" return Zhugege " Zhangheng of " of princess of Ya of " a place of strategic importance conceiv

Still remember " return Zhugege " in " princess of Ya of a place of strategic importance " ? Right, it is actress Zhang Heng. From " return Zhugege " in have one's moment, arrive " terrestrial correct path is vicissitudes of life " in fame big a confusion of voices, but later Zhang Heng disappeared it seems that trace. Zhang Heng is the classfellow of Zhao osmund university, nowadays, 2 people had identical capacity again: "Hot Mom " . The beginning of the year just gave birth to the Zhang Heng of next daughter to be pregnant again now 2012, grow together as the abdomen that rises greatly with each passing day, still have explode fat figure. A few days ago, the reporter discovered Zhang Heng's form in Beijing street, zhang Heng is being held out already had 7, the big abdomen of 8 months, show a body together with husband, big daughter, family be in harmony of sweet, its Le Rong.

Differ with other female star, zhang Heng lives in illicit life respect all the time very low-key. After be delivered of a daughter, zhang Heng ever was taking a daughter to publish fashionable magazine the title page of a thread-bound book together, dan Zhangheng's husband all the time very mysterious. That day, zhang Heng wears wind of black T-shirt and red restoring ancient ways to grow skirt, pulling a hand sweetly with husband. Baby-sitter is adopting a daughter in front, young couple is happy dialog while the trends that also does not forget to looking sidelong at a daughter at any time. Zhang Heng's husband has art model very much it seems that, combing back head, as before so handsome. It is Zhang Heng within an inch of lets a reporter did not recognize, material of pregnant the back of a person explodes on chief Zhang Heng body, meat of the meat on the face is a lot of more, whole person " round circle " , " bosomy strike " . After the family has eaten a meal, in returning the home sweetly. (Zhao Yang Yang pursues / civil)

" return Zhugege " Zhangheng of " of princess of Ya of " a place of strategic importance conceives 2 embryoes to explode fat

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