China is mobile: Begin not to cheat you from today, come back

Now is Tecent king card without giving thought to, the fish in A gets stuck or all sorts of alleging oneself are to not be restricted real flow achieves the online khaki of discharge 40G perhaps can have speed limit after 20G, the netizen thankses all sorts of not the net that current limliting estimates online formula to let me experience GPRS in 4G times fast.

Business of big to each operation is in do not be restricted the ministry of letter of propagandist problem go to work of discharge has asked norm of business of 3 big operation is publicized must not exaggerate, be called to cover a region by the netizen the deepest also be to be in the China with discharge the most expensive cost at the same time shift takes the lead in expressing to take action, do not make false conduct propaganda.

Do not be restricted what shift weighs him discharge gets online is to not be restricted discharge amounts to quantity speed limit, although say,be to not be restricted namely discharge will have speed limit after discharge achieves 40G nevertheless, shift will been restricted now online formula of discharge instead large flow and announced 3 rectify and reform measure standard greatly conduct propaganda, do not get exaggerated conduct propaganda, plain code marks a price -- begin not to cheat you from today, come back

China is mobile: Begin not to cheat you from today, come back

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