You this goes against me, come, take to me!

You this goes against me, come, take to me! Respecting Huwei needs, presumably everybody won't unfamiliar, the hero of Ming Dynasty. Still be in in Zhu Yuanzhang when contending for tussle with each despot, he has given many good plan, this namely why he can be favorred by Zhu Yuanzhang. You this goes against me, come, take to me!

Can how dead is commonplace of this introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad alone after all? Perhaps a lot of people can say consider conspire against the state and he is given to put to death by Zhu Yuanzhang, but this also is an unilateral statement only, how dead is so true Hu Weiyong? You this goes against me, come, take to me!

Actually, rebel accusation of Hu Weiyong is the accusation of a fabricated, became in him after prime minister, once Huwei needs his home appeared actually very god-given the fountain that sees, it is this Zhu Yuanzhang that makes a way without this in ancient time nevertheless be glad of course, demur did not say, elated have with Hu Weiyong say to have laugh, this goes in for sth in a large scale. You this goes against me, come, take to me!

Need with Huwei one ibid goes watching this hundred years scene that encounters inaccessibly then, who knows this cloud to surprised to run suddenly anyway does not let Zhu Yuanzhang go, helpless finally, in this cloud strange block the way falls with persuade below, enter city gate, saw all is legionary near home of commonplace of this introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad alone! You this goes against me, come, take to me!

See this one act, zhu Yuanzhang concludes commonplace of this introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad alone is to should be turned over, give need of this introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad alone at this point caught, subsequently, thorough checked Hu Weiyong one case,

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