" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of def

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" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying

Before paragraph time, jiang Chuan leaves in the interval in road protect trigonometry plum was grown inside column. This kind of flower sways in gentle breeze, it is beautiful very, increased to block another beautiful. However, however somebody extends a vicious person manipulating sb or sth from behind the scenes stealthily, successive pilfer takes a flower hundreds individual plant!

" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying

River plain road is street uncivilized to this behavior expresses detest, quick action rises:

→ is in our " now Jiang Chuan " give on small letter platform exposure!

→ is given out " offer a reward makes " , appeal citizen friend clue or inform against!

Staff member of company of → afforest conserve reports a case to the security authorities instantly according to clew, request police uncle spreads out investigate!

" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying

After receiving staff member of afforest conserve company to report a case to the security authorities on May 11, 2018, the policeman of police station of China level ground acts quickly, find out the thief that steal a flower with all one's strength; On May 23, 2018 18 when make, police station of China level ground seizes deflowering thief Cheng Mou via clew (alias) .

Constabulary uncle is how to be inside so short time, capture deflowering thief? For this, small make up head for Hua Ping police station on a special trip, exhibit exploitation to visit to Police officer Zhang...

Listen to constabulary uncle to tell about handle a case through

" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying

Police officer Zhang expresses, after receiving staff member of afforest conserve company to report a case to the security authorities, handle a case the policeman spreads out reconnoiter quickly. Through examining monitoring kinescope, policeman discovery: On May 20 24 when make, somebody rides electric car to pass grade of Min of Shanghai of Jiang Chuan road on the west when afforest segregation takes side in the center of 15 meters of place, the person on backlash uses a hand to Meiliangen uproots and put triangle of one individual plant park footplate to be in, swagger off.

Subsequently, the ground works toward its before policeman tracking, was to find first drive at that time the Liang Mou of electric car (alias) . But Liang Mou expresses, what spend secretly is not him, take the friend Cheng Mou of its report motor-car at that time however. Then, pass Liang Mou, policeman and Cheng Mou acquired connection, seize its smoothly.

" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying

The idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying...

Small make up be informed from place of Police officer Zhang, cheng Mou spends behavior to admit to stealing to case hind, but he does not feel this is illegal behavior actually! We come below reductive the setting at that time, experience:

Constabulary uncle: Do you steal a flower?

Deflowering thief: Yes, I stole a flower.

Constabulary uncle: Why should steal fancy suiting?

Deflowering thief: Because I like this flower very much, this flower is very good-looking!

Constabulary uncle: Do you know not to know this is illegal behavior?

Deflowering thief: ? ? ? Steal a flower just, how can you break the law?

Constabulary uncle: ...

" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying

After fortunately Cheng Mou realises his behavior is suspected of breaking the law, return flowers and plants of its place steel actively to steal behavior to make deep self-criticism to its. Because stole a flower, cheng Mou already was in detain 3 days with administration, this cost is not little really!

Here, police officer Zhang also reminds everybody again: Steal a flower to be suspected of breaking the law! Although stole only, also attribute larcenous action! Invite broad citizen take warning!

" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying

Find out still continueing

Honest from wide, defy from severe!

Police officer Zhang expresses, to other in still be being continued to find out by the flowers of pilfer, the person that have not seize not conceives fluky psychology!

Basis " management of public security of People's Republic of China sanctions a method " the 49th, theft, bilk, fool grab, loot, blackmail mars state-private property intentionally perhaps, be in 5 days of above 10 days to be detained below, can be in 500 yuan of the following amerce; The clue is heavier, be in 10 days of above 15 days to be detained below, can be in 1000 yuan of the following amerce.

Extensive of the arm of the law, scanty and do not leak! We appeal again: "Deflower great robber " confess his crime at once please! Honest from wide, defy from severe!

" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying

Civilized Jiang Chuan

" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying

Need us to be guarded together

" reprint " Piao of uncivilized exposure stage spends secretly, detain 3 days! But the idea of deflowering thief makes a person find both funny and annoying

A small beautiful box, also be the one side mirror of urban culture. It not only the civilized rate that reflection gives this city, more the quality that reflects an everybody.

Because of oneself expedience, bring back the flower him home, not only without beautification your home, let oneself become revile getting a person instead " deflowering thief " . Let flower stay in beautiful box, however can deck is pure and fresh this big " " , let Jiang Chuan become more beautiful.

Guard a flower, increase the United States one minute, wish each corner of Jiang Chuan, revealing civilization.

Offer a reward makes

Adjure citizen friend clue, be like: Somewhere is much a lot of abrupter trigonometry plum, suspicion person the feature. Award will give after clew classics is checked.

Contact means: 33881100

Fine jade Zheng of editor Piao Cui Wei maple duckweed

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