The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

(clear) the 8 scene austral Shi Tao brook pursue dimension: Vertical 31.5 centimeters of horizontal strokes 51.8 centimeters

Admire analyse: Anhui inhaling county is south the brook a village western, call Feng Na, Xi Xi again south, "The 8 scene austral the brook " the 8 department view that is this village, branch hill comes to Ming Daizhu this, ever composed 8 scene the poem. This village with the surname is given priority to, have a lot of is in what Yangzhou is in business is big merchant, gu Ertong article, it is to be Confucianism business.

Wu Na asks Shi Tao high to draw with paper of grain of collect of the Song Dynasty " 8 scene " poetic flavour. Shi Tao and badge city element have source, swim for many times not only inhaling county, Huang Shan, still have many friends. According to concerning a material, shi Tao should come south Guo Xixi, but this 8 scene are not realistically make, try to locate sth by following up a clue, disappointment of hard to avoid.

"8 scene " book make Yu Gengchen, be stone billows old age make, paper beautiful, it is lad place is asked, what reason draws is very wonderful. "8 scene " paper this, fill in colors on a sketch, every go up inscribe Shan Shiyi wishing a branch head. This an album of paintings or calligraphy is in before liberating already be lost quarto, hind by magnify quarto of 1000 filling pictures, hide at Shanghai museum along with all the others now.

Recommend language: Get yuan of person interest and marrow greatly, composition of a picture is distinctive, writing dripping wet, coloring quietly elegant, pen situation freely.

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

(clear) Wu Lishou makes measure of axis of Qing Yu landscape: Vertical 95.5 centimeters of horizontal strokes 50.6 centimeters

Admire analyse: Wu Li (1632, 1718) home of the painting and calligraphy at the beginning of Qing Dynasty, catholic missionary. Word fishing hill, lay Buddhist of brook of person of hoistway of date Chinese ink, peach, changjiang Delta Changshu (belong to Jiangsu today) person. Little Shi Xueshi Yu Qianqian beneficial, learn to draw Yu Wangjian, Wang Shimin. Kang Xi is entered 21 years Catholic, afterwards enters the Society of Jesus to Macao, around is in fine calm, the place such as Shanghai is missionary 30 years. Move have " Mo Jingshi bank note " , " 3 cling to collect " , " peach brook collect " , " Mo Jing draws postscript " .

This graph depicted the Changjiang Delta spring scenery of beautiful embellish Qing Li with law of viridescence fill in colors on a sketch. Other people is as fine as depict labour, reflected Wu Li the characteristic of inchoate picture wind. Wu Li one's early years ever learned a picture with Wang Jian, do Wang Shimin's student at the same time. Reason is inchoate work very seem Wang Jian way, chapped acquires skill fine, clear profit is handsome.

Recommend language: Clear fat quietly elegant, beautiful embellish of bright and beautiful, jun Yi is ad cool-headed, its individual color is clear, with copy ancient have very large space.

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

(clear) tape measure of graph of musical instrument of meeting of brook of Wu Li Feng inch: Vertical 40 centimeters of horizontal strokes 136.2 centimeters

" Feng brook is met musical instrument graph coils " sallow graceful, repair Zhu Maocheng, ancient Song Panyu. River bank snow ceases raining or snowing, gu Cheng dimly, chilly and noiseless. The thatched cottage sets off one another to be cultivated in the clump in, there is Gao Shifu musical instrument in house, courtyard infield crane is independent. Writing concise, composition of a picture leaves close have send. Know oneself " guest road few is acquainted, the flower leaves to visit gentleman alone. Feng brook Chang Zaimeng, musical instrument water is long without hear. Lunar close door is much staticcer, song Gaohe not group. An Ling still not absolutely, drunk Chinese ink from drive diligent. Spring day visits musical instrument of Chen Zishi witenagemot to belong to Feng brook meeting musical instrument pursue at Feng brook careless hall, with friend charm the ode gives. The Wu Li that delay hill " . Seal has " Wu Liyu Shan Zhizhang " , " Wu Lizhi imprints " , " fishing hill child " , " Mo Jingcao hall " imprint. There is Wang Shimin official script to inscribe before this coils " Feng brook is met drink " 4 words, there is Zhang Donghong, Feng Jinbai, Qiu Sunjin, Zhou Zhijuan to wait for person preface and postscript after coiling. Have additionally " Lai careful stores authentic work " etc collect imprint.

Recommend language: Be in harmony collects Zhu Jiazhi to grow, from innovation meaning, still absorbed on certain level on the west law, wait for a respect like layout, light and shade.

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

(clear) dimension of axis of graph of Wu Lizhu stone: Vertical 95.4 centimeters of horizontal strokes 48.7 centimeters

This " axis of bamboo stone graph " Zhu Zhiting is strong, branches and leaves uses thick Chinese ink completely, do not take brushwork of shade alternate with, appear more vigorous and firm and vigrous.

Recommend language: Wu Lishan draws Zhu Shi, wu Zhen of take as one's model, also have him distinguishing feature.

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

(clear) Wu Libai passes Pen Jiang Tu to coil dimension: Vertical 29.8 centimeters of horizontal strokes 207.4 centimeters

" Jiang Tu of Bai Chuan Pen coils " , river of White Dew lock, insignificant of mist-covered water grand, one group be out of practice is cold bleak, photograph of the two boats side the river leans, the lute is played, be Bai Juyi " the lute goes " the portraiture of poetic flavour. Know oneself " chase me to see a visitor out to be hurt more originally, prep before lute already heartbroken, can sighs green unlined upper garment how much tear, your person is written the pen is desolately. The fine at the beginning of plum rains writes this and inscribe, wu Li " . Hind postscript " occasionally check travel bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase gets this picture, in order to send Mr Qing Yu old, comfort a bit Yun Shuzhi is thought of. Wu Li of laborious You Qiyue " . Seal " peach brook lay Buddhist " , " Wu Li " , " fishing hill " characters on a seal carved in relief imprints. It is Kang Xi 20 years by Xin You, the Christian era 1681, when the author.

Recommend language: Mr Qing Yu that place of preface and postscript narrates is the author's good friend, official career is frustrated, wu Li gives with this picture, expressed the care to the bosom friend and understanding. Pang Laichen once was collected. " picture of empty fast name is recorded " collection.

The Internet impression of Chinese water Chinese ink (6)

(clear) dimension of axis of graph of spring scenery of Wu Lihu day: Vertical 123.5 centimeters of horizontal strokes 62.5 centimeters

Admire analyse: This is made is Wu Li 44 years old the work when, also be his masterpiece. The right upper part of the picture has problem of one end length: "Recall Lou Dong of Chu Ping slash sluggish, bend top looks the North sea to be the same as. Be the inactive state of the silkworm before it sheds its skin the flower is not old, east wind of language of drunk swallow audition warbler. Return 3 diameter alone tall Mian, hand of ill thirsty new coin from decoct. Cong Ju did not open dew to not was proud, much Jun Xianji sells crock fund. Chou case has Yu Loushui of concealed of gentleman live abroad, grant long the bosom is visited and abortive, third Chen Chun from You Yuanxi rash gentleman, get the hall that enters gentleman, poetic wine tired day, wind sends the sea that build north not to pass very. Dawn removes Mao Yu and return, in becoming aware today yuan later 3 days also, and the gentleman reads aloud me affably, in Yu Shan of cumshaw of Hui Jixiang tea, grant to overflow an ode 7 character 2 absolutely, pursue spring scenery of day of lake of Zhao good year withers with annals. Wu Li of person of Chinese ink hoistway " .

In article " Chou cases " it is a Catholic, "Yuan Xilu " it is Belgian book earth teachs on the west. Wu Li is specific be what join in when is Catholic, there is too much detailed account on history, but figure from inside the preface of this work, should be 1675 Wu Li 43 years old of around. This work has painterly lasting appeal of Wang Jian apparently, with the pen ad cool-headed and meticulous, chapped catchs beautiful embellish craftsmanship is fine, quietly elegant of distinct benefit of fill in colors on a sketch, style cool and bright is natural. Work is used " calm far way " composition of a picture, eye shot is open, the tree in the picture from arrive nearly far size accident is differ, make picture depth effect very apparent. On tranquil lake water, water bird is free fly, the bank also is perching a few phyletic and different birds birds. Meandering of a trail rises and fall to the picture in extend, overlapping green grass, those who sway is arboreous, the sense that whole picture gives a person already natural and pure and fresh and halcyon. If the far Shan Reyin with light top left corner shows, make the picture shows be free spirit to widen.

Recommend language: On the picture, willow of spring breeze stroke, green grass is like mattress, between sallow of face of swallow caper Yu Hu, far green hill a.

[unfinished to be continued, update continuously]

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