Buy secondhand is room question much? Small tiger will help you!

Buy secondhand is room question much? Small tiger will help you!

Small Hu Bangbang

Buy secondhand the room encounters these problems,

Such OK settlement.

Buy secondhand is room question much?

Irrespective, method always compares difficulty much!

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Does the building put quality issue who is carried duty?


I purchased recently secondhand room, house-owner did not tell me problem of house existence quality at that time, till us occupy just discovers the house needs to maintain, who should assume this responsibility excuse me?

Buy secondhand is room question much? Small tiger will help you!

Tianjin star human relations the Cao Zhiping's lawyer of attorney office is solved

Betray a person to whether assume the quality that sells a house to assure responsibility, according to actual condition different and each are not identical. If betray what the person conceals building quality problem intentionally and sell the house vendee, betray a person to should be assumed to this quality problem assure responsibility, vendee has right to betray a person to request to compensate for.

If betray a person to had signalled the quality problem of the building clearly vendee or the quality problem that vendee knows perfectly well a building and those who buy a house, betray a person to be assumed no longer to this quality problem assure responsibility, vendee also has no right to betray a person to request to compensate for. If sell the building is put in the quality problem that concealment, and the problem is building itself place inherent and rather than betrays a person to arise in the place in process of decorate, use building, so short of evidence proves to betray a person to know perfectly well have this quality problem, betray a person to be not assumed to this assure responsibility. But meanwhile, vendee however still can the identity with building everybody, according to the right that be made over because of the contract and acquires, to development trade position guarantees responsibility or liability to pay compensation.


Doesn't exceed the time limit selling the home pass door how to do?


I bought secondhand room, deal with formalities of change the name of owner in a register as soon as possible with agreement selling the home at that time, vacate a room after a month, but had gone a half moon, sell the home not to make a room with a lot of reason however, how should I do excuse me?

Buy secondhand is room question much? Small tiger will help you!

Cao lawyer says, house price rises period the likelihood appears a few meetings selling the home not hesitate break a contact passes time of protracted change the name of owner in a register, do not cooperate to deal with the means intent such as formalities of change the name of owner in a register to destroy original business contract, achieve the goal of break one's promise. Encounter this kind of situation, buy the home to be able to in time sue each other, to the building at the same time application belongings is saved etc. Additional, besides a few extraordinary the origin of an incident, buy a reason such as section of not paid tail for instance, sell the home must agreement of comply with contract turns over a building in time to give buy the home, if sell an exceed the time limit to vacate a room, buy the home to be able to arrange responsibility of breach of contract of directional view selling the home according to the contract, the cost renting a house that because exceed the time limit makes a room,perhaps raises to view selling the home is compensated for.


"Contract of yin and yang " effective?


Before paragraph time, I took a fancy to secondhand room, our both sides talks very well at that time, sell the home to still suggest I avoid duty, sign with him " contract of yin and yang " , but I dare not agree. Excuse me once sign " contract of yin and yang " , if went back on his word,sell the home, is the contract between us active still?

Buy secondhand is room question much? Small tiger will help you!

Cao lawyer says, to avoid duty and conclude " contract of yin and yang " disobey administrative regulations, but do not bring about building business contract to disable necessarily, sell the home to see house price rises greatly, the position that thinks the contract is invalid accordingly does not establish. " contract law " the 56th regulation, contract part is invalid, of the effectiveness that does not affect other part, other portion is significant still. Once can decide actual contract trades the price, and be bilateral real intention, so building business contract is effective.

Buy secondhand is room question much? Small tiger will help you!
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