40 years old of farmers marry girl of 25 years old of Africa: Love relies on gesticulation completel

On August 14, county of ferry of Henan the first month closes village of town poplar village, when the villager thanks Xiao Wei to built airport high speed to Uganda aid 2013, he and the Ya of force of African girl graceful cloth that go to work in building site together are in love, hold wedding in place.

40 years old of farmers marry girl of 25 years old of Africa: Love relies on gesticulation completely, already bore two child

40 years old of farmers marry girl of 25 years old of Africa: Love relies on gesticulation completely, already bore two child

Cross a country to love to a lot of people, it is the amour that succeeds hard. The language often became the one big wide gap of a lot of lovers that cross a country to love.

However, uncle of 40 years old of farmers married girl of 25 years old of Africa actually, love relies on gesticulation completely!

40 years old of farmers marry girl of 25 years old of Africa: Love relies on gesticulation completely, already bore two child

They return Chinese life now, gave birth to 2 children, the Henan word of modern son's wife says the thief is suitably to sneak away.

40 years old of farmers marry girl of 25 years old of Africa: Love relies on gesticulation completely, already bore two child

Current, graceful cloth Li Ya already obtained foreigner resident license, the registered permanent residence of two children already also had done, eldest son be about to go up nursery school.

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