Be who places mysterious radar in beautiful backyard after all? Russia: I am injustice

The United States is the whole world exclusive a superpower, thinking punish today this country, will thinking put sb out of the way tomorrow that adversary, it is aggressive very, although the United States very aggressive, but still the country does not put the United States in the eye. The intermediary outside occupying reported on June 9, in the boreal lake of Cuba Carl appears of a mystery giant radar. Allegedly, the function of this radar installation is very fierce, monitoring range can enclothe most the United States, more important is, this radar position is apart from the United States to have 200 kilometers only, accordingly this place is called by people " American backyard " , american the Pentagon puts doubt to this radar heart all the time, feel special affliction.

Be who places mysterious radar in beautiful backyard after all? Russia: I am injustice

Leader of the Pentagon high level discloses, this is Russia doing likely very. Because be during cold war, russia is in before Cuba deploy missile, cause Cuba missile crisis, in that Bo Yizhong, american slightly better, russia cherish is hated, it is Russia stage a come back this likely very. Subsequently, russia makes a response to this, this radar is not what we are apparently, the radar that still is inferior to us because of this radar is advanced, you made a mistake!

Be who places mysterious radar in beautiful backyard after all? Russia: I am injustice

No matter be the radar system that who sets here, undoubted to the United States it is monitor of a real time, this radar can is opposite of the U.S. Army add the electronic signal such as secret system, radar, missile to undertake intercept and monitoring, this lets American special accurate. Where is the mysterious radar that you feel who is placed here after all? Leave a message beneath please, speak you guess, and small make up communication!

Be who places mysterious radar in beautiful backyard after all? Russia: I am injustice

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