City of in relief river leads safety of food of survey small meal to work

This morning, deputy mayor Cheng Fengying takes a team to arrive early or late on Jiangchen area path of sun of dragon of area of road of Yuan Chunlu, golden hill, Yang Dong, Zhen Shilu is much domestic meal inn, the spot examines food business certificate, disinfect to area of function of wholesome environment, food, tableware, " 3 prevent " , the label such as ban on opium-smoking and the opium trade undertakes superintend and director guides, the food such as oil of edible of random sampling observation, rice detects report, reach education to according with the meal inn of the requirement to undertake the spot executes the law. Cheng Fengying emphasizes, each must clutch about the branch safety of small meal food works, enhance strength of go on a tour of inspection, raise a citizen consciousness, mutual supervise, consolidate further and promotion is achieved defend gain.

City of in relief river leads safety of food of survey small meal to work

Character, photograph picture: Yang Chunming

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