have difference China women's volleyball to be defeated to lag behind in whole

This match, chinese team is defeated to be inferior to adversary in integral actual strength, each link are weaker than the other side. Pass, 2 pass, reinforce and the overlay that cooperate to wait for an element, those who created this competition suffer a defeat. The inadequacy of player ability, on the technology lag behind in the round, it is the main reason that Chinese women's volleyball loses a ball.

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