Dongguan produces policeman of car spontaneous combustion many cases to teach you spontaneous combus

Civil / Dai Xiaoxing of Yu Baozhu of reporter of style of graph sheep city's reporter

Weather is heated up gradually, more and more cars advocate begin to take problem of safety of summertime drive a vehicle seriously, car spontaneous combustion is the most dangerous kind in these problems. The reporter understands 11 days from Dongguan policeman branch, come day after day, dongguan city produces accident of car spontaneous combustion many cases.

Case 1

The car is in on high speed after to turn over spontaneous combustion

On June 8 13 when make 35 minutes, near channel of the travel austral wide difficult highway spontaneous combustion of a car, igneous situation is very fierce.

Group of highway of peace and tranquility of detachment of policeman of Dongguan city public security bureau is received alarm hind, branch of abundant of come into leaf of this group group organizes a policeman quickly the area is ample enough fire control equipment, take a team to drive go to the spot. After showing up, the masses of rapid and scattered spot and driver go to the policeman refuge, combine road politics branch to carry out billabong dredge to the traffic of accident a section of a highway at the same time, start lash-up in time beforehand case. In departmental door give full cooperation below, igneous situation is put out in time, get hurt car advocate get conciliatory cure.

Spontaneous combustion of car to turn over

Original, this car is to drive person Gong Mou drives the small-sized car of plate of B of another name for Guangdong Province goes to Shenzhen by tiger Men Weiyuan directional travel, by way of goes south wide difficult highway 45 kilometers + 700 meters of a section of a highway (channel of bovine head hill) when did not take effective measures, the operation is undeserved, collision of head of this car vehicle is left protect column and channel entrance to be in left concrete stone rank, bring about this car to admire break up left the first driveway, create a vehicle advocate get hurt it is certain to reach accident car the damage of degree.

Case 2

Rubbish Qing Dynasty carries car on fire lights the flame of a Gong Gong

Controlled at 5 o'clock on June 9 afternoon, dongguan often makes the same score a section of a highway of signal lamp of traffic of 9 rivers water, qing Dynasty of a rubbish carries car left front wheel is in fume, driver station keeps in roadside beck. This one act just was seen by money of Huang Zi of policeman of group of head of camphorwood of detachment of policeman of Dongguan city public security bureau.

That day afternoon, convoy of this group policeman joins the student that high school school work takes an exam, on the way that returns camphorwood head from Chang Ping. Because taking motorcade, and the student is completely on the car, bring risk to student car to prevent on fire car, huang Zi money takes motorcade to leave dangerous area quickly at once. Will follow patron wagon at the same time assist the member that be in charge of stays, ask him to call fire control group at once, the colleague after asking detain and those who stay assist the member that be in charge of helps driver put out a fire.

Spontaneous combustion of car of carry of rubbish Qing Dynasty

Very fast, the patron wagon after detain drove on fire car to the position, the member that policeman chime is in charge of takes out canister of put out a fire quickly from patron wagon, to the fume before dumpcart is left the position undertakes spraying. Right now, the wheel is in the flame that had lighted Gong Gong, although fire extinguisher commanded igneous force, but cannot put out completely at all. Prepare to search in them on the side when car uses fire extinguisher, fire engine arrives in time and develop work of put out a fire quickly.

Dongguan policeman analysed ↓ of ↓ of ↓ of incident of car spontaneous combustion technically a few cases this

Dongguan policeman reminds, when seedling of car head get angry or black smoke discovering in travel road, should instantly keep to the side jockeys flameout. When igneous situation lesser or when doing not have bright fire, leave to use fire extinguisher cut out an engine after railroad car. Right now, notice the method that before opening, covers, should leave first small seam, wait for oxygen to be entered a little while, open entirely slowly again. If be opened suddenly, oxygen is entered quickly, blaze can greaten suddenly, easy him burn. When using fire extinguisher rush to save life and property, answer accurate combustion place. If cannot put out igneous situation, answer to be far from car instantly, dial quickly call the police phone, await professional fireman arrival.

The policeman reminds: 5 action teach you to prevent car spontaneous combustion

1. is diligent the examination maintains oil path circuit

Nurturance checks the habit of circuit of oil path of engine passenger compartment regularly, if discover circuit appears apparent damaged, answer to have repair in time to professional maintenance shop. If discover circuit has slight damaged, can take insulation adhesive plaster to undertake sealing plunging into.

If have leftover oil stains, the proposal clears clean eliminate safe hidden danger. The condition allows to fall, answer to clean engine passenger compartment regularly, because of clean engine passenger compartment besides look comfortable outside, whether does convenient also and accurate examination have leakage oil stains to resemble.

Do not deposit inside 2. car combustible explode easily article

Besides perfume, lighter cannot be deposited inside the car these are combustible explode easily besides article, notice presbyopic lens, crystal act the role ofing is tasted even wait for article. They may ignite radial focusing thereby the article inside the car.

3. do not insolate for a long time below sunshine

Park the car as far as possible indoors parking lot or below shade. Avoid car to issue insolate for long in sunshine.

Car of 4. attentive processing changes his costume or dress circuit

The car changes his costume or dress, add furnish to need to change one's costume or dress fully when circuit, must interface solid and the attention receives line plunge into bundle. Proposal car advocate the orgnaization that looks for major perhaps maintains inn to undertake installing.

5. does not drive for long please

If need to drive for long continuously, proposal midway rests a few times more. Come slow drive fatigue, 2 will also let a car rest well. Car is in summer is opposite for easier because water is warm exorbitant and bring about " boil " .

Editor-in-charge | Li Cheng

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