Women's volleyball of United States of disastrous defeat of Chinese women's volleyball, be defeate

League matches of world women's volleyball greeted big fight of a focus in the evening on June 7, chinese women's volleyball is in advocate field river door faces American women's volleyball, chinese women's volleyball beat Russia to end to be defeated repeatedly in the match before, what at the same time team aggression runs is very fluent, this also is the place that lets Lang Ping feel the most satisfactory, erupt plus Zhu Ting continuously, the look of things of Chinese women's volleyball is so good still now. American women's volleyball is Brazilian team was defeated yesterday, and Brazilian women's volleyball is in before win by a narrow margin Chinese women's volleyball, american women's volleyball is rank first now, they had obtained 9 Lian Sheng's be prouding person achievement.

Women's volleyball of United States of disastrous defeat of Chinese women's volleyball,

Know actual strength of present whole of Chinese women's volleyball and American band appearance are compared have some of difference really, even if we have Zhu Ting, nevertheless Chinese women's volleyball is today advocate fight, so everybody also is expecting the actual strength that Chinese team can show him in the match. Be in what girls do a women's volleyball in bureau match nevertheless is not particularly good, compare at American women's volleyball for our serve, block and drop shot appear more general, even if is before Chinese women's volleyball is brought think the Zhu Ting drop shot that be proud also was to more or less get a few limitation. At the same time Chinese team is in block when the drop shot that faces American women's volleyball also is to often go out bureau, be in the United States so team 25:20 took a bureau competition.

Women's volleyball of United States of disastrous defeat of Chinese women's volleyball,

Begin of team of China of the 2nd bureau when those who do is pretty good, look come out Lang Ping also is those who made specific aim adjust, taking 8:6after the advantage entered the first technology to pause, Chinese women's volleyball and American team spread out fight hard. After passing, aggression showed the speed of American women's volleyball to come out, very fast they exceeded score instead, chinese women's volleyball will divide difference to narrow to 21:2 for a time2, and the advantage of American team still is bigger really, this one bureau as Zhu Ting drop shot is barred by American team next Chinese teams regret with 22:25 throw one inning again, 0:2 of women's volleyball of big score ChinaLag behind at American team.

Women's volleyball of United States of disastrous defeat of Chinese women's volleyball,

Of team of the 3rd United States is as before those who do is very good, this also let them take banner advantage at the beginning, actually neither one of American women's volleyball resembles Zhu Ting such super star, but every their position is done well, so advocate what the American group that makes group volleyball does is very pretty good. The serve quality of Xiao Tong of Chinese team Liu is higher, the women's volleyball hit tide of a small aggression, american women's volleyball here guide in what Chinese ink poors falling also is contractible cent difference, later drop shot of a of Zhu Ting bully gas and a drop shot that bar Chinese ink poors make when Chinese team enters a technology to pause 16:14 banner.

Women's volleyball of United States of disastrous defeat of Chinese women's volleyball,

Chinese team took at a dash 20: The lead dominant position of 15, but wear soon when wanting to take next this one bureau, Chinese team begins chain, still be being passed is not very stable reason, result adversary notchs continuously exceeded score instead directly, final China women's volleyball dies dish helpless play away this one bureau, always divide 0:3Play away this match.

Women's volleyball of United States of disastrous defeat of Chinese women's volleyball,

Present American team was taken 11 get the better of 1 negative, what their actual strength that must say this brunt all goes out comparatives really is doughty, the aggression flurry rainstorm of American team is general, at the same time their defending also is outstanding. The Chinese group results in this match also is not small, because problem of adversary actual strength can not show too much issue,next Argentina, Japan and Russia win before, and the competition that Chinese team faces Brazilian team and American group like this kind still has very exercise value, be passed today and 2 pass do not be very good, believing Lang Ping also is to look was in in the eye, so such match to Chinese women's volleyball also have profit.

Women's volleyball of United States of disastrous defeat of Chinese women's volleyball,

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